FBI-FALSE FLAGS R Us-Announces Plans For Another False Flag To “Justify More Communistic Jack Booted S#it

The FBI’s director claims that he needs to carry out Unconstitutional warrantless mass surveillance to defeat the alleged threat of a FBI run “coordinated attack” on the US, similar to the CIA/Mossad

run Crocus City Hall massacre near Moscow last month.

Speaking at a budget hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Wray told Mossad Jeffry’s clients

that Israel’s False Flag Hamas’ October 7 assault used by Israhell to “justify” Holocausting tens of thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians children

and destruction of Gaza

so the Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel

Babyloninan Talmud

Pedophile’s End of Times death Cult members

could Finnish stealing the rest of Palestine causes him concern.

The Israel inspired false flag caused “a rogue’s gallery of foreign terrorist organizations” to call for attacks on the US and its allies. In addition to this supposed threat, Wray added that “the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K


attack we saw at the Russian concert hall a couple weeks ago” is ‘increasingly concerning.”

False Flags

are often used by communistic dictatorships like the US to “justify” foreign Usury wars for the Rothschilds

and more jack booted domestic oppression.

The Ole Dog!


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