Posts Tagged ‘repeats’

History Repeats Itself: Early Treatment

Before properly starting this article, I’ll recall a phrase that almost everyone knows: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as a farce.” The author is the German philosopher Karl Marx. It’s common for people to use variants of this phrase, which has become part of the popular imagination. After all, history tends to repeat […]

Biden repeats promise to Black Americans: ‘I have your back’

President Biden in a Saturday interview doubled down on his commitment to stand by Black Americans and pointed to his record of support for Black-owned small businesses and to strong job creation numbers. “You promised Black America that … you’d have our back. Do you feel you have our backs?” MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart asked Biden… […]

History Repeats: Paris Homes Tagged with Stars of David

Stars of David were spray painted on homes in Paris on Tuesday night in what political leaders called a chilling evocation of “the 1930s.” Source

United States repeats support for Finland and Sweden to join NATO

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his first visit to Turkey following his appointment two years ago, has reiterated Washington’s support for Sweden and Finland’s quick accession to NATO. The Nordic country’s bid to join the military alliance has been blocked by Ankara which says that Stockholm in particular has harboured the Kurdistan […]

Trump repeats his claim that US Jews ‘don’t appreciate Israel the way they should’ and evangelicals are more thankful for his Middle East policy

The Israel Firster Trickster Trupster openly admits he is a treasonous to America sack of Khazarian pig shit. Treason is a hanging affair. So when is congress going to investigate Trump’s treason and hang him on a light post on Pennsylvania Avenue? Well hell! When hell freezes over. The Ole Dog! Trump repeats his claim […]

History repeats itself – death squads re-emerge in occupied Ireland

From the announcement that Britain had voted to leave the European Union in June 2016, up until London finally departed the bloc in January 2020, the main criticism put forward by the mainstream media over Brexit was that it would result in violence erupting in the occupied north of Ireland, with border infrastructure being placed […]

CNN ‘Exclusive’ Repeats MoA’s Year Old Reporting – Ukraine/CIA Tried To Snatch Russian Veterans

September 08, 2021 CNN ‘Exclusive’ Repeats MoA‘s Year Old Reporting – Ukraine/CIA Tried To Snatch Russian Veterans Trust in U.S. media is at a record low: The United States ranks last in media trust — at 29% — among 92,000 news consumers surveyed in 46 countries, a report released Wednesday found. That’s worse than Poland, […]

Oath Keepers’ Stewart Rhodes Repeats Demand That Trump Declare Martial Law to Avoid Militia-Led Civil War 

Stewart Rhodes, pro-Trump leader of the anti-government extremist group Oath Keepers, posted an open letter to President Donald Trump Monday urging Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act against “domestic traitors,” order “trusted military units” to “seize all databases of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DNI, etc and the records held by all state electoral systems and […]

Fact Check: Obama Repeats Debunked Atlantic ‘Suckers’ Story

CLAIM: President Donald Trump called “men and women of our military ‘suckers’ or ‘losers’.” VERDICT: FALSE. That claim, published by The Atlantic on the basis of anonymous sources, is considered debunked. Former President Barack Obama spoke on behalf of Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden at a drive-in rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Biden himself called a […]

British rapper Wiley repeats tropes about Jewish power and money in new interview

British rapper Wiley repeats tropes about Jewish power and money in new interview – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

Fact Check: Joe Biden Repeats False Claim About ‘Shovel-ready’ Jobs

CLAIM: The Obama-Biden administration provided “shovel-ready” jobs in the 2009 “stimulus” that Joe Biden managed. VERDICT: FALSE. Even President Barack Obama himself admitted that the “shovel-ready” jobs did not really exist. Former Vice President Joe Biden delivered a short speech in New Castle, Delaware, on Tuesday, in which he proposed offering new child care and […]

Europe Cries “Never Again” As It Repeats History of Censorship And Euthanasia

February 2, 2018 Op-Ed by Brandon Turbeville After Europe’s tragic experience during the second world war at the hands of Nazis, many Europeans have prided themselves as being the tip of the spear of “tolerance,” “anti-racism,” and “liberal” policies. Though the horrors of the Soviets and Communism are rarely mentioned, the […]

AG Sessions should ‘step up and fire Robert Mueller’; Rep. Gaetz repeats

     Rep. Matt Gaetz has repeated his call for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to be removed and for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to get involved in the Russia investigation. Speaking to Ed Henry on “Fox News @ Night” Tuesday, the first-term Florida Republican said Sessions is a “spectator” at this point after recusing himself from […]

MSM Repeats Same WMD Lies As In Iraq To Lay Groundwork For Military Action In Syria

August 28, 2017 By Brandon Turbeville After six years of propaganda, false narratives, and hysteria by Western governments and their media mouthpieces regarding the push for direct war with Syria, it seems the Western narrative is now shifting to the tried-and-true method that proved itself during the second invasion of Iraq in […]

Did ‘Hashomer Hatzair’ shape Sanders’s views on socialism and Israel?

Can you find young Bernie Sanders, who may be in this 1964 picture from his time on Kibbutz Sha’ar Ha’amakim, posted by JTA‘s Ron Kampeas? (Click through for Kampeas’s guess.) Since sleuths last week identified the kibbutz, which Sanders long refused to name, the Vermont senator has been attacked from the right because of the […]

How France loots its former colonies – Veterans Today

Francois Hollande with the Senegalese President Macky Sall By Siji Jabbar for This is Africa We try to keep a positive vibe going here at This Is Africa, but every so often you come across something that just paints your mood black. Some of you may already be aware of this, but if like us you’re […]

US Prisons: Human Rights Hell

Print Friendly Above Photo: By Danielle Fox/Columbia Prison Divest.   “The judge said “Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else, then you won’t have to die.” I spoke not a word though it meant my life, For I had been in the arms of my best friend’s wife — “Long Black Veil”, […]

‘Pope Francis Will Resign in 2016 Following Argentina Visit’… Says Vatican Insider

Pope has transformed the Roman Catholic Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with teachings of Jesus Christ! ~ Leo Lyon Zagami – Video Last week I went to visit two of my most trusted sources in the Vatican, one a member of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the Pontifical Equestrian […]

‘Open Borders’ Perry repeats opposition to building fence along U.S.-Mexican border

  Meghashyam MaliThe Hill September 4, 2011 Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) repeated his opposition to a controversial proposal to build a fence along the U.S.-Mexican border while campaigning in New Hampshire. A d v e r t i s e m e n t “No, I don’t support a fence […]

History Repeats Itself, With Mistakes of Iraq Rehearsed Afresh

With Gaddafi at large, a guerrilla war eroding the new powers is inevitable   by Robert Fisk   Doomed always to fight the last war, we are recommitting the same old sin in Libya. Muammar Gaddafi vanishes after promising to fight to the death. Isn’t that just what Saddam Hussein did? And of course, when […]

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