Posts Tagged ‘missed’

13 World News Stories You Might Have Missed This Year

Catch up on some important international stories you may have missed in 2023 in our end-of-year roundup. Source

Exciting News: Media Blackout (Top 10 Missed Headlines) Is Turning into a Full-Fledged Show!

Meet your host, top independent journalist Maria Zeee. This milestone would not have been possible without your staunch support and the @VigilantNews team. Episode 1 airs this Sunday (12/10/23) at 6 p.m. Eastern time. Subscribe so you don’t miss it. I hope you all like the show. Thanks again for your support! Source

CNBC: Biden Missed Chance to Refill SPR at Lower Rates After Draining It for Political Reasons

On Friday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” co-hosts Becky Quick and Joe Kernen reacted to news that the Biden administration wants to try to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) at a price of $79 a barrel or less by noting Source

Trudeau’s Plane Was ‘Full Of Cocaine’, Missed G20 President’s Dinner Because ‘He Was High’

Trudeau’s Plane Was ‘Full Of Cocaine’, Missed G20 President’s Dinner Because ‘He Was High’: Ex-Diplomat Deepak Vohra’s Shocking Allegations – Free Press Journal During Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s visit to India for the G20 summit this month, his plane was “full of cocaine”. Additionally, the Canadian prime minister “did not come out of his room […]

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Devon Archer to Hunter Biden: “Why Did Your Dad’s Administration Appointees Arrest Me and Put Me in Jail?” – Hunter Responds

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Devon Archer to Hunter Biden: “Why Did Your Dad’s Administration Appointees Arrest Me and Put Me in Jail?” – Hunter Responds Source

Not just about retiring at 64: What you may have missed in the French pension reform

The proposed reform to the retirement age and the benefits that come with stopping work prompted an outcry across France. But why is it proving so controversial? Here’s what we think you should know about it. It’s not just about retiring at 64 In France today, everyone can retire at 62. With this reform, as […]

If You Missed: The Collapse of the Soviet Union, Come to the UK 4-The Remake

Few nowadays remember how the fall of the Eastern Bloc actually played out in real time. In the West, the perception was that the system was so tightly controlled that it was impregnable. As long as Westerners heard the old slogans, it convinced them Communism was alive and well, and as evil as ever, as […]

King Charles and Prince William missed former Greek King’s funeral

Princess Anne was the only senior royal to travel to Greece for the funeral. King Charles and Prince William have been criticised after they missed the funeral of Greece’s last king Constantine II on Monday. Princess Anne was the only senior royal to attend the ceremony in Athens, where monarchs from around the world gathered for the event.… […]

Five BDS wins in 2022 that you might have missed

2022 has been another monumental year in the growth of the Palestinian-led BDS movement. Here are some victories from the last year that you might have missed. Source

Missed Yoon and Biden summit

After describing Yoon’s trip to the Anglo-Saxon world a little earlier, it is worth discussing how it affected the ROK’s relations with the US and the UK. For, although Yoon’s opponents have called it a “failure”, the situation is in fact somewhat more complicated. It cannot be said that Yoon’s trip worsened the ROK’s relations […]

U.S. church leaders decry Biden visit as ‘missed opportunity’

Despite hearing a stirring call to protect the Palestinian Christian community while in Bethlehem, U.S. church leaders lament Biden’s visit “did little to advance the cause of peace.” Source

Weekly Top Stories: A Quick Catch Up On What You Missed

In last week’s top stories; Coronado Expedition Site found, ancient reindeer hunting techniques revealed, oldest road in Berlin uncovered, ever-burning lamps explored, possibly the best exhibition ever in London, and more tragic child sacrifices in Peru. 16th Century Spanish Coronado Expedition Site Found in Arizona A few of the latest Coronado Expedition artifact finds in […]

Britain’s missed opportunity to redeem itself

This year’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People was yet another missed opportunity for Britain. There were no messages of support or atonement from Whitehall for the tragedy it inflicted on the Palestinian people when it enabled the UN partition of their land on 29 November 1947. Quite the opposite, Britain used the […]

What the SEC May Have Missed in Its Report on ‘Meme Stock’ Volatility

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission issued a report earlier this month suggesting brokers—via gamified user interfaces and mechanisms such as payment for order flow—lured investors to increase their trading, which, in turn, resulted in higher revenues. Context The SEC report comes after a wave of speculative commentaries on online forums like WallStreetBets earlier this year […]

The Truth Movement and America missed their chance.

After the shock of the September 11 attacks on America a significant amount of the American people began to become skeptical and wondered if there was something more to it. Many New Yorkers thought it was an “inside job” People like Alex Jones and David Icke became underground stars. For those who studied the mater […]

UK crime bill ‘a missed opportunity’ to tackle violence against women

The UK’s strategy in combatting violence against women is under the spotlight as a controversial new crime bill is debated in parliament, amid public anger over the murder of a young woman and the heavy-handed breakup by police of a vigil in support of the victim. Images showing young women being overpowered and handcuffed at […]

The Missed Opportunity for Accord Among the Children of Abraham

Pope Francis attends an inter-religious prayer at the ancient archeological site of Ur, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Abraham, in Ur near Nassiriya, Iraq March 6, 2021. Photo: REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudani – Ur Kasdim, otherwise known as Ur of the Chaldeans, is where the march towards monotheism began. It is the birthplace of […]

US election: Five things that you may have missed amid the battle for the White House

While much of the buzz has rightly centred on the battle royale to begin the next leader of the Free World, there were other notable stories from election night in the US that may have largely gone unnoticed. Given its potentially far-reaching consequences, you would be forgiven for thinking that the race to decide the […]

Our Planet Missed The Opportunity To Unite Against The Pandemic

By Andre Vltchek, Popular Resistance. August 6, 2020 | Educate! Above photo: Reuters/Carlos Barria. It is time to stop irresponsible finger-pointing. All over the world, as this essay is being written, well over 17 million COVID-19 cases have been reported, and 676,000 people died. And instead of concentrating on serious research, trying to save human […]

Harvard Just Hosted A Conference on Geo-Engineering (Chemtrails) – Here’s What You Missed

Next Story Geo-engineering is the deliberate and large-scale intervention into the Earth’s climatic system. It’s done through several different means, and one of them is spraying chemicals (which are toxic to humans and all life on the planet) into the atmosphere via balloons or aerial vehicles. The CIA and other federal agencies control these programs, […]

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