Posts Tagged ‘Loans’

6 Lessons About Instant E Transfer Loans Canada 24 7 You Need To Learn Before You Hit 40

Borrowers should also compare the rates and fees of multiple lenders prior to you buying a pay day loan. Borrowers who are not able to repay a payday advance should contact their lender immediately to debate alternative repayment options, like a repayment plan or debt consolidation. Borrowers that are considering a payday advance should be […]

DESPERATE MOVE: Zelensky BEGS Western allies for more money, promises to pay back all loans after the war

(NaturalNews) In a recent interview with MSNBC, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a plea to his country’s Western allies for urgent financial… Source

HYPOCRITES: Florida Dem running for senator who wants her student loans forgiven OWNS A $3M MANSION

(NaturalNews) Former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell of Florida, a strong proponent of forgiving trillions of dollars worth of student debt as well as her own, owns a… Source

Biden Punishes Good-Credit Home Buyers, Forces Them To Subsidize Loans for High-Risk Borrowers

Home buyers with good credit will soon be forced to pay more for their mortgage in order to subsidize the costs associated with higher-risk borrowers, due to a Biden administration rule that is about to […] The post Biden Punishes Good-Credit Home Buyers, Forces Them To Subsidize Loans for High-Risk Borrowers appeared first on The […]

Banks Begin Calling Customers To Ask For Loans

U.S. — In a stunning development resulting from the faltering of the United States banking system, banks have now begun calling their customers and asking for loans. According to reports, thousands of desperate bankers have called up lendees to ask for a few bucks. Source

Construction Loans—What You Need to Know

Are you thinking about building a home? Unless you have the cash on hand, you will need financing. Building a home is different than purchasing a home. You take out a different type of loan. If you plan on building, it’s essential to know the difference between a new construction loan and a mortgage. Construction […]

IMF trying to bribe Egypt away from BRICS with new loans

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a more than $3 billion loan allegedly to support Egypt’s ailing economy. But many experts note that the timing of this massive bailout is suspect because of Egypt’s recent moves to join the China- and Russia-aligned BRICS economic union.In the past year, Egypt has been … […]

Greek banks given 10 days to reduce interest rates on new loans

Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras has given the banks 10 days to “immediately and bravely” increase interest rates on deposits and reduce interest rates on new loans after describing the 4.86% interest rate on new loans in October as unacceptable. Speaking to SKAI TV on Saturday, the minister said that “the average interest rate on… […]

Hypocrisy abounds as PPP loans to 1% forgiven, while Biden seeks to privatize taxpayer subsidized COVID meds…

The carnage wreaked by COVID left over a million deaths in the U.S. during the first two years. Thanks to miracle medicines, such as COVID vaccines, diagnostic tests, and antivirals, the death toll has been greatly reduced. Access to treatments and vaccines has been afforded to all, as the federal government foots the bill to […]

Recession or DEPRESSION? The number of Americans taking out loans just to buy groceries has DOUBLED this year

(Natural News) The “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) option that you often see on checkout screens when making an online purchase is more popular than ever before, thanks to the failing economy. As prices rise and hyperinflation rears its ugly head, increasingly more consumers are opting for these short-term loans when eating out at restaurants […]

Biden’s plan to write off student loans using post-9/11 national emergency law is a form of political posturing

(Natural News) The intention may be noble, but the timing of the execution reeks of something unpleasant – especially with the midterm elections coming up. This was the common reaction of Americans to President Joe Biden’s plan to write off billions of student loans. The loan forgiveness plan – estimated to cost the federal government […]

Biden’s plan to write off student loans using post-9/11 national emergency law is a form of political posturing

(Natural News) The intention may be noble, but the timing of the execution reeks of something unpleasant – especially with the midterm elections coming up. This was the common reaction of Americans to President Joe Biden’s plan to write off billions of student loans. The loan forgiveness plan – estimated to cost the federal government […]

U.S. Government Vows To Find Out Who Is Responsible For Giving Out All Of These Predatory U.S. Government Loans

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. government issued a statement vowing to find out who was responsible for giving out all of these predatory U.S. government loans that have caused so much financial harm to hard-working Americans. The U.S. government vowed to conduct a thorough investigation into how America’s colleges have worked hand-in-hand with the U.S. […]

U.S. Government Vows To Find Out Who Is Responsible For Giving Out All Of These Predatory U.S. Government Loans

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. government issued a statement vowing to find out who was responsible for giving out all of these predatory U.S. government loans that have caused so much financial harm to hard-working Americans. The U.S. government vowed to conduct a thorough investigation into how America’s colleges have worked hand-in-hand with the U.S. […]

Loans to big businesses and the other risks faced by the public sector banks

To Smt Nirmala Sitharaman Union Finance Minister Dear Smt Sitharaman, In my letter dated 26-8-2022 addressed to RBI Governor (, I had specifically referred to the risks  the public sector banks (PSBs) face from loans given to large private groups of companies, excessively dependent on over-leveraged debt, with little equity contributions of their own, aggressively expanding their activities into […]

Joe Biden could have gone a lot further on student loans

The president’s loan forgiveness plan is narrow and paltry—and his administration’s preparation to fend off outraged criticism from both sides of the aisle speaks volumes.

Biden cancels American student debt loans

According to American media, President Joe Biden has just announced that the majority of Americans with student debt will have at least $10,000 of their loan canceled. The program is available to any citizens of the United States who have federal student debt and make less than $125,000 annually. President Joe Biden posted on Twitter, […]

Fuel-Starved Sri Lanka Considers Cheap Russian Oil, More Chinese Loans

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said on Saturday that his country might increase its purchases of discounted oil from Russia, and accept more financial assistance from China, as the island nation spirals deeper into an economic crisis.

While JPMorgan Chase Was Getting Trillions of Dollars in Loans at Almost Zero Percent Interest from the Fed, It Was Charging Americans Hit by the Pandemic 17 Percent on their Credit Cards

Under just three of the emergency bailout programs offered by the Fed to Wall Street, units of the megabank JPMorgan Chase tapped over $6 trillion in cumulative (term-adjusted) loans from September 17, 2019 through the first quarter of 2020. That figure will definitely go higher as the Fed is releasing the names of the banks and the […]

Steve Kirsch Challenge: If you are in med school, I want to pay off your student loans down to zero

Steve Kirsch Challenge: If you are in med school, I want to pay off your student loans down to zero All you have to do is answer 20 questions I have about vaccine/mask safety and efficacy and convince us we got it all wrong. What could be easier than that? Steve Kirsch 4 hr ago […]

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