Posts Tagged ‘whales’

Greta Windmills & Dead WHALES! But how?

Has eco-champion poster child  Greta Thunberg been duped into promoting an ill considered agenda that is killing thousands of whales in the name of preventing CO2 climate change and saving the planet.   Praise from Greta Thunberg for How to Speak Whale 05/07/2022 Tom Mustill’s How to Speak Whale – a thought-provoking and lively investigation […]

Wind Industry “Environmentalists” Are Responsible for Killing Whales En Masse

The wind industry is using high-decibel sonar to survey the ocean and then installing massive turbines, and this Source

Cruise Line Issues Apology After Whales Slaughtered in Front of Passengers

A British cruise line apologized to its passengers after one of its ships docked at a port in the Faroe Islands during a pilot whale hunt. Faroe Islands, an autonomous territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, is situated in the North Atlantic, between Scotland, Iceland, and Norway. Ambassador Cruise Lines confirmed on July 9 that its ship, Ambition, […]

Around 200 Whales Die On Australian Beach Where Hundreds More Died Exactly 2 Years Ago

HOBART, Australia (AP) — Wildlife experts on Thursday rescued 32 of the 230 whales that were found stranded on the wild and remote west coast of Australia’s island state of Tasmania a day earlier. Half the pod of pilot whales found stranded in Macquarie Harbour were presumed to still be alive on Wednesday, the Department […]

Massive pod of whales stranded on Tasmanian coast

About 230 whales have been stranded on Tasmania’s west coast, just days after 14 sperm whales were found beached on an island off the southeastern coast. The pod, which is stranded on Ocean Beach, appears to be pilot whales and at least half are presumed to still be alive, the Department of Natural Resources and […]

Whales Will Save the World’s Climate—Unless the Military Destroys Them First

The U.S. military is famous for being the single largest consumer of petroleum products in the world and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Its carbon emissions exceed those released by “more than 100 countries combined.” Now, with the Biden administration’s mandate to slash carbon emissions “at least in half by the end of the decade,” the Pentagon has committed to using all-electric […]

Biden administration protects endangered Pacific humpback whales

A final rule passed by the Biden administration protects endangered Pacific humpback whale habitat. The rule designates 224,030 square nautical miles as “critical habitat,” but overlapping habitats along the California coast totals 116,098 square nautical miles of protection. After the Center for Biological Diversity, Wishtoyo Foundation and Turtle Island Restoration Network sued the federal government […]

4 dead gray whales wash up on San Francisco Bay area beaches in 9 days

 Four dead gray whales washed ashore on San Francisco Bay area beaches in nine days, with experts announcing that two of the giant aquatic mammals died from ship strikes and an investigation is ongoing Saturday on the other two. Biologists with the nonprofit Marine Mammal Center in California said in a release Saturday that two […]

Over 100 whales to be killed in Japan as country starts controversial commercial whaling season

Several whale-hunting vessels have taken to the waters from Japanese ports with the official start of the commercial whaling season. They plan to catch 120 minke whales in the coming months. On Saturday, four ships – two in Miyagi Prefecture on the east coast of Japan’s main island of Honshu and two in Aomori Prefecture […]

Solar storms, magnetic pole shift loom as hundreds of dolphins and whales wind up dead worldwide

Hundreds of dolphins and whales are recently washing up dead on different shores across the world in what might be an ominous sign of the times. Experts are still investigating the cause of death, but there is speculation that intense solar activity and Earth’s weakening magnetic field likely contributed to the deaths. Mass die-offs in the sea Eighty-six dolphins […]

Whales Disrupt NATO War Games In Scottish Loch

A pod of whales have been disrupting a large NATO naval exercise in Scotland At least five bottlenose will have to be herded away again after they twice swam back to their original position in the Scottish loch. Marine experts herded the pod out of the loch ahead of Europe’s largest military exercise this weekend, […]

Australia’s beached whales: 200 more animals die in biggest stranding on record

Authorities in Australia have found a further 200 dead whales in Tasmania, close to where hundreds of beached animals were discovered earlier this week. It’s the biggest ever recorded stranding of whales in the world. Watch the report in the player above

Eight sperm whales found dead on beach in South Taranaki, New Zealand

     Eight sperm whales are dead after getting stranded on a remote South Taranaki beach. Kaupokonui Beach Camp manager Laurence Mosen was out walking his dog Chum when he discovered the whales spread over several kilometres of shoreline about 7.30am on Thursday, his wife Sue Mosen said. “They must have come in overnight,” she said. […]

Six baby whales found dead on Yasawa, Fiji

     Six baby whales were hauled up on a beach near Bukama village in Yasawa yesterday. One of our reporters Gary Volau says all the baby whales were dead by the time any of the villagers saw them. He says there are only five dead whales left on the beach after one was taken by […]

Whalers in Japan kill 177 whales to ‘study’ if commercially hunting them is sustainable

     Japan is a signatory to an international moratorium on hunting whales, but it exploits a loophole that allows whales to be killed for scientific purposes. Japan said on Tuesday said it killed 177 whales off its northeast coast, in an annual hunt that has been repeatedly condemned by animal rights activists and several governments, […]

Whales washed up on Germany’s shore found to have stomachs full of plastic trash

(Natural News) A devastating sight came to shore last year, when over a dozen whales beached themselves along the German coastline. Four of the 13 stranded sperm whales had stomachs filled with plastic trash and other garbage — a sign of the times and a clear indicator that humans are taking their toll across the […]

Dead whales found on Narragansett, Block Island shores in Rhode Island

     Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Team received a call on Sept. 5 about a dead humpback whale off of the Mohegan Bluffs on Block Island. The Animal Rescue and Veterinary Teams will travel to the location for sampling or necropsy as weather permits within the upcoming days, according to the aquarium. A dead minke whale […]

Solar storms cause sperm whales to beach in North Sea, study suggests

“Sperm whales spend their early, non-breeding years in lower latitudes, where magnetic disruptions by the sun are weak and thus lack experience of this phenomenon,” according to the new research, published in the International Journal of Astrobiology. Scientists studied the stranding of 29 sperm whales in the North Sea in January 2016 on beaches in […]

Faroe Islanders slaughter whales by hand in annual hunt (GRAPHIC PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The process, known as Grindadráp, or Grind, involves dozens of pilot whales and dolphins being driven into shallow waters by fishermen in boats and dinghies each year. From there, a group of people in the water and on the beach pull the mammals closer to shore, where they are killed by hand – a process […]

Are parents to blame for childhood obesity? Study shows 10 percent of parents are feeding their toddlers adult-sized portions

(NaturalNews) A British dietary group is blaming parents rather than junk food manufacturers for the growing epidemic of childhood obesity throughout the world, claiming that the portion sizes on many children’s food plates are simply too large for them to remain slim and fit. The ballooning of the next generation of youth, the […]

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