Posts Tagged ‘isaac’

Isaac Kappy to Jim Carrey: “If you ate kids – you’re gonna die, but I can help you save your soul.”

by @TheRubberDuck79 During a livestream, #IsaacKappy talked about a phone call he got from a panicked #JimCarrey. He addresses Jim and the others in #Hollywood who have practiced rituals involving drinking and harvesting #adrenochrome and #cannibalism which was a big thing in those circles then – by saying, “if you ate kids – you’re gonna […]

Like his father before him, Isaac Herzog will spin fictions of Israeli ‘democracy.’ The world no longer believes him.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog will speak to Congress on Wednesday and repeat the same fictions his father, Chaim, uttered before Congress in 1987. But the story his father told will not work again this time. Source

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is no less a criminal than Netanyahu

Slated to appear before Congress on Wednesday, Isaac Herzog might look like Israel’s moderate face, but he is no different than Benjamin Netanyahu when it comes to supporting Israeli apartheid. Source

RH – Christmas Folllies, Plus Sons of Isaac

The post RH – Christmas Folllies, Plus Sons of Isaac appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

On this day in 1996, Tasos Isaac was brutally murdered by Turks in Cyprus

On this day in 1996, Tasos Isaac was brutally murdered by Turks in Cyprus On August 11, 1996, a Berlin-to-Cyprus peace ride by motorcyclists from around Europe ended at the Greek Cypriot village of Deryneia. Among the riders that day was Tasos Isaac from Protaras. The village adjoins the Green Line that divides Turkish-occupied northern… […]

Isaac Kappy’s Last Confession Before He Died (“Dead Man’s Switch”) Never Put Greed First; Put Your Belief in Jesus Christ & What He Taught You First.’s-Last-Confession-Before-His-Death/8c8a826d7c4462c7617619c430a525f7bbcecbda/4879e6 Comment: When he says he screwed over America he is talking of betraying us for personal gain. This is what ALL Hollywood Celebrities are REQUIRED to do to be celebrities. Source

Isaac Newton, Alchemy and His Toad Vomit Plague Cure

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most influential scientists in world history. He is best-known for his three laws of motion, and his law of universal gravitation. Additionally, he made contributions to the fields of optics and mathematics. Less well-known, perhaps, is Newton’s curiosity and interest in alchemy. It seems that one of the […]

‘White Saviour’ Isaac Newton Benefited from ‘Colonial-Era Activity’, Claims University: Report

The grandfather of modern physics, Sir Isaac Newton, has become the latest target of the woke mob in the push to “decolonise the curriculum”, as Sheffield University is reportedly set to contextualise lessons on Newton with claims about him benefiting from “colonial-era activity”. Students at the university in the north of England will reportedly have […]

GTR – Gen. 18-24: The Story of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah

EURO FOLK RADIO GTR – Gen. 18-24: The Story of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share

Isaac Kappy Made the Judas Deal That ALL Celebrities Make; He Admits It-They Don’t

[embedded content] [embedded content] Isaac Kappy’s Deadman Switch : Like a giant storm, the wake of Epstein Island and the sexual capades that occured there are coming to a head. Isaac Kappy outed Epstein along with several other celebrities such as Seth Green, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks; claiming they were pedophiles. Just a short […]

Lin Wood & Isaac Kappy Expose Elite Sexual Abuse of Young Children Who Come Up “Missing” & Media Censorship [Run By the Criminals]

[embedded content] [ THE ISAAC KAPPY MIND MAP ] MIND MAP by Travis| Posted on May 15, 2019 How the heck do you “force yourself off a bridge”? I suppose once that happens you may become “roadkill” for an unsuspecting motorist who did not see a human figure lying in the Interstate? All these celebrity “suicides” have some pretty remarkable […]

Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Unpublished 17th-century AD alchemical documents reveal Sir Isaac Newton’s private Egyptian pyramid studies, in his quest to calculate a date for the End of Days. In July 1936 AD, a metal chest surfaced at Sotheby’s auction house in London filled with Isaac Newton’s unpublished, private, hand-written papers and lab books. After economist John Maynard Keynes […]

Oscar Isaac in talks to play Jewish superhero in Marvel/Disney+ ‘Moon Knight’ TV series

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Tom Hanks Accused of Buying 13 Year Old Girl From Her Father and Raped Her — Actor Isaac Kappy Recently Called Him A Pedophile

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft has come forward and announced that she was subjected to CIA brainwashing techniques and child sex trafficked to Hollywood at age 13 years and raped by Hollywood star Tom Hanks. “This is me at 13, the age I was when Tom hanks purchased me from my father for sex as a dissociated […]

Sir Isaac Newton Predicted When The End Of The World Will Come And We Don’t Have Long Left

SIR Isaac Newton predicted when the end of the world will occur, and has been revealed in notes he wrote at the time of explaining the laws of gravity. The godfather of physics wrote, in his findings from 1704, the world is set to end on 2060 – exactly 1,260 years after the foundation of […]

Isaac Herzog: Netanyahu and I Visited Arab Leaders

Local Editor 03-07-2017 | 15:29 ‘Israeli’ opposition leader Isaac Herzog confirmed that he, along with Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited leaders in the Arab world, saying: “I met with leaders that have never been seen by ‘Israeli’ eyes. The political process I was in charge of was huge, and it gives hope of building […]

Update on MaxResistance & The Resistance Round Table

This is an update for anyone wondering what’s going on with and “The Resistance Round Table” show. During a few of our past shows I (UpNorthOfThe49th) mentioned I had a conflict of schedules with my volunteer work and the timing of “The Resistance Round Table” show. I also mentioned my father suffered a severe accident. […]

Here’s How Weighted Blankets Are Helping People With Anxiety

Stress, anxiety, and insomnia affect millions of people worldwide, and to alleviate the symptoms, there are a variety of routes one can take, including the ever-popular pharmaceutical pills. But as our world continues to break through the madness of synthetic options and expose each other to holistic options derived from both ancient teachings as well as present-day […]

NYPD Caught On Camera Putting Man In Body Bag Whilst He Is Alive

NYPD cops in Manhattan were caught on camera zipping up an unarmed handcuffed man in a body bag, to the shock and horror of passers by.  Five police officers bound the man by his wrists and ankles and then proceeded to completely wrap him up in a body bag, before driving him away. Authorities are […]

Antipodean Update

Around this time last year I wrote three articles about the situation in Australia regarding Israel and Palestine. Given recent events, I think it useful to update what has been happening more recently ‘Down Under.’ Last year Israeli academic, Dr Marcelo Svirsky, led a protest walk from Sydney to Canberra. The walk was designed to […]

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