Posts Tagged ‘treachery’

Catherine Austin Fitts – Why Have Americans Forgotten Trump’s Treachery?

Fitts says, had she been the president, “I would have taken a bullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the American population.” by Leo Hohmann ( Catherine Austin Fitts shreds Trump acolyte in the most brutal 7 minutes you will find on the internet The former president ‘put $10 billion […]

RH – History of Jewish Treachery in Palestine, Part 1

The post RH – History of Jewish Treachery in Palestine, Part 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

VOCI – Edomite Cape Dutch Treachery Against the Boers

The post VOCI – Edomite Cape Dutch Treachery Against the Boers appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

VOCI – Van Rensburg, Part 12: The Treachery of the National Party

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – Van Rensburg, Part 12: The Treachery of the National Party Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Leader of the Opposition (South Africa) – Wikipedia Share this: Source

VOCI – Van Rensburg, Part 12: The Treachery of the National Party

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – Van Rensburg, Part 12: The Treachery of the National Party Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Leader of the Opposition (South Africa) – Wikipedia Share this: Source

VOCI – Jewish and Afrikaner Treachery Against the Boer People

VOCI – Jewish and Afrikaner Treachery Against the Boer PeopleVOICE OF CHRISTIAN ISRAEL Share this:

Malachi And The Treachery Of End Times Anti-Christ ‘Judeo-Christian’ Ministers

Here we present Sheldon Emry’s discussion of the prophet Malachi who foresaw how today’s End Times “Judeo-Christian” ministers would not only preach a false, unbiblical Jesus but also encourage Christians to worship and strengthen the anti-Christ Jews from virtually every pulpit in America: Sheldon Emry’s commentary: There is a God-given purpose for this prophet […]

Nick Spero & Brendon O’Connell – Israel’s High Tech Treachery and Terror

Its really time to put the hot irons to the feet of a whole range of people who are getting huge views while avoiding the GIANT elephant in the living room – Israel’s TOTAL, UTTER, GARGANTUAN domination of the most vital critical infrastructure of the world – the high technology sector. All the spying, all […]

The David Cole Affair: A Study in Duplicity and Treachery

By DR INGRID ZUNDEL This is a slightly  abridged version of an article that appearedin Veterans Today under a different title in August 2014 My new husband, Ernst Zundel, felt that David Cole was a genuinely idealistic youngster who was barely twenty years of age when they first met. Enamored with his role as a fiery […]

Brendon O’Connell’s Insights into Israeli Treachery

Christopher Jon Bjerknes For more than a decade, I have been warning Americans that the Israelis steal our military secrets and sell them to our enemies. Over the years, I have called attention to the many examples of this, such as: Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China I have also been warning for […]

Brendon O’Connell’s Insights into Israeli Treachery

Christopher Jon Bjerknes For more than a decade, I have been warning Americans that the Israelis steal our military secrets and sell them to our enemies. Over the years, I have called attention to the many examples of this, such as: Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China I have also been warning for […]

Senate report finds ‘systemic failures’ at Wisconsin Veterans Affairs hospital

     A Senate report blamed the US Department of Veterans Affairs for over-prescribing narcotics for patients with PTSD at a Wisconsin veterans’ hospital and actions taken by the VA’s inspector general in response to allegations of wrongdoing. A new report by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released Tuesday, found that the VA […]

Senate report finds ‘systemic failures’ at Wisconsin Veterans Affairs hospital

     A Senate report blamed the US Department of Veterans Affairs for over-prescribing narcotics for patients with PTSD at a Wisconsin veterans’ hospital and actions taken by the VA’s inspector general in response to allegations of wrongdoing. A new report by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released Tuesday, found that the VA […]

Obama and Clinton vs. The People of the United States

Obama and clinton redefine the word “Treason”.   This article contains material from Paul Preston, Scott Bennett, Bob Chapman and myself. Some of the material is well documented, often using public sources and some of the complementary material is derived from deep-cover sources in which the source of the information would […]

RE-POST on Zika Virus – Is it the Cause or Something Else for Microcephaly Birth Defects?

BRAZIL EDITOR’S NOTE: This issue will require serious investigation. There are reports that an additional likely cause is vaccines, notably the sudden, premature introduction of the so-called Tdap inoculation. The introduction of this vaccine does coincide with the rising incidence of birth defects and is almost assuredly a contributing factor. The vaccines, made by Glaxosmithkline […]

RE-POST on Zika Virus – Is it the Cause or Something Else for Microcephaly Birth Defects?

BRAZIL EDITOR’S NOTE: This issue will require serious investigation. There are reports that an additional likely cause is vaccines, notably the sudden, premature introduction of the so-called Tdap inoculation. The introduction of this vaccine does coincide with the rising incidence of birth defects and is almost assuredly a contributing factor. The vaccines, made by Glaxosmithkline […]

Three Sons Want To Give 90-Year-Old Mother The BEST Birthday Gift EVER… This Is GOLDEN

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Every now and then America’s Freedom Fighters likes to take a break from the every day problems we all deal with when it comes to the troubles our country and world are facing and like they say, ‘Laughter is GOOD MEDICINE!’ We hope you enjoy! Three loving sons wanted to prove […]

Three Sons Want To Give 90-Year-Old Mother The BEST Birthday Gift EVER… This Is GOLDEN

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Every now and then America’s Freedom Fighters likes to take a break from the every day problems we all deal with when it comes to the troubles our country and world are facing and like they say, ‘Laughter is GOOD MEDICINE!’ We hope you enjoy! Three loving sons wanted to prove […]

Turkey Is Lying – Paul Craig Roberts

EDITOR’S CHOICE | 26.11.2015 | 12:00   Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge has posted the flight paths of the Russian aircraft according to Turkey and to Russia. We know that Turkey is lying for three reasons. One reason is that NATO governments lie every time that they open their mouths. A second reason is that […]

Today: The Zionist Devastating Treason Proven by the Israeli Pollard Spy Case!

Today: The Zionist Devastating Treason Proven by the Israeli Pollard Spy Case! Dr. Duke  discussed the outrageous release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from prison. Jonathan Pollard was a Jewish American intelligence analyst who sold national security secrets to Israel, which then sold the information to the Soviet Union. According to then Secretary of Defense […]

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