Russians bringing flowers to Turkiye, Syria embassies in Moscow

Turkish, Russian, Azerbaijani and Meskhetian Turk citizens lay flowers and pray in front of the Turkish Embassy in Moscow after strong earthquakes hit Southeastern Turkiye in Moscow, Russia on February 07, 2023 [Sefa Karacan/Anadolu Agency]

Russians, Tuesday, are bringing flowers to the Turkish and Syrian embassies in Moscow and lighting candles in memory of people killed in powerful earthquakes that struck Turkiye and Syria on Monday. People offer condolences and ask diplomats to convey words of support to relatives of people killed and injured in the earthquake, Anadolu News Agency reports. Responding to multiple requests of those willing to contribute to relief efforts in the aftermath of strong tremors, the Turkish Embassy in Moscow published a list of stuff including tents, heaters, warm clothes and power banks. It also issued a list of addresses of Turkish diplomatic missions in four Russian cities – Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan and Novorossiysk, where people may hand over the […] Source

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