Posts Tagged ‘practical’

20 Practical Uses For Coca Cola – Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body & 22 Ways Drinking Soda Will Shorten Your Life

From: TrueActivist / GreenMedInfo via Numerous studies have shown the negative health effects of drinking soda on your waistline and your teeth. Related: There Is Deadly Formaldehyde In Clothing, Food, Cigarettes And Vaccines – What Will You Be Wearing, Eating, Smoking And Injecting Today? To prove Coke does not belong in the human body, […]

Insulate and protect yourself and your family from war with these practical preparedness tips

(NaturalNews) No matter where you live, war is going to affect you. Meaning, being prepared and knowing the basics during these uncertain times is… Source

10 Practical Steps to Stop Implementation of CBDCs


The Best Practical Gifts, Because We Have Enough Crystals

Don’t get us wrong, we live for a gimmick. Have you seen the chicken bag around which the internet is forming a small cult? How about the electrocution party game, or a computer mouse shaped like a potato? A lot of peeps would say such treasures aren’t a necessity of life, and they would be […]

Lend-lease: A Declaration of Proxy War on Russia for all Practical Purposes?

The American policymakers, when wanting to isolate and antagonise Russia, must have asked, “What ‘redline’ would have to be crossed for Putin to act?” In retrospect, in light of Putin’s Victory Day Speech which coincided with Russian successes in the Donbass region and the East of Ukraine as a whole, the answer is clear. Did […]

Hawkins: Practical Steps to Keep Schools, Students Safe

If this horrendous week has taught us anything it is that we are past due for a discussion on keeping schools and students safe.

Dr. David Martin Presents the Practical Plan to End the “Pandemic” & Great Reset Agenda

Jan 1st 2022 Video:—Great-Reset-Agenda:d Form: Find the others: _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: If you like our work please consider to donate : Spike Protein Protocol  Glutathione (most important for […]

6 PRACTICAL ways to reduce your exposure to EMF pollution

(NaturalHealth365)  Is your home environment making you sick?  Cordless phones, computers, printers, fax machines, plus many other electrical devices may very well be slowly killing you. According to the Consumer Electronics Association, about 99 percent of U.S. households own a television, with the average home having three TVs and about 24 consumer electronic devices overall.  […]

Lifting sanctions entail practical steps by the West: expert

Lifting sanctions entail practical steps by the West: expert – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – An expert on international affairs says the U.S. administration should know that Iran, as it has repeatedly stated, will respond in kind to any step taken by the other parties. In proportion to a lifting of sanctions and return of other parties […]

A practical approach to keeping healthy after your Covid-19 jab

Posted on October 9, 2021 What is this guide? The World Council for Health recognizes that some people become unwell after the Covid-19 vaccination. This guide describes the types of illnesses associated with injection and how doctors are managing them. As the type of technology being used in these injections has never been used before, some […]

Practical Reasons Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely Reported

Practical Reasons Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely ReportedAnalysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked   October 08, 2021  Story at-a-glance Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant, is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries are rarely reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as required by law […]

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, in every practical sense, were developed to make SARS-CoV-2 more transmissible and infectious

Coronaviruses are surrounded by a fatty membrane known as an envelope. In order to gain entry to the inside of the cell, enveloped viruses use spike proteins to fuse their own membrane to that of cells’ and take over the cell. “The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.” […]

Land May Be A Deeply Philosophical Issue But Must Face Practical Realities of This World

The more one thinks about it, the stronger appears the case for distribution of land based on equality, justice and actual need. Tolstoy, one of the greatest philosophers but by inheritance also a very big landlord, thought a lot about this issue and the more he thought, the more convinced he became that the most […]

For Uncle Satan Reducing the Surplus Population is Practical Just as Scrooge Stated

January 26, 2021Print This Post CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!! Total Views : 51,900 191  41  35Share 43Share 42  2 /v2.0/plugins/like.php?action=&app_id=& by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News James (he gives his last name in the video) is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), and he recorded this video as a whistleblower because he […]

As Mass Evictions Loom, Practical Advice For Housing Takeovers

Federal protection against housing evictions has expired and local and state governments are not stepping up to fill in the gap leaving tens of millions of families vulnerable to homelessness during this growing pandemic and deep recession. In Philadelphia and across the country families, out of desperation, are taking over empty publicly-owned housing. It is […]

5 practical (and life-saving) items from the Health Ranger Store for your next hiking or camping expedition

(Natural News) The outdoor season is here and with that comes more outside activities that involve interacting with Mother Nature. This is almost always a good thing but in some circumstances, these situations can be rough for those used to modern day conveniences, and unless Bear Grylls is your sidekick, you may […]

Let the rEVOLUTION Begin! – 10 Practical Steps to Uplift You and Your World

April 24th, 2018 By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World Let the Personal rEVOLUTION Begin! Practically everyone’s saying it: what’s needed on our planet right now is a revolution in consciousness. We need to transform ourselves and reclaim personal sovereignty by making constant conscious choices. In so doing, we transform our lives and uplift the world around us. […]

The top 20 fears of Millennials reveal an astonishing decline in self-reliance and practical intelligence

(Natural News) Researchers from Goldsmiths University in London found out that not being able to find a WiFi spot and forgetting passwords to different online log-in accounts are among the biggest fears of modern millennials. If this sounds insane to you, baby boomer, imagine what your reaction will be when you find out that millennials […]

US missile strike on Syria lacked political, practical justification: Deputy fm

Press TV- A high-ranking Syrian official has strongly denounced a recent US missile attack against a military airfield in Syria’s central province of Homs, stressing that the assault targeted those fighting terrorism in the region. Speaking at a press conference in the capital city of Damascus on Monday, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad stated that Damascus government called upon experts from […]

The Trump Organization Says It’s ‘Not Practical’ to Comply With the Emoluments Clause

The Trump Organization Says It’s ‘Not Practical’ to Comply With the Emoluments Clause May 25th, 2017 Via: The Atlantic: Days before taking office, Donald Trump said his company would donate all profits from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury, part of an effort to […]

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