Posts Tagged ‘Jack Adam Weber’

Inner Activism – Ensuring “We” Don’t Become “Them”

27th September 2015 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Breaking the Silence. This article was inspired by the documentary video, Breaking the Silence Truth and Lies in the War on Terror. It moved me deeply. It brought up my outrage, my sadness, my helplessness, my love, my hope, my passion — all of […]

The Modern Shaman: Fierce Love at the Frontier of Madness

4th September 2015 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Shamans and Revolutionaries don’t preach to the choir, where confirmation bias is high. They go where they are unpopular, to reach those not far from the next step into sanity. But such sanity doesn’t feel like sanity at first. This is called a […]

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