Posts Tagged ‘freddie’

Freddie Ponton Interview – Breaking Down Iran’s Response To Israel & The Impending Israeli Attack

Joining me today is independent journalist & researcher, Freddie Ponton, here to discuss the recent bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria, the Iranian response to this very serious crime, and the ongoing situation that has followed. We get into the history and the deeper interworking of the current situation, and how not all of […]

Freddie Baggins – Our Leaders are Both Evil and Insane

The evidence is conclusive that the Covid vaccines  were never, ever necessary to make anyone “safe”.  by Freddie Baggins ( In 2021 many people asked why our governments were enforcing mass inoculations of every age group when all of the data, even from the government sources, showed that the Covid virus was only dangerous to […]

Freddie Ponton Interview – What Is Really Happening In France?

Joining me today Freddie Ponton, here to discuss what’s really going on in France, and break down the many different factors at play. We of course discuss the many false and misleading narratives circulating within the two party paradigm and postulate about why this may be happening, and what it may be covering up.  ( […]

Freddie Ponton Interview – What Is Happening In France & Is The US Government Involved?

Joining me today is Freddie Ponton, here to discuss the major protests — and the subsequent tyrannical police violence — taking place in France, and what may be truly driving it. The narrative on the surface, which no doubt plays a factor, is that this began due to President Macron’s proposed pension reforms. However, when […]

Drunk Off-Duty NYPD Cop Runs Truck Onto Brooklyn Sidewalk, Killing a Pedestrian and Seriously Injuring Three Others

This post was submitted by Chris Scott using our Submit Page Bystanders corralled a drunken off-duty cop after his speeding SUV killed a Brooklyn pedestrian and horribly injured three of his college pals in a gruesome wreck, cops and eyewitnesses said. Officer Nicholas Batka’s vehicle was seen swerving in the seconds before impact. His runaway […]

Never-Trump delegates launch last-ditch bid to disrupt convention

Anti-Trump Republicans launched a last-ditch bid on Monday to deny the New York businessman the party’s nomination by trying to force a state-by-state vote at the Cleveland convention on the rules that bind delegates to back Donald Trump.  The effort stands little chance of succeeding, but could pose a major disruption to the proceedings just […]

Man Dies, Survived by $12 Million Worth of Weed

Gwinnett County police responded to the call of a man slumped over near a white van and tractor-trailer. There they found Johnny Taylor, 31, of Bridgeport, Connecticut kneeling on the ground with his head on the steps of the white van’s side door. There were bags of marijuana inside the vehicle. Officers made the discovery […]

Ferguson Prosecutor Determined To Convict Activists Finally Resigns

ST. LOUIS — After pressure from the media and community activists, Ferguson’s relentless part-time head prosecutor Stephanie Karr has announced her resignation. In a letter to city officials Monday, Karr wrote that she would resign with a “heavy heart,” saying the decision was “thoughtfully deliberated” with family and colleagues, but ultimately hers alone. “I have greatly enjoyed my […]

Deputy Grabs Camera Out of Activists Hand at NASCAR Campsite

The following post was submitted via our Submit Page by Connor Pitt of Maricopa County Copblock Deputy Don Hess #S1535 with the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office decided it would be a smart idea to abuse his authority and snatch the camera out of a marijuana legalization activists hand; and shut off the recording and tell […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

ISIS to Attack West on Ramadan

Daily Stormer May 23, 2016 The muzzies are calling on their clandestine forces to attack unnamed targets in the West during the religious holiday in early June. The reason? Because NATO forces are not distinguishing properly between civilians and combatants… Yes you read correctly; ISIS, the mother of war crimes is bitching about war crimes. […]

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