Europe’s Top Border Guard Calls For Open Borders

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

The new leader of Frontex, the European Union agency tasked with securing borders, has called for open borders and vowed to appease left-wing pro-mass migration activists.

Well, this is awkward.

Hans Leijtens, who is set to take on the role from March 1st, gave a press conference in which he asserted that Frontex border guards will not take place in any “pushback” of illegal immigrants.

In a separate interview with Welt am Sonntag, Leijtens also expressed a view that should be completely anathema to the head of a border agency.

“Nothing can stop people from crossing a border, no wall, no fence, no sea, no river,” said Leijtens, which is a bizarre statement given that’s his one job.

The Frontex chief is essentially admitting that his role is to oversee the total elimination of European borders while pretending to secure them.

The phrase, “The purpose of a system is what it does” has never been more apt.

Leijtens also extended an olive branch to human rights organizations and NGOs that have been complicit in pushing open borders and in some cases work hand in hand with criminal people smugglers.

The new head promised more transparency and said he was “not the type of director who will build a fence around Frontex…I want to open the doors,” indicating he would listen to any concerns highlighted by left-wing activists about Frontex operations.

As we document in the video below, given the rise in success of AfD, the German government has been forced to make moves to tighten border controls, following in the footsteps of Sweden and Denmark.

However, given that the man in charge of the entire European Union border policy is essentially a left-wing open borders activist, they may run into some difficulties.

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One Response to “Europe’s Top Border Guard Calls For Open Borders”

  1. COM says:

    I am launching a crowfunding campaign to reach at least 3 million $ to have Bill Gates killed by the best world hitmen.

    It will run as a competition, the best hitman will get the price and anyone can team-up with others to remove this piece of shit from the surface of our earth he has polluted for too long.

    # million is a start. The funding limit is the sky, the more money we can get, the more people will go after him.

    The only request is that those who kill him bring his head, a DNA sample test or any proof that they really killed him.

    Best would be also to kill all his family so no one can continue his evil plans after his death.

    Prizes will be defined to complete this job when Gates is dead

    Depending on the success of this operation, we will launch future campaigns to kill other global criminals:

    The Rothschilds and their puppets, Guterres, Bergoglio, Schwab, Tedros, and the many politicians who help them commit their crimes such as “king” Charles, Biden, Trudeau, Merkel, Scholz, Macron,

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