Australian health businesses advertising health information from global corporations?

It is quite clear that society is manipulated by corporations, which
also have an influence in the law-making process, where that is a
significantly in-depth topic beyond the scope of this article.

The health industry,
from government health ‘care’ to private hospitals, dentists,
doctors etc are literally businesses, i.e places that exist for the
generation of profit.

You are nothing more than a ‘customer’ to them, where best business practice is that you become a repeat customer, dependent on the products. 

Across different
health businesses in Victoria, advertisements or health advice is not
printed from local health authorities, e.g. Victoria’s ‘Department
of Health’, nor an internal health business, like the Australian Medical
Association, nor maybe even the federal health minister but rather a global corporation, in particular that
being the World Health Organization (WHO).

If the people are
going to be taking instructions from a global organisation, then surely there is zero need for any so called health ‘authority’ to exist in Australia, right?

So, taxpayer’s
funds are being wasted on useless institutions, which harvest ‘money
for mates’ jobs, where the funds could be better spent on
infrastructure and utility projects instead or just welfare for low quality immigrants which is the global trend now.

Australia is a
top-heavy oligarchical totalitarian state, but Australians are more
than accepting of this, as if they weren’t then they would do
something about it.

Stockholm syndrome
at its finest.


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