Episode 428 – Torturing the Truth

We all know that torture is bad, but are we really aware of how much of the narrative of the past two decades was constructed on torture testimony? Do we know the CIA contractors who developed the torture program or the steps that the intelligence agencies took to cover up their illegal activities? And, when we connect the dots, are we prepared to face the parallels between the torture regime and the biosecurity regime? If you haven’t followed the twists and turns in the torture story since my 2008 podcast on the subject, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild ride.

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Documentation – Zero Dark Thirty
Time Reference: 00:00
Description: Hollywood torture porn brought to you by CIA collaborationists. 0/10, do not recommend.
Link To: IMDB
Documentation – Flashback: Torture is Bad (2008)
Time Reference: 03:08
Description: A new video version of my 2008 audio podcast on the torture program.
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – Senate report: Torture didn’t lead to bin Laden
Time Reference: 06:41
Description: Mostly an official story whitewash about the mythical courier that supposedly led them to Abbottabad where they totally killed bin Laden, guys. But it does admit that torture didn’t lead to OBL, so there’s that.
Link To: AP News
Documentation – Episode 426 – Who Controls the News Controls the World
Time Reference: 08:42
Description: Newsflash: the newsmakers control our perceptions. If you need more details, here’s a podcast on that very point.
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Time Reference: 10:37
Description: Hersh’s take on the OBL killing, sourcing to anonymous retired officials who couldn’t possibly know the details of that raid. Definitely worth taking with gigantic grains of salt, but does corroborate the fact that torture did not lead to the finding of Osama bin Bogeyman.
Link To: London Review of Books
Documentation – Why the Self-Proclaimed 9/11 Mastermind Hasn’t Seen Trial 21 Years Later
Time Reference: 13:00
Description: Spoiler: because his confession was torture-derived nonsense that would never stand up in any court, even a kangaroo court.
Link To: MSN
Documentation – We have your sons: CIA
Time Reference: 18:17
Description: Back when the MSM had no compunction about reporting on the CIA threatening people’s children in order to extract false confessions. (But don’t worry, guys, the CIA has some child psychologists on hand to make sure those kids are tortured kindly!)
Link To: The Age
Documentation – CIA ‘threatened’ 9/11 mastermind’s children
Time Reference: 19:31
Description: “American interrogators threatened to kill the children of the self-confessed September 11 mastermind, a new declassified CIA report says.”
Link To: ABC.net.au
Documentation – Self-Confessed 9/11 “Mastermind” Also Falsely Confessed to Crimes He Didn’t Commit
Time Reference: 20:30
Description: Uh oh, some problems for the official story of 9/11.
Link To: George Washington’s Blog
Documentation – Important: Huge Problem with KSM Confession
Time Reference: 21:06
Description: Link to and discussion of the KSM confession problem. Read ningen’s comment for more context and breakdown.
Link To: 9/11 Blogger
Documentation – Terrorist’s threat stirs up old fears
Time Reference: 21:33
Description: Old archived Seattle PI post about the “confession” that admits and then makes light of the glaring problem with it.
Link To: Seattle PI
Documentation – 9/11 Commission controversy
Time Reference: 23:24
Description: An archived MSNBC report on the fact that over a quarter of all of the 9/11 commission report’s footnotes derived from torture testimony and some of the terrorist’s “confessions” were signed without them even being allowed to read it.
Link To: MSNBC
Documentation – Senator: Government Used Communist Torture Techniques Aimed at Extracting FALSE Confessions
Time Reference: 27:25
Description: Did you know that all of this has been officially admitted? I bet you most of your friends, family, coworkers, neighbours and random passersby don’t!
Link To: MSNBC
Documentation – CIA destroyed tapes despite court orders
Time Reference: 29:04
Description: The CIA brazenly broke the law. Want to guess how many people were held accountable for that?
Link To: NBC News
Documentation – CIA Destroyed 92 Interrogation Tapes
Time Reference: 30:14
Description: Later update to previous story confirming how many pieces of evidence the CIA illegally destroyed.
Link To: ABC News
Documentation – CIA Hacked Senate Computers
Time Reference: 30:37
Description: The CIA brazenly broke the law again, this time hacking into the Senate’s computer system. Want to guess how many people were held accountable this time?
Link To: Newsweek
Documentation – The CIA Hacked Senate Computers, Lied About It, and No One Is Getting Fired
Time Reference: 31:07
Description: Later update to previous story confirming that no one at the CIA suffered any consequences for the agency’s brazenly illegal conduct.
Link To: Vice
Documentation – Senate Report on CIA Torture – 2014 – PDF – Download
Time Reference: 32:12
Description: Read the summary of the report online! Just don’t ask to read the other 5,700 pages.
Link To: Archive.org
Documentation – Torture Report Timeline
Time Reference: 32:39
Description: A timeline of the attempts to thwart the release of the full torture report.
Link To: Open The Government
Documentation – US Senate’s CIA Torture Report to Remain Secret for ‘National Security’
Time Reference: 33:34
Description: From “Biden Issues Executive Order to Begin Transhuman Nightmare – #NewWorldNextWeek” from September 23, 2022
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – You can’t win. Don’t even try!
Time Reference: 36:52
Description: 2021 article on the origins and purpose of the CIA torture program (and how to flip the psychology behind it on its head).
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – CIA Psychologist Threatened to Cut Throat of KSM’s Son in Quest to Stop More Attacks
Time Reference: 42:14
Description: More info about Mitchell and his actions.
Link To: Lawdragon
Documentation – CIA Contractor Details Torture of 9/11 Suspects
Time Reference: 43:38
Description: Yet more info about Mitchell and his part in the CIA torture program.
Link To: Human Rights Watch
Documentation – “Freda S.” on Insta
Time Reference: 43:38
Description: Follow her today for beauty tips (and torture techniques?)!
Link To: Instagram
Documentation – Bin Laden Expert Accused of Shaping CIA Deception on ‘Torture’ Program
Time Reference: 47:19
Description: Details Bikowsky (Scheuer’s) role in and defense of the illegal CIA torture program.
Link To: NBC News
Documentation – False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
Time Reference: 48:08
Description: If you haven’t absorbed the largest Corbett Report documentary yet, here’s your chance.
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – Exclusive: Ex-CIA analyst says she ‘got bloodied’ in tangled U.S. war on Al Qaeda
Time Reference: 49:13
Description: The Queen of Torture would like your sympathy (and some money for her beauty products).
Link To: Reuters
Documentation – The CIA’s ‘Torture Queen’ Is Now a Life Coach Hawking Beauty Products
Time Reference: 49:51
Description: More info about the career change and exploits of the Queen of Torture, Alfreda Bikowsky Scheuer.
Link To: Rolling Stone
Documentation – New World Next Year 2021
Time Reference: 50:53
Description: James Evan Pilato’s Story of the Year for 2020 drew the parallels between the torture program and the biosecurity state.
Link To: The Corbett Report

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