Posts Tagged ‘barghouti’

Palestinian Prisoners Marwan Barghouti and Zakaria Zubeidi Could Take Down The Palestinian Authority

The rule of the Palestinian Authority, headed by its President Mahmoud Abbas, has for months been on weak legs and there are two political prisoners that could potentially now deliver a knock out blow. Since the 11-day war between Gaza’s armed groups and the Israeli military in May of this year, resulting in the murder […]

Hamas Puts Marwan Barghouti on List of Prisoners to Be Freed

 June 2, 2021 Hamas included Marwan Al-Bargouthi on the list of Palestinian prisoners whom the movement calls for their release as part of prisoner swap deal with the occupation authorities, a report said on Wednesday. Russia Today quoted a Hamas official as saying that Hamas is keen to free all prisoners who have life terms. […]

Poll: Barghouti to win Palestine presidential elections

Imprisoned Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti is expected to get the largest number of votes if he runs for president, Director of the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research, Khalil Shikaki, said yesterday. Speaking about the latest survey conducted by his centre, Shikaki said that 78 per cent of eligible Palestinians are expected to vote […]

Palestinian Elections: Barghouti and Qidwa Give Abbas Ultimatum for Accepting Electoral List

March 2, 2021 Imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti. (Photo: Tamar Fleishman, The Palestine Chronicle) Senior Fatah leaders Marwan Barghouti and Nasser Al-Qidwa have given Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas until March 5 to accept their electoral list, Lebanon’s Al-Akbar reported on Monday. Barghouti has been in an Israeli prison since 2002, while Al-Qidwa is a […]

Imagining Palestine: On Barghouti, Darwish, Kanafani and the Language of Exile

February 24, 2021 An archive photo of Mourid Barghouti with his late wife Radwa Ashour. (Via: Mourid Barghouti’s Twitter account) By Ramzy Baroud For Palestinians, exile is not simply the physical act of being removed from their homes and their inability to return. It is not a casual topic pertaining to politics and international law, either. […]

Imagining Palestine: Barghouti, Darwish, Kanafani and the language of exile

For Palestinians, exile is not simply the physical act of being removed from their homes and their inability to return. It is not a casual topic pertaining to politics and international law, either. Nor is it an ethereal notion, a sentiment, a poetic verse. It is all of this, combined. Palestinian poet Mourid Barghouti died […]

Senior PA official visits jailed Palestinian leader Barghouti with elections planned

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Israel blocks Omar Barghouti from travel for mom’s surgery

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 4 January 2018 Omar Barghouti with his mother Wafieh Barghouti. Israel is preventing Omar Barghouti from traveling to Jordan to be with his mother for cancer surgery. Barghouti believes that he is being punished for his leadership role in the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights, “given […]

Israel prevents Omar Barghouti from accompanying his mother to Jordan for critical surgery

This is to share with you that ​Israel has effectively banned me from traveling to Amman, Jordan to accompany my mother during her upcoming critical surgery. My mother, Wafieh Barghouti, is 75 years old. She was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, and has been fighting it every since with bravery, dignity, and lots […]

An unconventional marriage: the Marwan and Fadwa Barghouti story

Other news The love story of Fadwa and Marwan BarghoutiRAMALLAH, Occupied West Bank (Al Jazeera) 28 Oct by Jaclynn Ashly — …Together in struggle — Fadwa and Marwan grew up together in the village of Kobar, outside of Ramallah city. Fadwa’s family was one of few in the village where their daughter continued her education […]

Marwan Barghouti’s wife is reportedly barred from visiting him in prison for two years

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Fadwa Barghouthi reportedly banned from visiting her husband until 2019Samidoun [Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network] 4 Sept — Palestinian lawyer Fadwa Barghouthi, the wife of prominent imprisoned Palestinian leader and Fateh central committee member Marwan Barghouthi, said on Monday, 4 September that she had been banned from visiting […]

In first statement since end of hunger strike, Marwan Barghouti celebrates ‘the victory of the strike of freedom and dignity’

Palestinian hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti released his first statement today since an announcement that the 42-day strike was suspended on Sunday, bringing to a close the longest joint protests organized by Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s history. Barghouti said the strike could resume after the close of the Ramadan holiday if planned negotiations with Israel’s prison service are […]

Dershowitz defames Gertrude Stein, Daniel Berrigan and Omar Barghouti

This site has already reported on many of Alan Dershowitz’s arguments about Jewish power and entitlement to use that power, delivered to a large, enthusiastic audience at a Scarsdale synagogue on Tuesday night.  Dershowitz also peppered his remarks with indefensible smears of numerous figures as anti-Semites for their criticism of Israel. Keep in mind that […]

‘Pizza Hut’ and Israeli army radio join in grotesque attacks on Marwan Barghouti

Israel has plunged into unfathomable depths of cynicism and callousness, in its mockery-campaign targeting hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti for supposedly eating a cookie and a wafer in his prison cell toilet cubicle.  This campaign of incitement has been orchestrated by Minister of Internal Security, Strategic Affairs and Hasbara (propaganda), Gilad Erdan. But Erdan is not alone. The campaign […]

Israel’s proof that Marwan Barghouti is a terrorist – a cookie

There seems to be no bottom to the abyss Israel is willing to sink to in its desperation to save its public image against the current Palestinian hunger strike. Yesterday, the Israeli Prison Services released footage which is allegedly from the 27th of April and 5th of May, supposedly showing hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti […]

‘I’d rather die than live as a servile slave,’ Omar Barghouti told his daughter

Last week in spite of lashing rains, more than 200 people crowded the offices of Verso Books to hear Omar Barghouti, a leader of the boycott movement, in discussion with Nyle Fort, an activist and religion scholar. The event is up on Facebook. I got the impression I always get from Barghouti, this is a person […]

Video: BDS challenges Israel and "partners in crime," says Omar Barghouti

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 25 April 2017 On Sunday, Omar Barghouti was presented with the Gandhi Peace Award at a ceremony in New Haven, Connecticut. He was recognized for his role as a human rights defender and co-founder of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality. Barghouti […]

Barghouti: BDS is growing as Israel becomes associated with far-right movements around the world

After overcoming multiple legal and administrative hurdles, including an Israeli-imposed travel ban, Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, appeared on a panel at Columbia University last night entitled “The Road to Freedom: The BDS Movement for Palestinian Rights and the Struggle Against Apartheid.” The event was organized by Columbia University […]

Barghouti’s Health deteriorates on 8th Day of Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike

April 25, 2017 Imprisoned Palestinian parliamentarian and Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, who has been leading a large-scale hunger strike in Zionist prisons, suffered from a serious deterioration of his health on Monday after forgoing food for eight days. Palestinian Committee of Prisoners’ Affairs chairman Issa Qaraqe said that Barghouti was suffering from a severe drop […]

Making Marwan Barghouti a terrorist

Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti’s op-ed posted Sunday in the New York Times titled ‘Why We Are on Hunger Strike in Israel’s Prisons’ was the inauguration of a massive hunger strike by more than a thousand Palestinian detainees against their treatment by Israel. The article appeared only on the international edition, but still, it was something. The […]

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