Posts Tagged ‘humor’

‘People Didn’t Get the Humor’: Phil Jackson Walks Back Claims that NBA Has Become ‘Too Political’

NBA Hall of Fame head coach Phil Jackson is trying to carefully walk back his recent claim that the NBA has gotten too political. Source Views: 0

Fart Battles of the He-gassen Handscrolls Brought Toilet Humor to Life

Japanese art is full of surprises, including rowdy depictions of phallic contests, intercourse tournaments, and the unforgettable he-gassen fart battles. Bawdy, boisterous and downright delightful, the he-gassen scrolls first came to Western attention in 2012 when the Daily Mail published an article linking them with Edo-era xenophobia. But, is there any truth to rumors linking […]

Podcast: Too soon? Israeli scholar explains why Holocaust humor is here to stay

Welcome to Times Will Tell, the weekly podcast from The Times of Israel. This week, in honor of Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, we’re speaking with Dr. Liat Steir-Livny, who is a senior lecturer in Holocaust, film and culture studies at Sapir Academic College and the Open University. Steir-Livny, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, […]

CORONAhoax Humor

Two homeless blokes were having a chat one night.And one chap says to the other: “I wonder why theCoronavirus hasn’t had any effect on us?” To which the other chap replies, “It is because wedon’t have a television.” Views: 0

Giving the Screwy Gender Change Mafia a Bit of Sanity & Humor

Maybe they should watch some “Monty Python?” From their “Life of Brian” movie from over 40 years ago. Back then, when men wore dressed up like a woman, they were known as Transvestites and one usually had to go to NYC or San Francisco or NOLA to watch that freak show. Not anymore, they’re all […]

It Is 5600 BC All Over Again, And the World Is Upside Down

The Brits have wisely decided to abandon the sinking EU ship to the third world. Great Britain has reawakened to the fact that it is an island adrift from the Continent. It’s isolation is its strength. We Americans should learn from the fact that the waters of the ocean safeguard US, and we must cease […]

Brexit may well torpedo the remarkably sweet deal the UK has struck with the EU

The EU isn’t snookering Britain. Britain is hoodwinking the EU. On Thursday, the citizens of the United Kingdom will decide whether to sever ties with the European Union. It’s a tangled drama unfolding on the world stage, touching upon populism, national identity, xenophobia, and the relationship between everyday working people and the elites running the […]

UW-Madison graduate student union endorses BDS

The following press release was sent out by the UW-Madison Union of Graduate Student Workers: Members of the Teaching Assistants’ Association at the University of Wisconsin-Madison vote overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to divest from the State of Israel and corporations that profit from the illegal occupation of Palestine. During a two-week vote distributed to […]

Wide-ranging interfaith coalition backs ‘Freedom of Religion’ bill to stop Trump ban on Muslims

The Freedom of Religion Act introduced Wednesday in the House of Representatives tries to stop Donald Trump’s “temporary’” ban on Muslims entering the country. And this is before he even becomes president, which polls show is a real possibility, at least in a match up against Secretary Hillary Clinton. Incredible. The FOR Act expands the […]

Wide-ranging interfaith coalition backs ‘Freedom of Religion’ bill to stop Trump ban on Muslims

The Freedom of Religion Act introduced Wednesday in the House of Representatives tries to stop Donald Trump’s “temporary’” ban on Muslims entering the country. And this is before he even becomes president, which polls show is a real possibility, at least in a match up against Secretary Hillary Clinton. Incredible. The FOR Act expands the […]

Wide-ranging interfaith coalition backs ‘Freedom of Religion’ bill to stop Trump ban on Muslims

The Freedom of Religion Act introduced Wednesday in the House of Representatives tries to stop Donald Trump’s “temporary’” ban on Muslims entering the country. And this is before he even becomes president, which polls show is a real possibility, at least in a match up against Secretary Hillary Clinton. Incredible. The FOR Act expands the […]

Wide-ranging interfaith coalition backs ‘Freedom of Religion’ bill to stop Trump ban on Muslims

The Freedom of Religion Act introduced Wednesday in the House of Representatives tries to stop Donald Trump’s “temporary’” ban on Muslims entering the country. And this is before he even becomes president, which polls show is a real possibility, at least in a match up against Secretary Hillary Clinton. Incredible. The FOR Act expands the […]

Obama, Cameron agree Syrian political settlement must involve Iran, Russia

UK Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama agreed that the settlement of the Syrian crisis must involve Russia and Iran, Downing street said in a Sunday statement. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The two leaders held a telephone conversation on a range of issues on Friday, the statement said. “The Prime Minister and the […]

The Latest Update On The War Between Russia and The U.S

In this video Luke Rudkowski gives you the latest news on the emerging global conflict between Turkey, U.S, NATO and Russia, China. Luke goes through several recent headlines that prove alternative media has been correct all along on ISIS and Syria. Source Article from Views: 0

School Freaks Out, Forces 13-yo Native American Girl to Remove Sacred Medicine Pouch

 On October a 13-year-old Native American student named Rosella “Rose” Kaquatosh was removed from class and had a sacred medicine pouch confiscated by school administrators. Kaquatosh was reportedly in the school lunch line when a kitchen employee noticed her wearing the medicine pouch outside of her clothing like a necklace. The traditional Menominee medicine pouch […]

‘Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals

Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoWaking Times A shocking new report defies the chronically underestimated impacts of the Fukushima’s triple meltdown on the risk of cancer in exposed populations, which does not just include Japan, but arguably the entire world.  A new report from Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE), “Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan,” reveals that […]

MSF and US DoD issue Conflicting Reports about Kunduz Hospital Attack

nsnbc : Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and the U.S.’ Department of Defense issued conflicting reports about the U.S.’ air raid against a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan on October 3. Photo courtesy of MSF. Doctors Without Borders, a.k.a. Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF) released an internal review of the October 3 airstrikes by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. MSF […]