Posts Tagged ‘fairy’

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk

Public health has come into its own over the past few years; a once-backwater profession now promoted to be the arbiters of liberty and human relationships. Outbreaks of diseases associated with death at an average age of about 80, or even purely hypothetical, are now sufficient reason to close workplaces, close schools, upend economies and […]

Polish President: The EU’s “Calls For European Solidarity On Migration Are Fairy Tales”

Polish President: The EU’s “Calls For European Solidarity On Migration Are Fairy Tales” Authored by Grzegorz Adamczyk via Remix News, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that he is counting on any Polish government that emerges after the election on Oct. 15 to respect the interests of the country, meaning “it would concentrate on the causes […]

Fairy Tales and Children’s Stories – #SolutionsWatch

In this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Frode Burdal Klevstul about his new self-published book, Bill Goats and the Forest. We discuss the power of narrative in helping children (and adults) to understand world events in their proper context and we talk about the process of conceptualizing, writing and self-publishing a book. The post […]

Judge Refuses To Extend Court Injunction At Fairy Creek

Above Photo: Police enforcement of the BC Supreme Court injunction order in the Fairy Creek Watershed area on July 13, 2021 in the area of Reid Mainline Road. BC RCMP. Just hours before the ruling, Premier John Horgan rejected the idea of negotiating with protesters. A B.C. Supreme Court judge has refused to extend an […]

Fairy Creek Got An Old-Growth Deferral

Above photo: Old-growth cedars piled up in Bigmouth and Argonaut Creek areas in the traditional territories of the Secwépemc (Splatsin), Ktunaxa, Sinixt and Syilx First Nations. Eddie Petryshen. Some First Nations Call For More. Putting A Stop To At-Risk Old-Growth Logging Is Just The First Step, Say Leaders. The Real Issue Is Jurisdiction. Splatsin First […]

Police Raid The Hub For Fairy Creek Blockaders

Above photo: A forest defender sits in tripod during police enforcement at Fairy Creek headquarters in Pacheedaht Territories near Port Renfrew. focus.wandering. As activists in Victoria celebrated the anniversary of the blockade, RCMP officers worked to dismantle it. In a major advancement of police activity in the old growth blockades around Fairy Creek on Southern Vancouver […]

Tide Pools, Seascapes, and a Fairy-Tale Grove

If you long to escape your surroundings, enter another world, and observe strange little creatures, the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in San Mateo County, California, can’t be beat. Recently, I proposed an early morning day trip to the tide pools, and to my joy, my teenagers consented to go along. You have to go when the […]

Threats And Fear As Loggers Clash With Blockaders At Fairy Creek

By Ora Cogan and Angelo Scaia, Ricochet. July 4, 2021 Above Photo: Ora Cogan. Midnight raids, aggressive loggers and the threat of police violence leave land defenders and allies afraid. Over 320 arrests have been made at the Fairy Creek blockades since police began removing forest defenders in mid-May. As enforcement of an injunction obtained […]

Old Growth Protected In Fairy Creek

Above Photo: By TJ Watt. But blockade continues. Three First Nations say they’re taking control of the forests and will decide which trees are logged and who benefits. Three First Nations on southern Vancouver Island released a statement today saying they are taking back decision-making responsibilities for their traditional territories. They have also formally given […]

Echoes Of B.C.’s War In The Woods As Fairy Creek Blockade Builds

Above photo: Members of the Rainforest Flying Squad prevent loggers from crossing a bridge to access a cut block in the Caycuse watershed on Vancouver Island, B.C. In recent weeks a blockade has attracted hundreds of old-growth forest advocates who do not want logging to go ahead in the Fairy Creek region. Jesse Winter / […]

‘Bradford Tooth Fairy’ Solves Mystery of Medieval Priest Teeth

The ‘Bradford Tooth Fairy,’ a dentist turned forensic archaeologist, created a new method to discover details of ancient diets, just by looking at people’s teeth. She’s now applied her innovative technique to discover the secrets held within a collection of 800-year-old bones and teeth, providing a ‘startling history’ on the lives of Medieval priests. The […]

A Bisl Torah — Elijah and the Tooth Fairy

Never leave your phone out. Obviously, this could be the beginning of many dilemmas, but mine isn’t what you might expect. The kids saw an open application, otherwise known as the Tooth Fairy App. It’s a great gadget. You take a picture of your sleeping child and superimpose a realistic sticker of the tooth fairy. […]

Natalie Portman Has ‘Rewritten’ Classic Fairy Tales To Make Them “Gender-Neutral”

American actress Natalie Portman has rewritten several classic fairy tales to make them “gender-neutral” so “children can “defy gender stereotypes” Portman’s gender-corrected book of fairytales entitled, Natalie Portman’s Fables includes old favorites like The Tortoise and the Hare, Country Mouse and City Mouse and The Three Little Pigs You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing […]

The Cinder-Tree: Origins Of The World’s Most Famous Fairy Tale Cinderella

The Cinderella tale common in most households is one of the most pervasive narratives in human culture and across global geography. Types of this story exist as far back as 2000 BC in the Sumerian Inanna texts . Classic Greek historians, such as Sappho and Herodotus, recount historical legends with all the elements of the […]

Adjuvants: The BBC’s Fairy Dust Future

‘This Side of Life’ Intro by Joyce Bowen I know first hand the devastation wrought by these things. My oldest received three sets of oral Polio and the DPT by the age of 4 months and three days. I rue the day I placed my trust in that pediatrician. Adjuvants: The BBC’s Fairy Dust Future […]

The Fairy Tale Village of Alberobello and its Picturesque Trulli Houses

Alberobello, literally translated as ‘Beautiful Tree,’ is a small town with one-of-a-kind historic buildings called trulli. The iconic houses in the town have led to it being dubbed a ‘fairy tale village’. It is also thanks to the photogenic trulli houses that Alberobello was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. Alberobello is […]

Fairy Creek Blockade Expands To Protect Rare Old-Growth Forest

Above photo: Old-growth forest in the Fairy Creek Valley. Two weeks into a campaign to halt logging of ancient rainforests in the last intact watershed of the San Juan River system, activists have set up a third blockade on unceded Pacheedaht Territory. In the midst of an ongoing climate emergency, logging of the ancient rainforests continues […]

Paintings of European Myths, Legends, Fables, Fairy Stories and Folk Tales

This video compilation from Faces of Ancient Europe features many beautiful paintings that have been seemingly lost to our modern world, which give us a glimpse into the beautiful mind and spirit of the European. There are some real gems in here. Source Article from

The "Russian Influence" Story Falls Apart – A New Fairy Tale Is Needed

  The Obama White House and some Democratic officials pressed Facebook to find evidence for alleged “Russian interference” in the U.S. election. When Facebook found none, the pressure increased. Facebook went back, again found nothing and political pressure increase further. Congress threatened to investigate. Senator Warner flew to California and demanded the “right” results. Eventually […]

Fairy Paintings and Illustrations

Fairies occupy a unique cultural landscape in the European mind, portrayed countless ways and in countless forms. Source Article from

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