Posts Tagged ‘Stanford’

Karma Catches Up to the Stanford Internet Observatory

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Karma has caught up with the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), which will be scaled back to just three staff, according to the Washington Post. The contracts of its leading protagonists, Alex Stamos and Renee DiResta, have not been renewed. It was former CIA fellow Renee DiResta who led SIO’s signature initiatives, the Election Integrity Partnership […]

Stanford Cow Studies confirm development of Clathrin GQD was completed through a global coordinated effort.

In 2010, Vitaliano backed Clathrin studies at Stanford. Protein in Cow Brains Holds Promise for Alternative Energy. Cow Brain Protein May Hold Alternative Energy Promise. The Heilshorn Group : Members who ran studies. So there must have been news articles on what they were doing in 2010, Stanford was key. They were figuring out how […]

Stanford Law Dean Issues Statement Supporting Free Speech Following Disruption

Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez issued a new statement addressing the disruption of Fifth Circuit Court Judge Kyle Duncan’s speech, and the next steps that the law school will take. Source

‘The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine’: Stanford University Project Colluded With Feds, Social Media to Censor ‘Misinformation’

03/20/23 ‘The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine’: Stanford University Project Colluded With Feds, Social Media to Censor ‘Misinformation’ A project run by Stanford University served as a “dry run” for President Biden’s “disinformation” board, according to journalist Matt Taibbi’s latest “Twitter files” release, which he dubbed, “The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine: Stanford, the Virality Project, and […]

ANOTHER HOAX: Stanford employee ARRESTED over fraudulent sexual assault claims that spurred student protests

(Natural News) An employee of Stanford University in California was found to have lied about sexual assaults on her, prompting her arrest by law enforcement. Jennifer Ann Gries, 25, was arrested on March 15 by officers of the Santa Clara Police Department and subsequently charged with felony perjury. The charges stemmed from her fraudulent claims […]

Elon Musk Meets With Censored Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor At Twitter HQ

In between triggering deep staters by calling for Anthony Fauci’s prosecution, Elon Musk met with a Stanford professor who had been blacklisted by Twitter 1.0 for speaking out against lockdowns. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an author of the Great Barrington Declaration in which thousands of scientists called for a policy of herd immunity over lockdowns, was just one of […]

Stanford Professor Who Challenged Lockdowns & ‘Scientific Clerisy’ Says ‘Academic Freedom Is Dead’

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, the Stanford Professor who challenged covid lockdowns says that “academic freedom is dead,” and warns that  all those who have stood up to the ‘official’ narrative now face “a deeply hostile work […] The post Stanford Professor Who Challenged Lockdowns & ‘Scientific Clerisy’ Says ‘Academic Freedom Is Dead’ appeared first on News […]

Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”

A Stanford Professor who challenged the orthodoxy of lockdowns has warned that “academic freedom is dead,” and that all those who have stood up to the regime narrative now face “a deeply hostile work environment.” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an author of the Great Barrington Declaration in which thousands of scientists called for a policy of herd […]

More Than Likely Killer Jabbed Stanford women’s soccer captain dies suddenly at 22

Smoking Gun Proof Stanford University Was Concerned Jews Were Already Taking Over In 1950s

Christian Chapel at Stanford University (Jewish Telegraph Agency) Up until the end of World War II, to protect the integrity of their institutions Ivy League schools placed quotas limiting the number of Jews they admitted, but the existence of a quota at Stanford University in Northern California was never more than a rumor — at […]

Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health

Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health by Eric Brakey | Guest Writer Published October 25, 2021 Opinion | As one-size-fits-all COVID vaccine mandates sweep government, academia, and corporate America, new data are emerging that undermine the public health justifications for these policies. Studies from multiple countries […]

Stanford And U Cal Professors Declare That Conservatives Who Vote For Black Candidates Are STILL RACIST

MSNBC race baiter Joy Reid and her guests on Thursday attacked parents who have spoken out against gay and pedophilia pornography books being placed in school libraries, surmising that it’s all part of… you guessed it, a white supremacist agenda. Reid brought on former RNC chairman Michael Steele and the pair claimed that the recent protests […]

Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses

Leading cancer charities in the UK are warning that there is a crisis underway with huge numbers of people not receiving referrals or treatment because they’ve been told to stay at home and not to burden the National Health Service. The London Telegraph reports that Cancer Research UK stats show that in the 12 months […]

The littlest CV vax research ‘volunteers’ arrive at Stanford University accompanied by their parents

Shouldn’t that read ‘brought by their parents?’ … Do babies go to their Doctors ‘accompanied by their parents’? To the park ‘accompanied by their parents’? I guess ‘accompanied’ sounds better and sits more easily on the conscience than ‘taken by’. This is an experimental injection that has emergency approval only. Lawyer Sue Grey in NZ […]

Most Are At Higher Risk Of Vaccine Adverse Event Than COVID-19 & Stanford Finds Masks ‘Ineffective’

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/9/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns “Worst Public Health Mistake in Last 100 Years”

Divers in the Philippines have discovered single use face masks and other PPE covering precious coral reefs and being consumed by marine life as the impact of lockdown takes its toll on the environment. While the media and groups like the World Economic Forum have have hailed the impact of lockdown, celebrating it for reducing […]

Pediatrician At Stanford Children’s Hospital Arrested In ‘Pedophile Sting’

A Stanford pediatrician was arrested for allegedly sending pornographic images to an underage girl and trying to have sex with her. 33 year old Dylan O’Connor was arrested after arranging to meet up with the self-declared underage girl for sex in Redwood City California, but was instead met by police officers. Mail Online reports: He […]

Stanford, Harvard & Oxford Medical Professors Have Facebook Page About COVID Disabled

Follow me on Instagram here. Make sure you follow Collective Evolution on Telegram as we have no idea how much longer we will be on Facebook.  The study of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, remote viewing, and several other phenomenon under the branch of study known today as “parapsychology” has been occurring for more than a century. These abilities have been […]

Stanford Medical Prof: Scientists Are Being Censored For Sharing “Alternative” Info About COVID

The Facts: Farmers are protesting in India because they have concerns about corporate exploitation. The Indian government is suggesting these protests have been ‘hijacked’ and used by those who wish to smear the current government and destabilize it. Reflect On: Why is it so hard to find out what’s really happening when it comes to […]

Cambridge Analytica-linked Stanford scientist’s study suggests he can tell by examining your FACE what your politics are

Facial recognition algorithms can be trained to recognize people’s political views, Stanford-affiliated researcher Michal Kosinski claims, stating that his most recent study achieved 72 percent accuracy on liberal v conservative. Properly trained facial recognition algorithms can correctly guess a person’s political orientation nearly three-quarters of the time, Kosinski claimed in a paper published on Monday […]

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