Posts Tagged ‘freemasons’

B’nai B’rith Mocked Freemasons for ‘Joining Jewish Plot’

left. Pope Benedict and the future Pope Francis in Masonic (thumb on knuckle) grip. Jewish Masonry has now completely subverted the Catholic Church.In 1936, two Catholic newspapers published excerpts from speeches given at a B’nai Brith conclave in Paris. The speeches expressed contempt for Freemasons’  gullibility, cravenness, and venality.  “And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier […]

Freemasons’ final preparations for WW3

The Ukraine war about to escalate with Russia about to start a new front towards Kharkiv, and with NATO deploying into Ukraine and Baltic Sea as Sweden finally  joins NATO transferring a critical island off Stockholm of primary strategic value to block Russia’s trade ghrough the Baltic and protect the Baltic States militarily.  Germany, France […]

The sinister web of deception by Freemasons detrimental to ALL Australians

The Anglo-Masonic system of governance over Australians is deeply rooted into this colony’s history, where it ultimately works only for the benefit of its members and to the detriment of the general population as a whole. From falsified tenders, ripping off the public purse to the tune of billions per year, to courtroom theatrics, it […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Freemasons Engineered the US Civil War

In the US Civil War, the Rothschilds  hoped to divide America into two bite-sized chunks. The 14th Amendment,  adopted on 9 Jul 1868, transformed all Americans,  whether black or white, from sovereigns to subjects,  meaning slaves or tax-cattle.   by Patrick O’Carroll ( Recently, Donald Trump said that Abe Lincoln could have “prevented” the American Civil […]

Freemasons Control the World Unmentioned

In western society, personal success depends on your complicity  in a diabolical Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and your willingness to betray your fellow citizens.  We hear a lot about Jews but rarely hear Freemasons mentioned.  Why is that? They are the covert instrument of Rothschild power. Here I review, James Wardner’s Unholy Alliances (1996)  What can we expect of […]

Israel and Iran Are Both Run by Freemasons Plotting WW3

Islamists (Hamas) are the Muslim equivalent of Jewish Communists or Zionists.  Both sides are satanic Masonic cults. Their dogmas are just a pretext to rob their people of freedom and property.  Now they are joining to destroy us by staging a nuclear war. Pike’s prophecy below is coming true! Muslim and Zionist leaders are literally […]

Open Day – Devizes FREEMASONs HALL


July 21- “Sound of Freedom” Funded by Freemasons Who Chip Children

(Tim Ballard. You don’t wear a Masonic tie unless you are a Freemason) Please send links and comments to [email protected] This appears to confirm warnings that this film may have a hidden agenda.  The Freemasons’ MYCHIP program used to track children North American Masonic Lodges have an initiative called the Masonic Child Identification Programme (“CHIP”). […]

Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace

Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace… VIEW COMMENTS A Royal Mason: The Duke of Kent is the organisation’s Grand Master 12 April 2012 Abranch of the Freemasons secret society is being formed by members of the Royal Household and police who protect the Royal Family. And their decision to call it The Royal Household […]

The ‘Simonini Letter’ — The First Evidence Connecting Jews, Freemasons & Illuminati To World Revolution

In 1806, after reading Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, a professional soldier from the Piedmont in northwest Italy named Jean-Baptiste Simonini felt compelled to write the author, a French Catholic priest named Augustin Barruel, to divulge his firsthand knowledge about the role the Jews played in the Freemasons and the Illuminati — and how […]

Soviet Jew chess grandmaster says Judaism source of Protestantism, freemasons are ‘comrades’ and noahides

L-R Soviet Jew Boris Gulko, Donald Trump, and British Nigel Short before the quarterfinal of the World Chess Championship in Trump Tower, New York, 1994. (Photo by Rick Maiman/Sygma via Getty Images) By Boris GulkoMay 11, 2021 Anno DominiTranslated from the Russian Surveying the history of Western civilization, it is easy to find that all […]

Freemasons Control World & Want Worldwide Murder, Rape, Pedophilia This video was originally on YouTube but was taken down. The Priest informs that a Masonic take over is happening, details and issues instructions. Source


According to The UK’s Telegraph: 1. A secret archive containing the names of two million Freemasons has been made public for the first time on the genealogy site Ancestry. “The list, seen by the Telegraph, could lead to a re-examination of almost 200 years of British history, by revealing the extent of Masonic influence in the […]

Have You Been Noticing All The Dozens of Headlines Featuring The Number 33 of Freemasons In Connection With The Covid-19 Coronavirus?

Sounds Healing

Why are we seeing so many coronavirus headlines with the number 33 in them? The number 33 is very important to Freemasonry, and they take it from the bible where the Devil gets all his best ideas from. King David, who is a type of King Jesus in the Millennium, reigned over Jerusalem for 33 […]

Have You Been Noticing All The Dozens of Headlines Featuring The Number 33 of Freemasons In Connection With The Covid-19 Coronavirus?

Why are we seeing so many coronavirus headlines with the number 33 in them? The number 33 is very important to Freemasonry, and they take it from the bible where the Devil gets all his best ideas from. King David, who is a type of King Jesus in the Millennium, reigned over Jerusalem for 33 […]

Does Cryptic Code Hidden In Beale Ciphers Reveal Secrets of The Freemasons?

A view of Bedford County, Va., where the supposed treasure of “The Beale Papers” is said to be buried . ( CC BY 3.0 ) Beale left behind three encrypted pages with an innkeeper named Robert Morriss. The Beale Ciphers told of an associate of Beale’s who would return to Bufordville with a key to decrypt the encrypted […]


TIMELINE OF WHY THE BRITISH FREEMASONS ARE NOT TRUSTED IN AMERICA 1825 CE: Captain William Morgan received the Freemason Royal Arch degree at Le Roy’s Western Star Chapter #33 and that same year Morgan announced he was going to publish an exposé titled Illustrations of Masonry, revealing the Freemasons secret higher degree details. Morgan was […]

Trump Fires Freemasons and Jews!

Actually the real story is: ZOG Emperor Trump Fires Freemasons and Jews… Replaces them with Drug Dealers and Jews Mr. Orange has been busy recently. Fortunately the revolving door at the White House was not only oiled early this morning to prevent any fire hazard but an electrical system has also been installed so that […]


FREEMASONS WORSHIP LUCIFER Marriage to 32nd degree that’s why 99.9% of masons don’t get out of the first 3(blue degree) – stage. Queen Elizabeth’s father Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace Ancient Satanic Torah found in Turkey Here’s what the JEWS have to say about THEIR ownership of Freemasonry! THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, […]

VIDEO: Freemasons 300th Anniversary Webcast Oct 2017

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