Posts Tagged ‘residual’

Billions Of Copies Of Residual DNA In A Single Dose Of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials. The lead author of the study, molecular virologist David Speicher, who has a doctorate in virology, told The Epoch Times that their study is “the largest study” on residual DNA in COVID-19 vaccines to date. […]

Billions Of Copies Of Residual DNA In A Single Dose Of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Preprint

A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials. The lead author of the study, molecular virologist David Speicher, who has a doctorate in virology, told The Epoch Times that their study is “the largest study” on residual DNA in COVID-19 vaccines to date. […]

 Imprudent for govt to divest its residual equity share of 29.5% in HZL

To Shri Rajiv Gauba Union Cabinet Secretary Dear Shri Gauba, In the past, I had written to your predecessors and the Ministry of Mines not to divest the government’s share of equity in Hindustan Zinc Ltd. (HZL), keeping in view the strategic nature of Zinc as a scarce mineral. I understand from recent news reports […]

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