Posts Tagged ‘except’

Amidst Israel’s #GazaGenocide, AXA divests from all Israeli banks EXCEPT ONE! Escalate #BoycottAXA now!

Amidst Israel’s #GazaGenocide, AXA divests from all Israeli banks EXCEPT ONE! Escalate #BoycottAXA now! Update New research by Ekō  shows that AXA has sold all its shares from Israel Discount Bank and Bank Leumi that finance Israel’s illegal settlements, but still owns shares worth $2.6 million in Bank Hapoalim, one of the largest Israeli commercial banks that is blocklisted […]

‘All of them are gone except me’

My friend Reem Hamadaqa barely survived an attack on her home in Khan Younis that killed her parents and most of her family. What do you tell a friend who has lost nearly everything? Source

Rogan: Democrats Have “No Cards To Play” For 2024, Except Imprisoning Trump


Top 6 ways the GENOCIDE CULT wants to FORCE-VACCINATE all humans, except themselves and their own children

(NaturalNews) Anyone who thinks they can refuse to be turned into an immune-compromised mutant is in for a rude awakening, according to the pharma globalists that… Source

Women in technology have nothing to fear — except their own hesitance

As a starting point, we need to promote the opportunities for women in tech, ensuring young girls become excited by the tech industry at an early age, as I was, and learn of the different options available, Melda Akın writes. Source

NATO wants anything except peace in Ukraine

TEHRAN- If NATO actually wanted a ceasefire in Ukraine, there were simple solutions to end the conflict. Source

The “Science” is Settled, Except When It Changes!

I am an ole fart, but with a good memory. Recall some twenty or so years back there were folks who had studied weather patterns who were saying the world was heading into another cooling spell. Their voices were drowned out by charlatans like Al send me your money Gore screaming of melting ice in […]

Governors to voters: The state of our nation is bleak, except under me

If you’d sat in the Wyoming statehouse as Gov. Mark Gordon issued his State of the State address last week, it may have seemed as if the end times were near. Not only had the “misguided” energy policies of the Biden administration “cost our nation dearly these past two years,” the Republican governor said, but […]

FBI Releases All JFK Documents Except For The One That Says They Killed Him

WASHINGTON, D.C. — At the direction of the FBI, the National Archives has released all of the government’s documents related to John F. Kennedy’s assassination – except for the document that says the FBI killed President Kennedy. Source

PA security cooperation with Israel helps everyone except Palestinians

A recent debate over the rank of the U.S. Security Coordinator for the Palestinian Authority has refocused attention on security cooperation with Israel and the question of who it truly benefits. Source

Nolte: Chris Rock Says ‘Believe All Women… Except Amber Heard’

Comedian Chris Rock took aim at the #MeToo fascists by ridiculing Amber Heard’s alleged bed-sh*tting incident.

Majority of Americans of all religions or none want legal abortion, except for Evangelicals and 47% of Catholics

Even if you add all abortion critics in all the religions together, they are a minority of the country.

Sanctions stop Aeroflot flying anywhere outside Russia except Belarus

Sanctions have forced Russia’s flagship airline Aeroflot to announce an end to almost all of its international flights. From Tuesday it will only fly to neighbouring Belarus, one of Russia’s few European allies in its war against Ukraine. Before the sanctions it used to fly to 146 cities in 52 countries around the world. Aeroflot […]

ADL Opposes Censorship, Except for Palestine

ADL Opposes Censorship, Unless It Concerns Palestine Last week a Florida school district canceled a professor’s civil rights history lecture over concerns about “critical race theory,” even though the lecture had no connection to the topic. This was obviously always the ultimate intent of CRT scaremongering. The CRT hysteria has been criticized by the Anti-Defamation […]

BIG PHARMA Pfizer CEO just admitted his company’s Killer Jabs are useless (EXCEPT AS EUTHANASIA JABS), double jabbed have “very limited protection, if any” – so why are “governments” still paying for Pfizer Killer Jabs & mandating them?

It took less than a year for Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to come clean about the failure of his mRNA vaccine program. In a recent interview, Bourla confessed that the first two doses of spike protein mRNA only offer “limited protection” against covid-19. He even cast doubt on the “booster” shot, claiming it offers “reasonable […]

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Case of Miss. Law Allowing Abortion, Except After 15 Weeks

Hundreds of women gather in support of abortion and birth control at a Planned Parenthood rally. (CNBC) — The Supreme Court’s conservative majority on Wednesday appeared poised to side with Mississippi in its bid to uphold a 15-week abortion ban, a ruling that would erode decades-old precedent protecting the right to an abortion before viability. […]

Every Man In America Except Kyle Rittenhouse Found Guilty Of Not Showing Up In Kenosha To Help Their Fellow Americans

Every Man In America Except Kyle Rittenhouse Found Guilty Of Not Showing Up In Kenosha To Help Their Fellow Americans KENOSHA, WI—In a surprise ruling, the jury presiding over the Rittenhouse trial has found every man in the country except Kyle Rittenhouse guilty of not showing up to help their fellow Americans who were being […]

Faux-Woke Corporations Go All-Out for Pride Month — Except Middle East Branches

At least seven major multinational companies changed their social media logos to rainbows as June began for “Pride Month.” The companies notably failed to update logos on their Middle East and Asian pages, where LGBT people face the most oppression. It appears that for some corporations, concern for LGBT persons is limited by geographic boundaries, […]

On Contact: ‘Except For Palestine’

[embedded content] On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses why American liberals refuse to speak out about the crimes the Israeli apartheid state carries out against the Palestinians, with political analyst and author Mitchell Plitnick. Mitchell Plitnick’s new book, with co-author Marc Lamont Hill, is: Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics. “Israel is […]

… except for Palestine

If you read Mondoweiss, you know there’s a battle brewing on Capitol Hill and it’s fueled by a deep rumble of powerful truth-telling. You know that polls show most Democrats support U.S. pressure on Israel to curb human rights abuses; that 15 courageous members of Congress have signed onto the most extensive legislation ever to […]

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