Posts Tagged ‘gillard’

Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard to receive honorary doctorates in Israel

Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard to receive honorary doctorates in Israel Fergus Hunter Contact via Email Follow on Facebook Follow on Twitter facebook SHARE twitter TWEET email Former prime ministers Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott, whose famous clashes were some of the most hostile in Australian political history, will both be presented with honorary doctorates […]

Julia Gillard Australian Prime Minister awarded Jerusalem prize

Julia Gillard Australian Prime Minister awarded Jerusalem prize Ms Gillard recognised for staunch commitment and loyalty to Israel September 30, 2013 The Zionist Council of Victoria is delighted to announce that the recipient of the 2013 Jerusalem Prize is The Honourable Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia 2010-2013, in recognition of her outstanding contribution to […]

Gillard speaks to boy detained in Bali on drugs charges

A psychiatrist was due to submit an assessment on the teenager, who is accused of possessing marijuana, today. Along with a report from an Indonesian government welfare expert, expected in the next few days, it could be crucial in influencing what will hapen to the boy. A judge will decide whether the teen is ordered […]

Victorian Labor adds to Julia Gillard criticism

A delegate shows support for gay marriage rights at the conference. Photo: Mal Fairclough JULIA Gillard’s own branch of the Labor Party yesterday abandoned her on key social policies, calling on her government to ”get over it” and legalise gay marriage and to stop looking for alternatives to processing asylum seekers onshore. The Victorian branch […]

Gillard shrugs off Richo ‘gossip’ on Labor leadership

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, left, with Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce in Sydney yesterday attending a Qantas lecture. Picture: Noel Kessel. Source: The Daily Telegraph JULIA Gillard and some of her most senior colleagues have slapped down claims two Labor backbenchers are spearheading a backroom campaign to resurrect Kevin Rudd as leader. Former Labor powerbroker […]

‘Responsible’ Rudd backs Gillard

AAP Kevin Rudd says he’s doing the responsible thing by supporting Prime Minister Julia Gillard amid “policy challenges”. “I really enjoy being foreign minister and I think the responsible course of action for ministers of the government, particularly governments facing real policy challenges, is to support the prime minister,” he told reporters in Brisbane on […]

Abbott scores on the side as Gillard hits 50

Click to play video Return to video Video feedback Thank you. Your feedback was successfully sent. More video Recommended Click to play video Police shoot man dead outside station Click to play video Shooting in Castle Hill Click to play video I am koala, hear me roar Click to play video Cyclist struck by train […]

Stick with Julia Gillard, Bob Brown tells ALP

GREENS leader Bob Brown has urged Labor to stick with Julia Gillard as party leader to maintain the stability of the government. Despite stressing last week that his party’s agreement to support the government was with the Labor Party — not the Prime Minister — Senator Brown said yesterday he could see no sense in […]

Gillard is expecting a yappy birthday

WHATEVER they call the puppy, it won’t be Bill Shorten. Julia Gillard is getting a dog from her partner, Tim Mathieson, for her 50th birthday on Thursday. The spoodle – a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle – is still with its mother, a spokeswoman said. A name has yet to be chosen […]

Kevin Rudd’s fires kindled but Julia Gillard staying put

Kevin Rudd and Therese Rein leave the fashionable Balthazar restaurant in New York’s Soho district yesterday. Picture: Jason Nicholas Source: The Australian Julia Gillard listens during question time in parliament yesterday. Picture: Ray Strange Source: The Australian Prev  of 2 Next LABOR powerbrokers are standing by Julia Gillard despite discontent among Labor MPs about her failure […]

Prime Minister Julia Gillard pushes ahead with migration law changes

Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s push for migration law changes in Parliament is likely to end in defeat. Picture: Kym Smith Source: Herald Sun PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has rejected suggestions migration law changes are a waste of time, given that no other party will be supporting Labor legislation. Immigration Minister Chris Bowen today introduced to […]

Gillard and Abbott clash over Migration Act

Print Email Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 20/09/2011 Reporter: Tom Iggulden Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott seem intent on dividing blame for future asylum seeker arrivals as they disagree with each other over what changes to make to the Migration Act. Transcript ALI MOORE, PRESENTER: They both want it, but neither’s prepared to give an inch […]

Julia Gillard sinks to new low, latest Newspoll reveals

Julia Gillard’s primary vote has fallen to 26 per cent. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Daily Telegraph THE Gillard Government’s primary vote has slumped to a new low of 26 per cent. Today’s Newspoll published in The Australian shows more bad news for the ALP with its core support falling one point in the past […]

Julia Gillard to get spin classes after PM sends SOS to image expert

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has enlisted the help of an image consultant. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Sunday Telegraph JULIA Gillard has enlisted the help of an image consultant and media training guru to sharpen up her public performances. The Sunday Telegraph can reveal the Prime Minister has undertaken intensive coaching at Kirribilli House with […]

Julia Gillard, aka Amanda Bishop

Greg Callaghan speaks with Prime Minister Julia Gillard (Amanda Bishop) about Tim Mathieson’s charm and her record-low poll ratings. Julia Gillard, aka Amanda Bishop: “People’s waistlines are personal.” Picture: Guy Bailey Source: The Australian PRIME Minister Julia Gillard, aka Amanda Bishop, on gay marriage, living with a divorcee and her sexual tension with Tony Abbott. […]

Gillard lobbies for party reform

<!– The Prime Minister has called for the ALP to consider trailing US style primaries, and broadening its membership base to try to reinvigorate the party and its policies. She’s adopted the main recommendations of the 2010 national review, and wants the ideas debated at December’s ALP national conference. The party’s national president Jenny McAllister […]

Gillard targets factions, ALP revitalisation

As Julia Gillard calls for the ALP to re-invent itself, Malaysia says the refugee swap deal should go ahead. Julia Gillard is in Canberra. She’ll deliver a speech at an event hosted by the Chifley Research Centre at Old Parliament House from 10.30am. The event will be webcast and linked to a Twitter chat, and […]

Gillard wins backing on offshore processing

Print Email Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 13/09/2011 Reporter: Philippa McDonald The Prime Minister has won the support of the Labor Caucus for broad changes to the Migration Act to give her Government the power to set up offshore processing of asylum seekers and to revive the so-called Malaysia Solution. Transcript ALI MOORE, PRESENTER: The Prime […]

Gillard pledges support for US

Committed: In a speech tonight Julia Gillard will reaffirm Australia’s military alliance with the US. Photo: Paul Harris PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has pledged to forge even closer military ties with the United States, declaring Australians will never forget the ”dreadful day … which saddened and changed our world”. In a speech at a candlelit […]

Stop the Kiwi sledging, Gillard begs

Julia Gillard has begged the Wallabies to do her proud, if only to stem the stream of rugby-related sledging from her New Zealand counterpart. The Australian prime minister squeezed in a quick catch-up with the boys in gold during diplomatic talks in Auckland, making sure to test her ball skills and encourage them to go […]

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