Posts Tagged ‘insect’

‘You Will Eat Zhe Bugs’: Tyson Foods Gets Into the Insect Factory Farming Game

What was once the pipe dream of anti-human technocrats in the multinational corporate state — forcing the peasants to feed like beasts on insects for protein in ritual humiliation — is rapidly turning into dystopian reality. Source

Meat-Giant Tyson Foods Reveals New Insect Plant In 2025

(ZH) Tyson Foods Inc. is buying a stake in insect-protein company Protix BV. The two companies will collaborate Source

Major U.S Meat Producer Forced To Open WEF Insect Plant

One of America’s largest meat producers has been forced to open a major WEF-connected insect processing plant in the United States. Tyson Foods Inc., the largest producer in America for a variety of meats, is buying a […] The post Major U.S Meat Producer Forced To Open WEF Insect Plant appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Study shows that glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees: a wake-up call for insect conservation

Study shows that glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees: a wake-up call for insect conservation As the world grapples with the alarming decline of insect populations, scientists are delving deeper into the potential contributions of agrochemicals to this crisis. Beyond merely assessing mortality rates, researchers are now scrutinizing the non-lethal effects of these chemicals on insect […]

EU Gives Green Light for Use of Two Insect Species in Human Food

The European Union has given the green light for two more species of insect to be used as food for humans. As of Tuesday, a powdered form of Acheta domesticus — better known as the house cricket — will be given the green light for human consumption within the European Union, documents from the body […]

CNN Blames Pets for ‘Climate Change,’ Pushes ‘Insect-Based Food’ Consumption

CNN is giving advice on how to fall in line with the global power elite’s “green agenda” by reducing your pets’ “carbon pawprint.” Source

UK Aid Agencies Testing Insect Diets in Hunger-Stricken African Nations

If you’re hungry you’ll eat anything to survive. This basic premise is being tested in hunger-stricken African nations where UK aid agencies are trialling insect diets for those suffering starvation in countries once able to feed themselves.

Global Elites ‘Trialing Insect Diets’ on Hunger-Stricken Africans

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Hunger-stricken Africans are being told by global elites to forget about eating meat and get used to eating bugs, cockroaches and insects. The World Economic Forum has […]

Global Elites ‘Trialing Insect Diets’ on Hunger-Stricken Africans

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Hunger-stricken Africans are being told by global elites to forget about eating meat and get used to eating bugs, cockroaches and insects. The World Economic Forum has […]

Preserved Butterfly Accidentally Found In a 390-year-old Insect Book

A perfectly preserved butterfly specimen was discovered pressed between the pages of a 390-year-old book found on the endless Cambridge University Library shelves. The find has generated much excitement, as the preserved butterfly, a Small Tortoiseshell (pictured above), is perhaps as old as the book itself! The book has been the property of Trinity Hall, […]

Death by 1,000 Cuts: Are Major Insect Losses Imperiling Life on Earth?

January 28th, 2021 By Liz Kimbrough Via Global Research Chances are, the works of the world’s insects touch your lips every day. The coffee or tea you savor, both are insect pollinated. Apples, oranges, cabbages, cashews, cherries, carrots, broccoli, watermelon, garlic, cinnamon, basil, sunflower seeds, almonds, canola oil — all are insect pollinated. Honey, dyes, […]

Essential Oils for Controlling Insect Pests

By Susan Fairbairn (nee Kirk) Once you start enjoying the fruits and vegetables in your organic garden, it’s not long before you start receiving visitors. Meet the arthropods. Those freeloading vegetarians who come swinging their many limbs and whose intent it is to share the bounties of your hard labor. Organic gardeners have a few […]

‘On Course for Ecological Armageddon’ – Researchers Sound Alarm as Insect Die-Off Worsens

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterWaking Times Last year, the results of a German study on insect populations foretold of a massive global die-off in many inspect species. Now, scientists are sounding the alarm again following a new study, and warning that we are “on course for ecological Armageddon.” “Insects make up about two-thirds of all […]

Researchers Warn Massive Insect Die-off Is Harbinger Of “Ecological Armageddon”

NIJMEGEN, NETHERLANDS – Though the rapidly vanishing bee population has captured headlines in recent years, a new study suggests that the bees’ disappearance is merely a symptom of a much larger problem. According to a new, decades-long study conducted by researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands, the insect population at large is in startling […]

Insect Ecosystem Collapse

Insect Ecosystem Collapse October 22nd, 2017 Via: Guardian: They are multitudinous almost beyond our imagining. They thrive in soil, water, and air; they have triumphed for hundreds of millions of years in every continent bar Antarctica, in every habitat but the ocean. And it […]

The global ecosystem is rapidly collapsing… insect biomass plummets 75% in one generation… scientists warn of "decimation"… humanity may not survive much longer

(Natural News) For years, I’ve warned that humanity is a suicide cult which has engineered its own destruction by relentlessly poisoning the natural world with chemical pesticides, heavy metals and GMOs. Now, the collapse of living systems across the planet is accelerating like never before, with ocean fisheries collapsing by the day, topsoil vanishing by […]

EXCLUSIVE: Bone Broth Protein products found to contain insect repellent, antibiotics and prescription drugs – Consumer Wellness Center

(Natural News) Popular Bone Broth Protein products sold by companies like Ancient Nutrition, Left Coast and PrecisionNaturals have been found to contain an array of chemicals, according to mass spec laboratory science research conducted by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center. According to a press release issued today by the CWC, popular Bone Broth Protein products […]

Chinese museum breeds the world’s longest stick insect

     A Chinese museum claimed they have bred the world’s largest insect. The female stick insect measures 64 centimetres (25 inches) long, the average length of a young man’s arm. The artificially bred bug has broken the record set by its parent which is 62.4 centimetres (24.6 inches) long. The insect species, native to China, […]

This secret weapon hidden in your kitchen is an excellent natural insect repellent

(Natural News) Most of the time, people, places, and objects that we don’t usually notice are the ones that often surprise us a lot. Those that we don’t bother giving a second look at or easily dismiss as something that are not too useful almost always end up giving us a pleasant surprise. Take bay […]

Donald Trump’s New Video: Hillary Barks Like A Dog…Literally

Donald Trump has released a new campaign video via his Instagram account. As reported by Think Progress, the video attacks presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Rather than attacking policy, her record of service, or anything remotely political – the video shows her barking like a dog: The video, posted on Trump’s […]

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