Posts Tagged ‘fly’

Iran’s science, technology on fast track: Report

Tehran, June 15, IRNA – Scientific and technological development in Iran is on the fast track, a new report by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology suggests. Around 800 technological products were developed in Iran’s technological parks and scientific centers over the past year (Iranian calendar ended March 19), read the report by the […]


RSPCA HAS FAILED AGAIN: BECKY FRANCIS. Image: Becky Francis, Sheffield, Great Britain.  RSPCA FAILS AGAIN: BECKY FRANCIS EXPOSED February 4th of 2016 a young teenage woman identified as Miss Tiegan Oates from Sheffield, Great Britain recorded a savage act of animal abuse on her mobile cell phone. The woman in that video (seen below) is identified as […]

Iran parliament focused on economy in one third of decisions, Speaker

Tehran, May 25, IRNA – Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said that the Iranian parliament in the past four years especially focused on economy by allocating almost one third of its decisions to economic issues. Talking to reporters one day after the conclusion of the last session of the legislative body here on Wednesday, he said […]

Lawyers Accuse Saudi Arabia Of 9/11 Cover-up

Lawyers representing family members of 9/11 victims have accused Saudi Arabia of orchestrating a huge cover-up in their role in the attacks and of “whitewashing” history.  Saudi Arabia has been lobbying members of Congress by distributing an odd white paper that details its “counter-terrorism efforts”, in a bid to convince American lawmakers that they had […]

US must explain Afghan anti-terror failure, seek intl help to fix it – ex-president Karzai to RT

“Using extremism as a tool for anybody must not be allowed – any state, no matter who that state is,” Hamid Karzai told RT’s Maria Finoshina. Specifically, Karzai noted US interference in Afghanistan in the Cold War era as a pretext to wage war against the rival USSR. At that at the time countries, such as […]

Why Private Policing Is Not Any Solution At All

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

The Pentagon Plans To Deploy Underwater Drones In South China Sea

The Pentagon has announced plans to launch underwater drones near the Spratly archipelago in what is a clear indication that the US has no intention to back down in the South China Sea, Washington has been expressing outrage over the past year over a series of land reclamation projects by Beijing in the highly contested […]

The truth about cats and dogs (and how they are consumed in South Korea)

Julien Dugnoille (TC) : South Korea is well known as a nation that eats cats and dogs, and its open and widespread consumption of such popular animals attracts international criticism. This has been strengthened by the country’s apparent indifference to the violent methods used to prepare this controversial element of their diet. But despite the […]

RT crew caught in tear gas in Paris amidst anti-labor reform protests

Protesters in Paris could be heard shouting “Resistance!” before plumes of smoke broke out. “To dream of a job or to dream of unemployment?” read one of the banners carried by the demonstrators. The Paris rally started in the Montparnasse area of the city. The French Council of Ministers was due to discuss the new […]

Donald Trump’s New Video: Hillary Barks Like A Dog…Literally

Donald Trump has released a new campaign video via his Instagram account. As reported by Think Progress, the video attacks presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Rather than attacking policy, her record of service, or anything remotely political – the video shows her barking like a dog: The video, posted on Trump’s […]

Why we can no longer assume WiFi technology is safe

     Wireless technology has become an integral part of our culture. It has connected us to people and information and has also brought us incredible convenience and economic benefits. Just think how this technology has expanded in just the eight years since the iPhone was introduced. We have seen ubiquitous WiFi, tablet computers, wireless smart […]

Netanyahu refers to Arabs and Africans as “wild beasts”: imagine the uproar if an Arab were to say that

The Israeli prime minister refers to Arabs and Africans as “wild beasts”: imagine the uproar if an Arab were to say that Netanyahu vows to build a fence around the whole of Israel to ‘keep out the wild beasts’ The new fence would cost ‘many billions’, Netanyahu says, but was necessary ‘to defend ourselves in […]

Russia kills 60 militants in Deir ez-Zor, where ISIS massacred hundreds of civilians

“The Russian Su-34 bombers have struck terrorist strongholds near the village of Bagilya in the Deir ez-Zor province where Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) have recently executed 300 civilian from the local population for the sake of intimidation,” Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said. Over the weekend, Islamic State jihadists have reportedly slaughtered up […]

Occupation killed 2nd Palestinian since mornig

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation forces have killed second Palestinian youth since morning in different areas across occupied West Bank. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli occupation forces shot at least ten live bullets at a Palestinian youth near Mountain Eibal in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. The Palestinians sustained serious injuries […]

Revolution to destruction: The fall of the Arab Spring

     From Libya and Egypt to Syria and Yemen, the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region is undergoing unprecedented tumult and chaos. To understand the current breakdown of states and society, examining the so-called Arab Spring of 2011 that laid the groundwork for this ongoing regional anarchy is indispensable. From 2011 to around early 2014, […]

‘Thanks for destroying our country’: Angry Libyans lash out at Obama’s independence congratulations

Barack Obama welcomed the endorsement of the Libyan Political Agreement signed on December 17 and expressed confidence that with political dialogue and the establishment of a Government of National Accord, peace, prosperity, and security would come in the divided country. A week ago, during his end-of-year press conference, President Obama admitted the US has “some […]

‘Smash capitalist Christmas!’ Angry singletons stage anti-Xmas rally in Tokyo

The group of about 20 men, believed to be part of a leftist group that frequently lashes out at Western holidays, was seen marching under angry banners reading “Smash Christmas!” in Tokyo’s Shibuya district, known as a place for holiday shopping and dating.  The angry activists, who call themselves “Losers with Women,” as they are […]

Saudi Millionaire Cleared of Rape Charge Because He ‘Accidentally Fell’ on Victim

Michaela Whitton (AM) : Picture the scene: It’s the middle of the night and a man gets up to switch off the TV and get a glass of water. An 18-year-old girl is sleeping on his sofa so he offers her a t-shirt to wear. Coincidentally, his penis happens to be sticking out of the […]

Obama Concedes to Putin After NATO’s Support of ISIS Exposed

Obama Concedes to Putin After NATO’s Support of ISIS Exposed W.H. stops demanding Assad’s removal after news reports reveal West backing ISIS The Obama administration is no longer publicly asking for “regime change” in Syria after multiple news reports revealed how NATO and its allies have spent years supporting Islamic jihadists to try and topple […]

Erdogan Charges Sarin Gas Smuggling Whistle-blower MP with Treason

by eClinik Learning Remember the false flag sarin gas attack falsely attributed to the Syrian government against the Syrians in Allepo and elsewhere, which event served as the pretext for Western “humanitarian” intervention in Syria by supporting and arming of “moderate rebels”? The sarin gas being used to kill hundreds of […]

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