Posts Tagged ‘inhuman’

Inhuman Outrage by Jews Against Palestinians

Synagogue of Satan Max Igan video: Is this the real reason for the extermination of Gaza? Even Jews are protesting against the carnage!   Please donate to EFR via ANP POB 3192 Harrison AR 72601 Thank you and Yahweh bless,   Pastor Eli James The post Inhuman Outrage by Jews Against Palestinians appeared first […]

Julian Rose – Transhuman is Inhuman

Here are some of the stations along the Great Reset route to the “Transhuman.” “The only way to recognise just how diabolical the trap that has been set for us – and that we have set for ourselves – is to get a grip on our sense of deeper purpose in this life. To make […]

Syrian Tragedy and US inhuman sanctions

Unfortunately, the death toll from the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Turkey and northwest Syria continues to rise. According to the latest figures, the number of those killed in both regions has reached a staggering 36,000, more than 100,000 inhabitants were injured. An unknown number of victims are still under the rubble. The evacuation will take time […]


hough Israel’s past wars on Gaza have often been justified by Tel Aviv as a response to Palestinian rockets or, generally, as acts of self-defense, the truth is different. Historically, Israel’s relationship with Gaza has been defined by Tel Aviv’s need to create distractions from its own fractious politics, to flex its muscles against its […]

America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent

August 14, 2020 by Ilana Mercer, published with the authorization of the author Racism is a lot of things. One thing it is not: A white child, aged five,  executed by a black man with a shot to the head, as the tyke rode his bike. Ask the cultural cognoscenti. They’ll tell you: That’s never racism. Otherwise, almost […]

Congressman says US detention of Palestinian activist is "inhuman act"

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 18 January 2018 Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, left, congratulates Amer Othman Adi in early January after Adi’s deportation was postponed. The joy was shortlived as Adi was detained by US immigration authorities on 16 January, a setback Ryan called an “outrageous, inhuman act.” (via Facebook) Activists are calling for urgent […]

Iran offers olive branch to Saudi Arabia… with conditions: Stop inhuman bombardment of Yemen and end friendship with Israel

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Prof Blasts ‘Inhuman’ White People, Endorses Idea EMT’s Should’ve Let Scalise Die

Commentary — This is exactly the kind of diversity of thinking that affirmative action brings to academia. Please notice that Professor Williams got his Ph.D. from Brandeis University, a Jewish-majority univeristy.   Prof Blasts ‘Inhuman’ White People, Endorses Idea EMT’s Should’ve Let Scalise Die A Hartford, Conn. sociology professor labeled white people “inhuman a**holes” and […]

Welsh Council Cracks Down On Pooing In Public

Wrexham Museum Wrexham council in Wales has introduced a tough new regime on pooing in public. For the first time in the UK anyone caught doing a number-two in a public place could face a penalty of up to £1,000.  The Mirror reports: The poo prohibition is part of a wider effort to stamp out […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

Race to Raqqa: A battle the Syrian Army must win

     The race to Raqqa is on. Syria and its allies are competing with the U.S. and its allies to snatch east Syria from the Islamic State. Raqqa in eastern Syria is held by the Islamic State as are the other cities along the Euphrates towards Iraq. To defeat the Islamic State in Raqqa, Deir […]

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