Posts Tagged ‘bottles’

Amazon Is Trying to Stop a Lawsuit From Drivers Who Peed In Bottles From Going to Court

Amazon is trying to stop a class action lawsuit by a group of Colorado delivery drivers about the “inhumane” conditions they face from going to court, the drivers’ lawyers say.  Drivers first filed the proposed class action lawsuit in Colorado in May because, they said, they have to pee in bottles and defecate in dog-waste […]

LAX bans sale of single-use plastic water bottles

This is the first step in making its airports zero waste by 2045 following the Sustainability Action Plan passed by Los Angeles World Airports in 2021. Source

U.S.-Saudi Relations: Old Wine, New Bottles

The Saudi Arms Deal After Saudi agents murdered Jamal Khashoggi and chopped up his body in 2018, Joe Biden said that the country’s government had to “pay the price” and be treated like the “pariah that they are.” Back then Biden was merely a presidential candidate, but now that he’s in The White House things […]

WATCH: British NFL Fans Throw Bottles on Field After Taunting Penalty

Apparently, unruly behavior at NFL games is not strictly an American phenomenon after British NFL fans began pelting the field with bottles and cups after an unfavorable call in London on Sunday. British Jags fans became enraged after a Jags defender was hit with a taunting penalty for standing over a Dolphins player after a […]

Leftists Carrying Champagne Bottles Celebrate Death of Prince Philip Outside Buckingham Palace

Leftists across Twitter, many of them journalists, scrambled to delete tweets after they falsely claimed the Boulder mass shooter, an Islamist from Syria who reportedly had ISIS sympathies, was “white.” Earlier today, the gunman was revealed as Ahmad Al-Issa, a migrant from Syria who routinely complained about Donald Trump, “racism” and “Islamophobia” on his Facebook […]

Rioters erect barricades & throw bottles at police during 8th night of Pablo Hasel protests in Barcelona (VIDEO)

Supporters of jailed rapper Pablo Hasel, who was charged with insulting the Spanish king and glorifying terrorism, have clashed with police in Barcelona, Spain. The protests demanding Hasel’s release have raged for over a week. Rioters used wheeled garbage bins to erect makeshift barricades and threw glass bottles at riot police on Tuesday.  According to […]

Dozens of Prohibition-era alcohol bottles discovered in walls and floors of New York home

A New York couple has discovered more than 66 bottles of whiskey from the Prohibition-era hidden within the walls and floorboards of their home. Nick Drummond and Patrick Bakker said they were told their more than 100-year-old home in Ames, New York, was built by a notorious bootlegger but thought it was a myth.   […]

These New Plant-Based Bottles Degrade in Only a Year – And Could Herald the End of Plastic

By Elias Marat, The Mind Unleashed As awareness increases about the growing problem of pollution, single-use plastics have come under for their massive contribution to rampant litter all around the world. But soon, we may be drinking soft drinks and beer from “all-plant” bottles, if new plans from major beverage makers come to fruition. Under a new […]

Amazon UK Drivers Reportedly Forced To Urinate In Bottles To Hit 200 Packages A Day Quota

Amazon delivery drivers in the UK are asked to deliver up to 200 packages a day while earning less than minimum wage for agencies contracted by Amazon. The drivers reportedly have to keep schedules so tight they are forced to skip rest breaks and urinate in bottles, according to an investigation by UK’s […]

This is Really Why Heinz Ketchup Bottles Have Number ’57’ On Them

Every time you whack a dollop on a bacon sarnie, dunk a chip in it or smother your full English in it, it’s staring you in the face. But what do the words ’57 varieties’ on every bottle of Heinz tomato ketchup actually mean? Of course you may think that they’re telling us how many […]

Baby Bottles – ‘Gender-bending’ chemicals found to ‘feminise’ boys

Baby Bottles – ‘Gender-bending’ chemicals found to ‘feminise’ boys Daily news 27 May 2005 ‘Gender-bending’ chemicals found to ‘feminise’ boys By Andy Coghlan Baby Bottles “Gender-bending” chemicals mimicking the female hormone oestrogen can disrupt the development of baby boys, suggests the first evidence linking certain chemicals in everyday plastics to effects in humans. The chemicals […]

Here’s why you should NEVER reuse your plastic water bottles

(Natural News) Would you lick a toilet seat? Hey, don’t worry, you can just drink out of your used plastic bottle instead. Researchers have suggested that refilling plastic bottles and drinking from them causes more harm than good, with the item essentially becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. The study was conducted by Treadmill Reviews […]

The world’s population buys one million plastic bottles every single minute

We’re drowning in plastic bottles. New statistics released by The Guardian reveal that humans purchase one million plastic bottles every minute – and that adds up to nearly 500 billion bottles a year. While it’s true many of these bottles can be recycled, it’s becoming harder to keep up with the sheer volume […]

Conservatives Spot Something on Heineken Bottles, and It’s Going To Lose Them TONS of Customers

Heineken has begun to actively promote open borders, and social media is having none of it. The german beer company recently began printing a blurb on the backside of their bottles that endorses “a world without borders or barriers.” As a follow-up to its ad earlier this year where it invited people to #OpenYourWorld and discuss […]

FBI’s James Comey declares the rule of law has just been abandoned in America: Selective prosecution means total immunity for the criminals in Washington

(NaturalNews) Earlier today, FBI director James Comey magically cleared democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of any risk of criminal prosecution related to her classified email violations. In a live press conference that was obviously scripted, Comey confirmed that Hillary Clinton sent or received at least 110 emails that contained classified information, in blatant […]

European Union officials outraged by glyphosate opposition as Germany, Italy and France refuse to relicense herbicide

(NaturalNews) Within a matter of weeks, glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, declared a likely human carcinogen by the World Health Organization last spring, may no longer be approved for use in Europe. As we reported recently, the European Union is scrambling to reach an agreement regarding the relicensing of the world’s […]

These Furnished, Fully Equipped Homes Are Gorgeous (And They’re Full Of Dead Bodies)

In Western culture, the line between the living and the dead tends to be a bold one. In an effort to compartmentalize on a cultural scale, we here in the States, for example, have an entire industry that’s fueled by final farewells. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone says goodbye differently. Most interesting, however, […]


Carnegie Wave Energy Limited is the ASX-listed inventor, owner and developer of the CETO wave energy technology. This technology not only converts ocean swell into zero-emission renewable power but creates fresh, desalinated freshwater at the same time!! The first of the Ceto 5 units will be commissioned at Garden Island in Western Australia. This is a […]

$3.6 Million Awarded In Flash-Bang Grenade Maiming Of Baby Bou Bou

The parents of a baby injured by a flash-bang grenade during a no-knock multi-agency task force raid in Georgia, will be awarded $3.6 million after a federal judge’s decision on Friday. 19-month-old Bounkham Phonesavah (Baby Bou Bou) spent weeks in a burn unit after deputies with a Cornelia Police Department SWAT team threw a flash bang grenade directly […]

Mystery Black Rain Hits Michigan Town

A city in Michigan is perplexed after a a tar-like substance has rained down on their cars, porches and driveways this week. The black, oily substance first appeared on at least six driveways in Harrison Township on Sunday, and days later, what the material is still remains a mystery. The Macomb Daily of Mount Clemens reports […]

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