Posts Tagged ‘achieves’

Microsoft’s AI Speech Generator Achieves Human Parity, Too Dangerous to Release

Microsoft has developed a new iteration of its neural codec language model, Vall-E, that surpasses previous efforts in terms of naturalness, speech robustness, and speaker similarity. It is the first of its kind to reach human parity in a pair of popular benchmarks, and is apparently so lifelike that Microsoft has no plans to grant […]

Hezbollah Achieves More Precise Strikes on IOF Sites, Strikes Iron Dome Bases

May 12, 2024  Hezbollah Statements – Lebanon – Live News – News – Top In solidarity with the people of occupied Palestine and the resistance in the Gaza Strip, and amidst Zionist aggression on several villages in South Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance on Saturday persistently targeted Israeli occupation sites near the Lebanese-Palestinian borders. Hezbollah military media released a series of statements outlining the […]

Hezbollah Achieves More Precise Hits on IOF Sites Near Lebanon Border

March 9, 2024 Hezbollah Operations March 9, 2024  Lebanon – Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top – Zionist entity In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued on Saturday striking the Zionist occupation sites near the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine, inflicting losses […]

Anti-Semitic Hero Mel Gibson Achieves National Socialist Ragegasm after Neutralizing Soldiers of Jewish Occupation

Epic REVENGE | The Patriot (2000) Film 1080p [embedded content] Bloodthirsty sadistic Jews tried to kosher-slaughter Mel Gibson’s career after the talented and creative genius and pure White Aryan freedom fighter defended children from child-molesting baby-raping Hebrew pedophiles and disgusting Yid predators.

Philly Neighborhood Achieves Inclusive Development And Control Through Community Land Trust

Philly Neighborhood Achieves Inclusive Development And Control Through Community Land Trust Above Photo:  “Temple University Station,” Adam Moss In Philadelphia, the Community Justice Land Trust is helping preserve a community in the face of rising land values and speculation in the city’s Eastern North section, near Temple University, reports Patrick Sisson in Curbed. Sisson notes that a decade […]

LA Metro begins fining men for "manspreading" sitting posture… the war on men achieves new insanity

(Natural News) Those looking to ride the Metro in the Los Angeles area are now required to abide by a new set of “Metro Manners,” and some are definitely sillier than others. Doing things like eating or drinking, playing loud music, placing chewing gum underneath the seats, disturbing others, and even “manspreading” will now get […]

Iran will never stop improvement of defense power, DM says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said on Monday that the enhancement of the country’s defense power will not be stopped even for a moment. The Iranian administration and president has not overlooked the improvement of the country’s defense power even for a moment, General Dehqan said, adding that it will […]

Early Antibiotic Use ‘May Predispose Children to Weight Gain and Asthma’

Early Antibiotic Use ‘May Predispose Children to Weight Gain and Asthma’ January 27th, 2016 Via: BBC: The use of antibiotics in young children may alter the natural populations of gut microbes in a way that leaves them predisposed to weight gain and asthma in […]

Park Slope Food Coop censors letters on BDS

Cant a fascist be liberal. Whatever. This is deep now, everyone knows it, my wife had to tell her mom to shut up about her insane ugly granddaughter joining the IDF. My wife prefers I dont scream at her mom, and it wouldnt do any good anyways, but we all do know that the whole […]

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