VIDEO: April 8 Solar Eclipse & Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines

This is a first Civilian Intelligence Network Special Report. We discuss the science behind how the April 8 Solar Eclipse has the ability to activate the Graphene Quantum Dot Molecular Biological Operating System within us creating an “Ascension” into “Biological Android” form.

This is some advanced research, if you are unfamiliar with our work on “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda”, I would highly recommend starting there.

Ascension of the Biological Machines

aka Rise of the Graphene Zombie Apocalypse

The revelations on Bacteriorhodopsin this last month are astounding. A whole field of biological computing that ran parallel to all the “pathogen” research that was going on. They are not using 1’s an 0’s as in silicon based computing, they are folding the proteins found in the SARS-COV-2 malware using carbon based computing.

• Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Living Matrix
• Vitaliano’s Molecular Electronic Devices
• NASA: Future Strategic Issues/FutureWarfare [Circa 2025]
• The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030
• Jigsaw Human Computing: Mechanisms of Bacterial Rhodopsin Operating System
• The AI Tribes of the Living MATRIX
• Divine Truth will defeat the Living Matrix.
• Bacteriorhodopsin and Solar Eclipse
• BingAI, Bacteriorhodopsin, April 8 Solar Eclipse & Graphene Zombie Apocalypse
• April 8th Solar Eclipse & The Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machine
• Unplugging is the ONLY Lifeboat.


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