Posts Tagged ‘chemtrail’

Chemtrail conspiracies have become reality, as corporate media sells geoengineering as the solution for climate change

(NaturalNews) Once considered “conspiracy†theory†by the entire corporate media, geoengineering is now being lauded as the solution for climate change. For… Source

Rep. Greene calls out WHO over Pandemic Treaty, adding that chemtrail needs to STOP

(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) is going to have a lot of trouble getting its so-called Pandemic Treaty for Disease X passed and accepted in the… Source

The Chemtrail PSYOP: A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to trick people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious

Note: this article includes info on the paid activist industry … you will be shocked! EWNZ From Agent131711 @ substack Military Irregular Warfare: Make people believe their memory & eyewitness accounts are wrong. A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to mindf*ck people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious Most people are shocked to […]

After DECADES of denial, corporate media admits chemtrail terraforming is happening right now to “fight climate change”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) To keep natural sunlight from reaching planet earth and supporting life, a geoengineering startup company called Make Sunsets has begun deploying massive weather balloons to blast the stratosphere with reflective sulfur particles, all for the claimed purpose of “fighting climate change.”A phenomenon also known as … [Read More…] Source

The Intensive Chemtrail Spraying Over Tallahassee FL Stopped Right This Open Letter Was Featured On SOTN

Massive CHEMTRAIL operation conducted right over the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida The Sunshine State has been geoengineeredinto the “Chemcloud Cover State” An Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis Office of Governor Ron DeSantisState of FloridaThe Capitol400 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 Dear Governor DeSantis: As a Tallahassee resident, surely you have noticed that […]

The Intensive Chemtrail Spraying Over Tallahassee FL Stopped Right This Open Letter Was Featured On SOTN

Massive CHEMTRAIL operation conducted right over the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida The Sunshine State has been geoengineeredinto the “Chemcloud Cover State” An Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis Office of Governor Ron DeSantisState of FloridaThe Capitol400 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 Dear Governor DeSantis: As a Tallahassee resident, surely you have noticed that […]

The Intensive Chemtrail Spraying Over Tallahassee FL Stopped Right This Open Letter Was Featured On SOTN

Massive CHEMTRAIL operation conducted right over the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida The Sunshine State has been geoengineeredinto the “Chemcloud Cover State” An Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis Office of Governor Ron DeSantisState of FloridaThe Capitol400 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 Dear Governor DeSantis: As a Tallahassee resident, surely you have noticed that […]

Chemtrail Pilot Comes Forward: Mass Human Extinction

As many of you know, just this last week, we covered the Chemtrail piece that was broadcasted by the mainstream media and because of the response that we received by the radio listeners, as well as the social media platform viewers, I wanted to bring more information on this matter, which many of you requested. […]

AEROSPACE Worker Fired After Admitting: “I Installed Chemtrail Devices”

New World Order Plans To Destroy and Take Over! In case you missed this relevant news mid-May, an ex-aerospace worker came forward and admitted that chemtrail devices are installed on airplanes (as he was one of the installers) and shares details about what they installed. We need to be very concerned about this, as it is […]

Doctor Confirms Worldwide Chem-Lung Disease; Daily Chemtrail Spraying is Relentless Now


Doctor Warns World About ‘Chemtrail Lung’ – New Health Epidemic Causing Brain & Lung Problems

The existence of chemtrails used to be a topic of debate, but they are now being more widely acknowledged by experts like meteorologists to scientists. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that they exist as more and more people are coming down with illnesses related to chemtrails. When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming […]

Alexa, What Is A Chemtrail?

Alexa, What Is A Chemtrail? The Amazon Alexa device caused many eyebrows to rise recently when people found out that the smart device had given a curious response when it was asked to define what chemtrails are. This led to Amazon quickly silencing the talking device, as it appears they overwrote it. Alexa […]

Chemtrail Poisoning: 3 Natural Herbs That Protect Against and Detox Your Body From Heavy Metals

Garlic is back in the picture again, along with two other herbs.  This time to help you to protect yourself against the chemtrails, and against the heavy metals you find in food, water, air, and virtually omnipresent throughout the home.  In truth, we face a toxic array of chemicals: a labyrinth that is […]

Local News Station Admits to Finding Barium in Chemtrail Fallout!!!

A Local News Station Admits to Finding Barium in Chemtrail Fallout!!! Because of the increasing censorship and ‘on purpose’ ad demonization, now more than ever, I really need your help in order to keep this small, independent media site going and sharing information with you 365 days/year. If you like my work and […]

Government Finally Admits Chemical Geoengineering Via Chemtrail Operations

After decades of denial, the US government uses the NIH to reveal the obvious truth SOTN|  Since the very inception of the chemical geoengineeering programs, the U.S. Federal Government has repeatedly denied their existence. Various agencies and departments within the government have actually belittled many investigative journalists and scientific researchers who have conclusively proved […]

Busting Open the Chemtrail Denial Subterfuge

Julian Rose, ContributorWaking Times As we swing into the New Year, many are going to be feeling more than a little impatient that the perpetrators of the toxic air-born emissions which create engineered clouds over vast areas of our skies, still remain largely anonymous. Anonymous by name, but no doubt to be found within […]

Did You Know That in 2012 Bill Gates Agreed to Fund Chemtrail Project?

This was back in 2012… Geo-engineers are finally coming out of the “chemtrail” closet, as reports are now emerging about deliberate plans in the works to dump untold tons of sulfate chemicals into the atmosphere for the purported purpose of fighting so-called “global warming.” The U.K.’s Guardian and others are reporting that a multi-million dollar […]

US Government Openly Announces Plan To Chemtrail-Spray Our Skies

The US government and MIT are now admitting what we already know about the “conspiracy” of  chemtrails. Plans have been announced for an experiment to “cover the sun” on a “small scale”. The project has been named “solar radiation management” (SRM). Their plans involve spraying the skies with various substances and chemicals such as Aluminium […]

William Raborn And The New Manhattan Chemtrail Project

Check out Peter A. Kirby’s comprehensive exposé “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project”  Navy Vice Admiral William Francis Raborn, Jr. (1905-1990) appears to have been central to the development of today’s global weather modification project the author calls the New Manhattan Project. He was deeply involved in the development of the Project’s defining element, electromagnetic energy. As […]

Donald Trump Tours Chemtrail Plane – Promises To Terminate Program

Donald Trump accompanied by select members of his cabinet toured a chemtrail-outfitted dispersal airplane at Andrews Air Force Base yesterday afternoon, according to an NBC news report today. The president is fulfilling a promise to end the controversial program and redirect government funding away from geoengineering operations and towards other programs like roads, the aging […]

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