Posts Tagged ‘justification’

“There is no justification for terrorism.” Unless IsraHell or the US Does It-Hands All Over Little Girls Biden

In Zionist Speak, one turns the truth 180 degrees to become the Big Lie. Thus when Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Jew Cult members who are in no way descended from Biblical Israelites or Judeans invaded Palestine, have raped, robbed, tortured and Holocausted the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian people for 75 years in […]

Rick Santorum’s Justification for an Article V Convention of States Is Fundamentally Wrong, Again

Earlier this month, a group of right-wing activists held a simulated Article V convention in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, in anticipation that one day enough state legislatures will call for a dangerous Convention of States to propose constitutional amendments to radically alter American government and society by making much of what the federal government currently does […]

Rick Santorum’s Justification for an Article V Convention of States Is Fundamentally Wrong

For over a decade, right-wing activists and elected leaders have been pressing state legislators to call for a dangerous Convention of States that would consider constitutional amendments to radically alter American government and society by making much of what the federal government now does unconstitutional. As stipulated by Article V of the Constitution, a convention […]

Justification by clicks: Austrian monks point to the cloud

In the age of Instagram and Tik Tok the Admont Monastery in Styria, in the heart of Austria, has become one of the favourite scenes of influencers from all over the world. Source

From Exodus to Marvel: A brief history of Hollywood’s justification of Israeli war crimes

The introduction of an Israeli Mossad agent as the latest Marvel movie character crosses the line, even by Hollywood’s poor moral standards. However, the Israeli superhero, Sabra, must be understood within the rational progression of the Israelification of Hollywood, a phenomenon that is surprisingly new. Sabra is a relatively old character, dating back to Marvel […]

Modern medicine has gone to cr@p – now human sewage has become the justification to push vaccines when no one is actually sick

(Natural News) New York’s Democrat-extremist Governor, Kathy Hochul, has declared a fake “state of emergency” for the garbage state in order to help push unnecessary and dangerous polio vaccines on the populace. Hochul is a pharma shill who toes the line for Big Pharma, saying and doing anything they want, at any moment in time. […]

 No valid justification for your Ministry to privatise the CEL, despite allegations of bid rigging in the earlier sale

To Smt Nirmala Sitharaman Union Finance Minister Dear Smt Sitharaman, I refer to my earlier letter of May 19, 2022 ( calling upon your Ministry to drop all further disinvestment proposals, in view of the dubious outcomes of the sale of the CEL and Pawan Hans and the potential fraudulent aspects of the LIC IPO. […]

COVID-19: Government was advised in November 2021 there was no longer ‘any’ justification for MIQ

An internal memo from the Ministry of Health has revealed there was no longer “any” health justification for MIQ way back in November 2021.  It means stranded Kiwis could have come home for Christmas instead of applying for a spot in state-run managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ). 

Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates

CDC and State Health Department scientists find similar or higher viral load of Covid-19 virus among the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated Civil and individual rights are only meaningful if they continue to protect individuals during difficult situations.  It is why the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of neo-Nazis to march through Jewish […]

“The transition from using Covid to using Climate Change as the justification for implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the “digital transformation” of the economy and society is well underway” – Whitney Webb

BY RHODA WILSON ON OCTOBER 19, 2021 • Listen Now  Whitney Webb is a writer and researcher for Unlimited Hangout and The Last American Vagabond.  She mostly covers intelligence, technology, surveillance and civil liberties.  Webb made the comment regarding Covid and Climate Change on a tweet in a thread by Jesse Matchey.  Below is the first part of Matchey’s twitter thread consisting of a series of short […]

There’s no moral justification for another COVID lockdown in Israel

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Stop Taking for Granted the Justification for the Existence of Israel

Soapbox (described on Facebook as Russia state-controlled media) is circulating a video of veteran Israeli journalist Gideon Levy lecturing against the Zionist occupation of the West Bank. In the first few frames Levy says: “Palestine must be demilitarized.” Sorry, why should Palestine be demilitarized? Don’t they [Palestinians] have their right to self-defense? Levy is here […]

“No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures” – Open Letter From 100s Of Doctors, Health Pros Urges End To Lockdowns

AIER Introduction: The following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case in which states locked down their citizens rather than allow people freedom and permit medical professionals to bear the primary job of disease mitigation. So far it […]

The British Government’s Legal Justification for Bombing is Entirely False and Without Merit

The British Government’s Legal Justification for Bombing is Entirely False and Without Merit Theresa May has issued a long legal justification for UK participation in an attack on a sovereign state. This is so flawed as to be totally worthless. It specifically claims as customary international law practices which are rejected by a large majority […]

History to repeat itself? Israel Admits that the Justification for Waging the 2006 War on Lebanon Was Fabricated

Israel Admits that the Justification for Waging the 2006 War on Lebanon Was Fabricated Being absolved of a long list of crimes doesn’t give one the right to incriminate oneself on other crimes. Yet, that is exactly what former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert did today. On July 12, 2012, two days after being acquitted, he […]

‘No justification’: Merkel condemns G20 violence as protesters & police face-off in Hamburg (VIDEOS)

US missile strike on Syria lacked political, practical justification: Deputy fm

Press TV- A high-ranking Syrian official has strongly denounced a recent US missile attack against a military airfield in Syria’s central province of Homs, stressing that the assault targeted those fighting terrorism in the region. Speaking at a press conference in the capital city of Damascus on Monday, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad stated that Damascus government called upon experts from […]

Phony US Congress Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF): Justification for US Military Operations

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Police Sergeant Claims Badges DO Grant Extra Rights!

This video was shared with the CopBlock Network by Tyler Wayne, via the Submissions Page. It shows Tyler’s conversation with a Myrtle Beach police officer name Sgt. Richardson. There’s nothing particularly outrageous about this video. The Sergeant is somewhat insulting toward Tyler at times and arrogant, but for the most part he maintains a […]

10 Things You Notice Near An Empath

I once called the insurance phone number to ask a question. An hour later, the woman had shared her whole life story with me and I am not sure she ever answered my question, but I made her feel better. by Aimee Halpin What is an empath anyway and did I just make that up?  […]

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