Posts Tagged ‘merkels’

Black Dallas Shooter Was ‘Upset’ With BLM…Why?

Black Dallas Shooter Was ‘Upset’ With BLM…Why? Diary Articles, Jewish Agenda Articles, America In Decline Articles Black Dallas Shooter Was ‘Upset’ With BLM…Why?By Brother Nathanael Kapner July 10, 2016 ©___________________________________ DEAR DIARY, THE NEWS about the Dallas shooting left me much troubled. A peaceful march to protest perceived police violence against blacks organized by a […]

US Marines denounce ‘crazy political correctness’ after order to remove the word ‘man’ from job titles

US Marines have been told the word “man” will be removed from their job titles in an effort to make the service more gender-neutral. The move sparked a row with some Marines taking to social media to denounce “crazy and idiotic political correctness”. A total of 19 of the 33 titles used in the […]

NATO likely to declare cyberspace a warfare domain at Warsaw summit – German general

All 28 NATO member states are likely to agree to the proposal during the Warsaw summit, to be held in the Polish capital on July 8-9, Major General Ludwig Leinhos announced at the Berlin Air Show this week, Reuters reports. Russia working on ways to protect its internet due to US online dominance – Com. […]

Yellowstone tourist put bison calf in car because they’re worried it’s cold

     Karen Richardson of Victor was one of several parents chaperoning a group of fifth-graders on a field trip to Yellowstone this week. Richardson says on Monday, as students were being taught at Lamar Buffalo Ranch, a father and son pulled up at the ranger station with a bison calf in their SUV. “They were […]

China refuses to drop S China Sea claims, says pending UN tribunal decision ‘illegal’

“Those who expect that the arbitration could compel China to yield or make it an accomplished fact are doomed to be disillusioned. The arbitration is illegal and invalid whatever it will be. China will reject and will never acknowledge it,” Hong Lei noted on Friday, speaking at a regular press briefing, as cited by Reuters. […]

French Parliament calls for cancellation of sanctions against Russia

     The lower chamber of the French Parliament has backed by a majority vote a resolution calling on the government to cancel the sanctions against Russia imposed by the EU in 2014 over Moscow’s takeover of Crimea and support for pro-autonomy rebels in eastern Ukraine. “Most French are for lifting the sanctions. Today’s vote showed […]

Extreme heat wave kills 300 across South Asia with hottest month still ahead (PHOTOS)

Scorching temperatures have allowed at least three countries to set new all-time national heat records with Thailand, which has kept records since 1950, leading the way. After Sukhothai, Thailand set the first record of 111.7 degrees Fahrenheit (44.3 degrees Celsius), on April 12, on Friday a remote, mountainous province in northern Thailand, Mae Hong Son […]

Foreign investors slowly but surely returning to Russia

     Portfolio investments in Russian assets are on the rise; for the second week in a row, Emerging Portfolio Fund Research Inc. marked an inflow of capital into Russia-oriented funds. At the same time, some analysts consider the country’s assets a leading investment even among other developing economies, Russian business magazine Expert reports. The week […]

Controversy After German Sports Team Found To Comprise Entirely Of ‘Nordic Aryan’ Germans

From: Germanys national handball team has been mired in controversy just days after they took the European title because every player on the squad is a Nordic Aryan ethnic German. The team has been compared unfavourably to Germanys Alternative Fur Deutschland (AfD) party which is itself compared to Britains UKIP […]

African "Refugees" sexually harass 75 Year old German Grandmother, "Integrated" Muslims interrupt

From: A 75 year old woman in Hamburg tells her story of how she was sexually harassed by African migrants to a journalist as suddenly “integrated” Muslims rudely interrupt her, insist that she insults Islam, claim they rebuilt Germany and consequently deny any crimes against Christians by Muslims. While on the […]

Gay Wetback Rubio Openly Planning “Brokered Convention” to Steal Nomination from Trump

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 11, 2016 One of the biggest drawbacks with Marco Rubio is that he gives no indication to voters that he’s a human being. Hey, here’s another one of those bizarre things. AP: The best hope of the Republican establishment just a week ago, Marco Rubio suddenly faces a path to his […]

Filthy Jew Demons Now Selling Us Our Beer

By Phillip Marlowe (the INCOG MAN) You can’t get away from these filthy Jew creeps — now the stuck-up demons are busy selling us our lousy beer! I don’t know if any of you saw this commercial this past Superbowl Sunday. It featured Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen, acting like two politicians at the head of a new American political […]

Despite Western lies, Syrian army is defending Aleppo not attacking it

     The Syrian conflict has seen many media distortions but there is one especially which I must take vigorous issue with. The news media in the West portrays the recent fighting around Aleppo as a Syrian army attack on Aleppo. Sometimes there is an admission that the government controls part of Aleppo. However overall the […]

‘Focus on Baltic region’: UK bolsters anti-Russian NATO taskforce with 5 warships, troops

The decision to deploy HMS Iron Duke (a Type 23 Frigate), a billion-pound-valued Type-45 destroyer (one of six commissioned) and three minesweepers, altogether 530 naval personnel is part of what the British Ambassador to NATO Sir Adam Thomson describes as “a more muscular approach than it has done since the Cold War to enhance its […]

More Than 1,000 Longshoremen Walk Off The Job At NY/NJ Ports

Print Friendly Longshoremen walk off job in New Jersey and New York on Jan. 29, 2016. Credit CBS2 More than 1,000 longshoremen walked off the job at area ports Friday afternoon. During the walkout, which lasted several hours, overseas shipments stuck at ports in New York City, Elizabeth, Newark and Jersey City. The ports handle […]

Cologne Women Apologize For “Xenophobia” by Giving Migrants Roses Following Mass Molestation

From: Feminists more concerned about not appearing “Islamophobic” than protecting the safety of women Women in Cologne have responded to the mass molestation by predominantly Muslim migrants that occurred on New Years Eve by visiting the citys largest refugee center and handing out roses as a gesture against xenophobia. […]


Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – A professor from the University of Nebraska was given a personal invitation to meet President Obama following his speech in Omaha Wednesday because she is a liberal gun-grabbing commie pig- and Obama absolutely loves her. Not only does she want to disarm Americans, she also hates LAW ENFORCEMENT. Like […]

US States Can’t Stop “Syrian Refugees”

Individual US state governors who seek to block the resettlement of “Syrian refugees” are engaging in an elaborate hoax as they must be aware that they have no power at all to stop the process, a leading constitutional lawyer has said. The lawyer, who wished to remain anonymous to protect himself against leftist retaliation, […]

False alarm triggers panic at scene of Paris terror attack (VIDEO)

READ MORE: World mourns 130+ killed in series of terrorist attacks  Police were on alert after loud bangs were audible near the Le Carillon on Sunday evening. Security forces ordered the area to be cleared as those in the vicinity reacted in horror. A video from the scene shows the immediate aftermath. The sounds came from […]

Protestors In NYC Project Illuminated Message At Cuomo Fundraiser

Print Friendly URGING HIM TO PULL THE PLUG ON THE CPV VALLEY ENERGY PROJECT New York City: The Illuminators projected a protest message to Governor Cuomo upon the Harvard Club in Manhattan on Thursday night during his fundraising event there, on behalf of frontline communities impacted by a growing number of fracked-gas infrastructure projects in NY such as […]

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