3G Network shutdown, governments useless and media silence

The colony’s governments state and federal, are deliberately
useless on many fronts, where all that is of concern is how much they
can get away with, ripping off the general population.

MANY in the
Information Technology and Communications industry have been aware
of the 3G telecommunications network shutdown, especially those in
government, as they too are a party to this action.

So what do they (the
governments) do about it?

In typical colonial
fashion, NOTHING.

What are they doing
about the fallback?


What are they doing
about the stranded customers / ‘consumers’?


What are they doing
about the huge e-waste?


Local federal
politicians? USELESS!

Minister? USELESS!

Another day, another
bunch of f**king useless politicians getting their high payed
salaries for little benefit to the community.

Not that one is to
rely on the mainstream media for ANY sort of tech news.

Better to get your
tech fix from plenty of good independent resources from the internet.

In any event see an
email on this topic:



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