Posts Tagged ‘lodge’

Lodge an objection to a Notice of Valuation in NSW

Reasons to lodge an objection You may object if: you believe your land value is too high or too low the area, dimensions or description of the land are incorrect the valuations are incorrectly apportioned we should have valued the land separately we should have valued the land with other land concessions or allowances are […]

Insiders: Putin Belonged to the Royal Arch Lodge

Bloggers claiming to be ex-Intelligence agentssay crazed MI-5 & MI-6 wreak havoc for the Illuminati (from May 28, 2009)  This 15-year-old article places Putin  squarely in the ranks of Freemasons. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Blogs by people claiming to be former  MI-5 and MI-6 agents paint a sordid picture of state terrorism, rape, torture, mind […]

How to lodge a land valuation objection in Victoria

To submit your objection, you will need the following information from your council valuation and rate notice: assessment or property number site value (value of land) capital improved value (value of building(s) and land) net annual value – (a minimum of 5% of the capital improved value) issue date The date of valuation is 1 […]

How to lodge a land valuation objection in Queensland

If you don’t agree with your land valuation in Queensland (annual or maintenance valuation), you can lodge an objection. You must: provide evidence to show that the valuation is incorrect include all required information in accordance with the Land Valuation Act 2010 lodge your objection within 60 days of the date of issue of your valuation notice. Objection […]

Freemasonic founders of popular corporations, according to the Grand Lodge of Russia

Below is a slideshow published by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Russia. It reveals the masonic founders of popular international corporations, such as Apple, KFC, Dunlop, and JC Penney, as well as a couple in pro sports. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Macron pays homage to Soviet-affiliated Grand Orient Lodge of France on its 250th anniversary

French President Emmanuel Macron (L) shakes hands with Grand Master of the Freemasonic organisation, the Grand Orient de France (GODF) Guillaume Trichard during a meeting with the leaders of France’s Freemason organisations during the 250th anniversary of the Grand Orient of France in Paris, on November 8, 2023. (Photo by THIBAULT CAMUS/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) […]

New eco-lodge units to come on stream in Semnan

TEHRAN—New eco-lodge units will be added to the traditional hospitality sector of the north-central Semnan province, the provincial tourism chief has said. There are plans to develop 250 eco-lodges throughout the province within three years, Amir Karamzadeh explained on Thursday. It is essential for the growth and prosperity of tourism in the province to increase […]

Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace

Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace… VIEW COMMENTS A Royal Mason: The Duke of Kent is the organisation’s Grand Master 12 April 2012 Abranch of the Freemasons secret society is being formed by members of the Royal Household and police who protect the Royal Family. And their decision to call it The Royal Household […]

Deathbed Confession of the Former Head of “Alpha Lodge” Sydney Revealed the Pervasive Worldwide Power of Organized Satanism

We revisit the deathbed confessions of Frater 616 which revealed that Satanism has corrupted society to a far greater degree than we ever imagined. This may explain why, increasingly, Western society resembles a satanic cult and Australia is on the vanguard of the satanic New World Order. The aim of the Alpha Lodge is 66% illiteracy rates in the Western […]

Eco-lodge complexes to come on stream in Zanjan

TEHRAN – Three eco-lodge complexes and a traditional restaurant will soon be inaugurated in Tarom county of Zanjan province on the occasion of National Tourism Week (September 27-October 4), the provincial tourism chief has said. Such projects are highly expected to develop rural tourism infrastructure and bring economic benefits to the local communities, Amir Arjmand […]

The ECAJ and the ZFA lodge their submissions to the inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia.

Browse > Home / News / The ECAJ and the ZFA lodge their submissions to the inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia. February 17, 2021 by J-Wire News Service Read on for article On 23 November 2020, ECAJ co-CEO Peter Wertheim met online with Senator Kristina Keneally at her request to discuss burgeoning […]

Eco-lodge units come on stream in Kerman  

TEHRAN – Three eco-lodge units have been inaugurated in three different villages of Baft county, Kerman province, southeast Iran, ILNA reported on Monday. Establishing such lodging centers is of very high importance in Iranian rural landscapes, reportedly to boost tourism, to generate job opportunities, and ultimately to help empower countryside communities. Big and sprawling Kerman […]

Leopard snatches, eats three-year-old boy at a safari lodge in Uganda

     ‘Once it has tasted human flesh the temptations are high to eat another human being,’ says the Uganda Wildlife Authority A leopard snatched and ate the three-year-old son of a ranger at a popular national park in Uganda. The animal attacked the toddler – named in local reports as Elisha Nabugyere – at a […]

Powers & Principalities: Freemasonry, P2 Lodge, Vatican 2 and the New World Order

Joe and Timothy talks about a wide variety of topics, including the Masonic “Christians”, the strategy of tension, Charlottesville, and Luciferians. Download Source Article from

My Spiritual Re-Connection – Stories From The Inipi (Sweat Lodge)

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” As with most people, I think, I never really took this adage seriously in the past. And then people literally starting popping up in my life who had something to teach me, provided I was ready to listen. Living in Ontario, North America, I knew that […]

Killary hijacks NYC Pride by making sure you think she cares

     It is difficult to surprise at New York City’s pride parade — that pulsing kaleidoscope of pink unicorn horns and rainbow undergarments, bejeweled miniature dogs and glitter-specked revelers who seemed to have misplaced their shoes. But around 1:45 p.m. Sunday, beneath a virtually cloudless sky, something was afoot on Christopher Street. Lights flashed. Officers […]

Should The Lodge be replaced?

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and partner Tim Mathieson at The Lodge. Picture: Ray Strange Source: HWT Image Library The Lodge’s roof’s slate and timber frames need replacing. Source: HWT Image Library Prev  of 2 Next The Lodge is in urgent need of repair. Source: HWT Image Library FOR all its history, our Prime Minister is living […]

Push for the bush – plan for Government House to lodge a country governor

Stately manor … Government House / Pic: Historic Houses Trust Source: The Daily Telegraph PREMIER Barry O’Farrell wants the next governor of NSW to come from country NSW, which is partly why he has moved the Governor back into the Government House official residence. Senior government sources confirmed yesterday that Mr O’Farrell’s intention was that […]

A Little Monkey business at The Lodge

Cavoodle puppies at Billabong Creek Farm near Taralgon. Source: Herald Sun AUSTRALIA’S soon-to-be First Pet may think he’s a cavoodle, but he’s yet to discover he is actually a little Bulldog. News Prime Minister Julia Gillard is to be presented with a puppy for her 50th birthday has already brought the perks of office to […]

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