Posts Tagged ‘flccc’

FLCCC Alliance Announces Launch of New Independent Medical Journal

Published On: June 5, 2024 Journal of the FLCCC Alliance to expand and advance unbiased multispecialty medical research with emphasis on alternative therapies, use of repurposed drugs, as well as medical ethics and healthcare policies Washington, D.C. (June 5, 2024) — The FLCCC Alliance today announced the launch of a new medical journal, the Journal of the FLCCC […]

FLCCC Alliance Statement on the Irregular Actions of Public Health Agencies and the Widespread Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 12, 2021 Introduction Awareness of ivermectin’s efficacy and its adoption by physicians worldwide to successfully treat COVID-19 have grown exponentially over the past several months. Oddly, however, even as the clinical trials data and successful ivermectin treatment experiences continue to mount, so too have the criticisms and outright recommendations against the use […]

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