Bill Maher Flips the Script on Biden’s Morehouse College Speech

Bill Maher turned heads on Monday night as he made a surprise appearance on Fox News’ Gutfeld. As expected, Maher expressed his deep disdain for Trump, but he took the internet by storm when he questioned what world Biden is living in.

Earlier on Monday, Joe Biden delivered a commencement speech at Morehouse College, a historically Black, all-male liberal arts university in Atlanta, Georgia. There, Biden made the claim that you have to be “ten times better” to “get a fair shot” as a black person in America.

Maher vehemently disagreed with Biden’s comments. He said, “We’re not living in that world that he [Biden] is talking about.” Maher even added that “in some instances,” being a person of color is “an advantage.”

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“I think we should acknowledge that racism still persists … but we’re not in the past. I always keep saying, ‘Let’s live in the year we’re living in.’ We’re not living in the year where you have to be ten times better to succeed if you’re a person of color. And in some instances, it’s an advantage. In some places, it’s not an advantage, but we’re not living in that world that he [Biden] is talking about. And I don’t think that helps anybody.”

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