Posts Tagged ‘blackmailed’

IsraHELL’s bribed & Blackmailed Political prostitutes Know They Are Doing War Crimes -‘We’re next!’ US senators warn about ICC

A group led by Show me To The Kiddy Playground Lindsey Graham has urged sanctions against The Hague-based court in Self Defense Against Well Deserved Arrest warrants for war crimes, treason against America & taking delight in pissing in God’s own face!~ The Ole Dog! If the International Criminal Court is willing to go after […]

Send the Blackmailed With Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Videos Political Prostitutes To Die For IsraHELL

Mossad Jeffry’s clients are screaming American children must put on uniforms and die for IsraHELL which did 9-11. Most real Americans figure they will just sit this one out.Keep their kids and grandkids at home while the politicians fight the war they seem so determined to get started.But the pedophile politicians can take all the […]

The Ole Dog! making a List of Treasonous Blackmailed With Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Videos Rothschild’s Bit#hes, Checking It Twice, Finding Out Who’s Naughty or Nice

The Shit is going to hit the fan.World wide but the American countries (states) illegally occupied by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION is where it will probably be the roughest. Many Killer Jabbed sheep will not have to worry too much about the collapse as they are dropping like flys attracted to a bug zapper. The […]

Top Footballer Blackmailed Over Witchcraft in France, Where 40 Per Cent of Youth Now Believe in Magic

Football star Paul Pogba has allegedly been blackmailed by a group who accuse him of attempts to cast spells  — potentially a serious accusation in France, as surveys claim as many as 40 per cent of under-35s there now believe in witchcraft.

Mote Than Likely Blackmailed “judge” Pisses In The Face Of Jesus The Christ While Protecting Mossad’s Child Rape Madam

Amazing what a Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Video in the right hands can do! 19.5 years. Let the sheep’s attention wanner off as it always does, she will be turned loose in some kind of “swap” with Israel, she will return to occupied Palestine where she will be welcomed as a hero just as the […]


Australia’s Gladys Berejiklian was Bribed and Blackmailed to Impose the Mandate

    The Wuhan incident continues to be a cash cow for the corrupt political elite on both sides of the aisle, along with their handlers. The good news is that some of these shameless profiteers, including Gladys Berejiklian of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, are finally getting exposed for their crimes against humanity. Berejiklian, […]

Tyrannical Australian Leader Gladys Berejiklian Was Blackmailed by Big Pharma To Impose Vax Mandate

Disgraced Australian leader Gladys Berejiklian was blackmailed by Big Pharma to force the vaccines on residents, according to reports. Shortly before being forced to resign from her post due to corruption, Berejiklian desperately tried to save herself from threats by Big Pharma executives who threatened to charge her in a corruption probe. Berejiklian told residents […]

France ‘won’t be blackmailed’ over UK’s migrant boat pushback plan

France stressed on Thursday it will not tolerate any “financial blackmail” or flouting of international law after the UK said it planned to turn back migrant boats crossing the English Channel. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wrote on Twitter that “France will not accept any practice contrary to the law of the sea, nor any […]

Deep State Memo Reveals Rosenstein Was Blackmailed Into Hiring Mueller

Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein was blackmailed into appointing special counsel Robert Mueller because ‘Deep State’ operatives threatened to release dirt on Trump officials. According to private messages exchanged by five federal government employees on the day Mueller was appointed in May 2017, the shadow government conspired to leak negative stories and “memos” on General Michael Flynn […]

Trump Kowtows to israel again, Iran Deal scrapped. Is he being blackmailed?

Trump Kowtows to Israel again, Iran Deal scrapped Let’s be clear, this is for Israeli interest not America’s Filed under: Israel-USA Relationship, Trump, US Congress, US Foreign Policy, US Lies, USA, Wars for Israel | Source Article from

Nikki Haley is a filthy whore blackmailed and owned by jews

 nikki Haley is a filthy whore blackmailed and owned by jews Donald the kike puppet Trump’s UN ambassador Nikki Haley, otherwise known as Nimrata Randhawa, is now urging the UN Security Council to put pressure on Russia to make Moscow stop supporting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. presstv: “Many of you said we need to put pressure […]

Has Julia Gillard Blackmailed the Media to Cover-up Her Corrupt Past? The Fairfax Media and News Corp Scandal

Awakening The World … … Every Heart Makes A Difference And The Non-Compli-Dance New times now added for the Americas and Australia/New Zealand. Read more … New David Icke App Now Available Europe … Australia … New Zealand … the United States David Icke’s round-the-world tour between September and December Australia and New Zealand dates […]

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