Posts Tagged ‘condemnation’

Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president’s portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents. Source

UC Berkeley students and faculty reject university condemnation of protest of anti-Palestinian speaker

The UC Berkeley chapters of Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine, and Faculty and Staff for Justice In Palestine respond to the university’s condemnation of a protest of an event featuring Israeli genocide apologist Ran Bar-Yoshafat. Source

The real reason ‘from the river to the sea’ has garnered so much condemnation

George Orwell once said: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” By most measures, Palestinians are considered a small minority in the Arab world, and so infinitely smaller worldwide. Therefore, it is quite mind-bending to see millions around the world turning out on a regular basis to express solidarity with […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 147: No ceasefire in sight despite international condemnation of Israel’s ‘flour massacre’

U.S. blocks a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel for its massacre against Palestinians attempting to receive humanitarian aid in Gaza, saying that the incident “still needs to be investigated.” Source

Oct 19 – World Condemnation Forces Bloodthirsty Netanyahu to Pause

Israel’s National Security Minister Ben Gvir (left) responds to calls for humanitarian aid to Gaza civilians: “The only thing that needs to be brought into Gaza is hundreds of tons of air force explosives, not a single gram of humanitarian aid.” Please send links and comments to [email protected]  The WEF-controlled West realizes that migrants rioting if […]

RFK Jr. remarks on Anne Frank, vaccines draw condemnation

During a Sunday rally in Washington organized by his anti-vaccine nonprofit group Children’s Health Defense, Kennedy complained that people’s rights were being violated by public health measures that had been taken to reduce the number of people sickened and killed by Covid-19. He said the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, was orchestrating “fascism.” […]

Russia and Israel – a double-standard in international condemnation

Over the past month, in a break from its usual focus on COVID-19, the Western mainstream media has dedicated a sizeable amount of coverage to unverified claims by unnamed US intelligence officials that the Russian Federation is planning an imminent military invasion of its western neighbour Ukraine – under the rule of the successive US-EU […]

[Einstein The Earth Mover] The Michelson Morley Experiments “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”

Word from our team: In our search for the truth we came across this. It has troubled us deeply and we are still pondering the question. Is everything we have learned really a lie to the extent that the science surrounding the earth is also flawed? 35 min video:—Einstein-The-Earth-Mover:0 Albert Einstein[Einstein The Earth Mover] […]

CAAP continues condemnation of Israel aggression

The Caribbean Against Apartheid in Palestine (CAAP) on Saturday continued its condemnation of Israel’s occupation of Palestine and aggression against its people. The organisation staged its protest action outside the United States (US) Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados. Secretary of CAAP Lalu Hanuman, who led the protest outside the Embassy, told the media that the venue […]

International condemnation of Israel grows over Jerusalem violence, evictions

Israel faced growing international condemnation Sunday over the ongoing violence in Jerusalem, amid repeated clashes between police and Palestinian worshipers in Jerusalem’s Old City, as well as over the expected eviction of Palestinian families in the city’s east In recent days, dozens of Palestinians have been wounded in clashes near the Al-Aqsa mosque on the […]

UAE, Bahrain pan Israel’s ‘storming’ of Al-Aqsa, amid international condemnation

The international community, including Israel’s Arab allies, condemned the Jewish state Saturday for the violence in Jerusalem a day earlier that saw 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded, as well as for pending evictions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. The United Arab Emirates, which normalized relations with Israel last year […]

JNF plans to expand into West Bank settlements draws widespread condemnation

The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is moving forward with a new policy allowing the organization to purchase privately-owned Palestinian land deep in the occupied West Bank.  The executive board of the organization, which works to promote Jewish control of land in historic Palestine, voted 6-5 on Sunday to start officially purchasing land in the West […]

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Joins Chorus of Condemnation of Capitol Attack

Republican Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem has joined other GOP members who are condemning the protests at the Capitol on Wednesday that led to one woman being shot and dying. “We are all entitled to peacefully protest,” Noem tweeted on Wednesday afternoon. “Violence is not a part of that. What’s happening in the Capitol […]

‘This is our Europe:’ Defiant Macron leads condemnation of Vienna terror attack

A defiant French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday led international condemnation of the terror attack in Austria, saying that Europe will not give in to extremists. “We French share the shock and sorrow of the Austrian people following the attack in Vienna,” Macron tweeted in both French and German after an attack by multiple gunmen […]

US House Entertains Condemnation of QAnon for Disseminating Truth

© Reuters / Leah Millis A bipartisan pair of congressmen has introduced a resolution condemning the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, denouncing the psy-op as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.” QAnon fans took this as encouragement. The resolution “condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes” was introduced on Tuesday by New Jersey Democrat […]

US House Entertains Condemnation of QAnon for Disseminating Truth

© Reuters / Leah Millis A bipartisan pair of congressmen has introduced a resolution condemning the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, denouncing the psy-op as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.” QAnon fans took this as encouragement. The resolution “condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes” was introduced on Tuesday by New Jersey Democrat […]

US House Entertains Condemnation of QAnon for Disseminating Truth

© Reuters / Leah Millis A bipartisan pair of congressmen has introduced a resolution condemning the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, denouncing the psy-op as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.” QAnon fans took this as encouragement. The resolution “condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes” was introduced on Tuesday by New Jersey Democrat […]

US House Entertains Condemnation of QAnon for Disseminating Truth

© Reuters / Leah Millis A bipartisan pair of congressmen has introduced a resolution condemning the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, denouncing the psy-op as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.” QAnon fans took this as encouragement. The resolution “condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes” was introduced on Tuesday by New Jersey Democrat […]

US House Entertains Condemnation of QAnon for Disseminating Truth

© Reuters / Leah Millis A bipartisan pair of congressmen has introduced a resolution condemning the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, denouncing the psy-op as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.” QAnon fans took this as encouragement. The resolution “condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes” was introduced on Tuesday by New Jersey Democrat […]

US House Entertains Condemnation of QAnon for Disseminating Truth

© Reuters / Leah Millis A bipartisan pair of congressmen has introduced a resolution condemning the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, denouncing the psy-op as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.” QAnon fans took this as encouragement. The resolution “condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes” was introduced on Tuesday by New Jersey Democrat […]

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