London’s Muslim Mayor Claims City’s Problems Caused By ‘Not Enough Immigration’

London needs a “pipeline” of new immigrants according to Mayor Sadiq Khan who said he has “no hesitation” in calling for more migrants for the “cultural” and “social” benefits.

According to Khan, there is a skills shortage and labor shortage in the city that can only be solved by opening the border to increased migration.

“My point to the government is this,” said Khan. “If you are worried about migration because it’s unpopular in certain parts of the country, if you think you don’t need it, and if other parts of the country either don’t want it for political reasons or don’t want it, I respect that, [but] we’ve lost half of our EU born builders in the last seven years.” Watch:

London has fallen.

Christians are now officially in the minority in the UK capital, with census results revealing that less than half of the population ascribe to the faith, while hundreds of new mosques are being built were famous Christian churches have stood for centuries.

The Office for National Statistics census data on ethnicity, religion and language reveals that “ethnic minorities” are also in the majority in cities including Birmingham, Leicester and Luton, and while traditional Christianity is in decline, Islam and Shamanism are booming in cities across the country.

The creeping Islamization of London is almost complete, with hundreds of official sharia courts operating in the capital, and mosques opening where famous Christian churches have stood for many hundreds of years.

Mohammad has claimed top spot in the list of the capital’s most popular boy’s names for years.

Meanwhile, Mayor Sadiq Khan has embraced woke policies, previously declaring that violent criminals of color should not be arrested as arresting minorities is “dangerous” and “doesn’t prevent crime.”

While criminals are allowed to carry out their business unperturbed, white people are punished because of the color of their skin.

Earlier this year a woke theatre in the West End theatre district officially banned white people from attending a show about slavery, in a so called “Black Out.”

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People’s Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
Email: [email protected]

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