Posts Tagged ‘blowjob’

Vivek Gives red Russian Khazarian Terrorist Nitwityahoo a Blowjob While Doing Treason Against America

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy ran away from his proposal to cut aid to Israel by 2028 on Saturday, instead promising that he would provide endless US aid to Israel “until Israel told us they were ready for it” to be cut off. “To be clear, we would never cut off aid to Israel unless […]

Should Hoto Abraham Lincoln’s Statue of Him Demanding a Blowjob From an African American Be Removed From Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac?

Should Lincoln’s statue of him telling a African American to give him a blowjob be removed from Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac? Everything you were indoctrinated with about Lincoln is a damned lie. He was a horrible manic depressive rabidly racist against Africans communist atheist closet queer who killed the American Revolutionaries’s Volunteer Union […]

Oprah Promotes”Racism” of the Royals; Might Really Be BlowJob Scene Offensive to Royals

[embedded content] © REUTERS / HARPO PRODUCTIONSUK08:28 GMT 08.03.2021(updated 08:41 GMT 08.03.2021)Get short URLby Max Gorbachev29725Subscribe The tell-all interview, the first since the couple quit royal life in 2020, has drawn numerous reactions, with many celebrities throwing their weight behind Harry and Meghan. However, there were those who criticised the Sussexes. TV host Piers Morgan described […]

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