Email – #SolutionsWatch

09/01/20220 Comments

Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4

Really Simple Syndication

Mailchimp purges more high-profile users

Mailchimp (Intuit) banned existing users in Russia without allowing them to move to other provider

Mailchimp makes its censorship rules official, outlines right to ban users for “inaccurate” content

Corbett Report substack email list

Filed in: Solutions WatchVideos
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Email – #SolutionsWatch

09/01/20220 Comments

Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4

Really Simple Syndication

Mailchimp purges more high-profile users

Mailchimp (Intuit) banned existing users in Russia without allowing them to move to other provider

Mailchimp makes its censorship rules official, outlines right to ban users for “inaccurate” content

Corbett Report substack email list

Filed in: Solutions WatchVideos
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Email – #SolutionsWatch

09/01/20220 Comments

Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4

Really Simple Syndication

Mailchimp purges more high-profile users

Mailchimp (Intuit) banned existing users in Russia without allowing them to move to other provider

Mailchimp makes its censorship rules official, outlines right to ban users for “inaccurate” content

Corbett Report substack email list

Filed in: Solutions WatchVideos
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Email – #SolutionsWatch

09/01/20220 Comments

Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4

Really Simple Syndication

Mailchimp purges more high-profile users

Mailchimp (Intuit) banned existing users in Russia without allowing them to move to other provider

Mailchimp makes its censorship rules official, outlines right to ban users for “inaccurate” content

Corbett Report substack email list

Filed in: Solutions WatchVideos
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Email – #SolutionsWatch

09/01/20220 Comments

Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4

Really Simple Syndication

Mailchimp purges more high-profile users

Mailchimp (Intuit) banned existing users in Russia without allowing them to move to other provider

Mailchimp makes its censorship rules official, outlines right to ban users for “inaccurate” content

Corbett Report substack email list

Filed in: Solutions WatchVideos
Tagged with:


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