An advertised look of the house
The government (deliberately) allows fraud to occur in the real estate industry, where in fact it actually supports it.
Why would it not?
After all it’s a huge cash cow for the government, so why would anyone want to take an action to shoot one in the foot?
Quite simply put the higher the prices the more tax the government reaps from the serfs.
One way to achieve overinflated prices is falsely advertise the property, in this case ‘Photoshop’ it or modify the lacklustre original photo.
The real look of the house
MANY other industries are penalised, where the fines are ‘advertise’ to the general population, but there’s crickets on the real estate front.
You could not ‘play’, but then that would mean you would not live in a house/flat/apartment or even in a rental property.
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