USA’s HAARP is SINKING Europe Under NEVER BEFORE SEEN FLOODS and Nobody is Talking About it



The evil empire strikes again. Biden barely just begun his reign and he is already stricking at the white man which he so much hates that he would rather see go extinct so Europe is now almost literally sinking in water. Biblical propportion floods yet nobody in the media, not even in the alternative media is talking about it.

The month of June is almost finished and all we’re seeing is RAINS on each and every single possible day. There hasn’t been a day without a rain in all of Europe. Where could all this water even come from since it is very COLD in Europe this summer? Water accumulates in the clouds when its hot outside and water evaporates and then returns to earth in the form of rains but since this is one of the coldest summers ever in the history of Europe, where is all ths water even coming from? How is this possible? Why does it rain so much?

Well as everyone in the alternative movement knows, the evil empire posses this weather manipulation weapon known as HAARP. They are obviously saying is “fake news, bleah bleah bleah, mie mie mie, muh conspiracy theory and sheit” you know the typical CIA shit talking. Whosoever is so weak minded to believe them, that’s their problem but the fact of the matter is that HAARP is real and it is NOT being used for any research as the bastards are lying. It is being used as a weather weapon.

The evil empire, for years has called “muh conspiracy theory and shiet” anyone who tried to exposed the DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON. Now decades later, just a few days ago they started speaking about it so nonchalantly like “Ohhh yeah of course we have that. Say what? Why did we call you conspiracy theorists when you said we had the weapon all along? We didn’t call you that, but we’re calling you now, yes, you’re a conspiracy theorist for saying we called you conspiracy theorist just a few years, months and even days ago. You’re a conspiracy theorist for saying we called you a conspiracy theorist.” We shouldn’t even mention this but we will anyway, this isn’t an actual conversation of any US military man or politician or whatever, it is just us mocking the situation.

So yeah they’re lying to you in your face, you’re a dumb stupid “useless eater”. They will call you fool in your face, they care not about you. Just as they lied about the Directed Energy Weapons, they are also lying about HAARP. Someday maybe they will openly admit but until then, we know unofficially, it is real.

Why is this happening? Racism, Biden openly said he hates white people and he wants them extinct and replaced by non-whites and where is the biggest numbers of whites in the world if not in Europe? So after this long build-up, let’s get to the problem…. Europe is now being hit with rains and super floods like never before seen. We don’t know how this process is being done but perhaps they are using HAARP to create heat spots, to evaporate water from the oceans, forming huge clouds which can then be directed by Earth’s natural jet streams into Europe.

This has got nothing to do with any global warming, like we said, in Europe is very cold, not warm. Furthermore Europe is the least polluter in the world when compared to USA and Asia, yet Europe gets struck the hardest. Now that it’s cold, the bastards are avoiding to say “global warming” anymore and they have renamed their hoax into “climate change”. Well of course it changes, what do you want it to be everyday the same? It’s almost like someone with down syndrome watching outside through his window: “Yesterday was sunny, today is raining, wow the weather is changing, there is climate change.”

Of course the weather is changing. Why would anyone expect it would behave in a fixed predictable pattern? How cold or warm is, is mostly set by the Sun and it just happens that the Sun is now at its lowest burning cycle in the last 100 years or so BUT with that said we haven’t seen such rains in the past 100 years so there might be something else such as weather weapons being used. These storms cannot naturally occur in Europe especially during a colder summer. These storms are being artificially created by HAARP.

This is Europe being hit by HAARP as you can see on radar:

Australia is also being hit by HAARP as you can see on radar:

Just look at the clouds and how they look, these are not normal clouds. What climate change could make such clouds? If it is too hot? No, do you see such clouds in Africa where it is too hot?????? If it is too cold? NO again, do you see such clouds in Antarctica where it is too cold??? NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!!!!!!!! These are 100% man-made! No climate change can result in such clouds.

In 4 years under Trump, we haven’t had a single strange weather even in Europe yet now as soon as Biden becomes president, right in his first year, we get this. Ohhh a cohen-cidence.

Now take a look at what is happening in,

Russia Crimea:

Russia Voronezh:

Russia Moscow:


Yup this one is perfectly natural, isn’t it? No signs of HAARP being used here, right?

France, 100% natural event, no signs of HAARP here:


Spain being the closest to the ocean, has been hit the hardest. Look at this hail, it looks as if it snowed:




Even Finland, way in the north is being hit by a hurricane! A hurricane in Finland?? Come on now! This is unheard of, yet here it is:

This is happening in all of Europe, almost daily now but even though we said in the article that the US is doing this. Well they might be the only ones with the necessary tech to do so but the thing is, they couldn’t do this without the approval of the leadership of the countries being hit.

Come on now, HAARP use is detectable on radars, so the authorities KNOW and what probably happened, they all met at one of those G22 or World Economic Forum of WHATEVER globalist meeting they have, and they discussed and all agreed to allow USA to use its HAARP worldwide to convince the sheep that there is global warming and we need more taxes and eradication of fossil fuel and all of their usual talking points.

The US simply couldn’t have done this without “victim” approval or else they would have been exposed. So they’re all in on it hoaxing us just like with the boogeyman 2019 plan demix. Even Russia is being hit by HAARP, you think Russia doesn’t know it’s being hit by HAARP? It knows and the US is doing it with the approval of the Russians.

Look, they are doing this even in the US, Chicago:



Now in all honesty this is NOT out of the ordinary for the central-north American continent. This is normal in the US to have hurricanes and tornadoes, so unless they have something substantially worse, there’s nothing unusual there, but what you watched in Europe is not normal.

It is simply impossible for the entire planet to all of a sudden experience worldwide storms, hurricanes, tornadoes all at the same time. These didn’t gradually start or something, this is all over-night, all of sudden, out of the blue, worldwide. Even China, Nepal and India are being hit but this is not our focus in this article, we just focused on Europe.

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