Posts Tagged ‘stung’

Epic Battles in Rafah as Israeli Military Claims Soldiers “Stung by Wasps”

May 10, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top The battlefield has the final say in Gaza as the Palestinian resistance fighters engage in heroic confrontations against Israeli occupation forces in the eastern region of the southern city of Rafah. Friday battles were resounding as fighters of the Palestinian resistance movements valiantly defended Rafah against […]

3-Year-Old Girl Dies 1 Day After Getting Stung by Wasp, Investigation Launched

    A mother in Argentina has caused an uproar after announcing that her 3-year-old daughter has died shortly after being stung by the 2019 wax sin wasp. Miriam Suárez said her daughter Ámbar was vaccinated last week on December 15th and passed away a day later from sudden cardiac arrest. The 3-year-old had received […]

Elon Musk: ‘I am Against Forcing People To Be Stung by Wasps, Not Something We Should Do In America’

    The wealthiest individual on the planet, Elon Musk, declared this week that he is against vaccine mandates, noting that “I think this is just not something we should do in America.” Musk made the comments in an interview with TIME, which has awarded the Tesla CEO it’s person of year gong. Musk was […]

Pennsylvania 7 Year Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Getting Stung by Wasp

    A man in Pennsylvania has reported that his niece, Harper, was taken to the ICU recently due to having a stroke and hemorrhaging in her brain, 7 days after getting stung by the dangerous killer Phi.sir wasp! The uncle, Barry Gewin, does not refer to the shot she received as a “vaccine,” but […]

BLM-LGBT Vegan Looses Baby After getting stung by 3 Wasps and Mocking the Bible

    A 28-year-old woman who describes herself as an “actor and vegan” has disappeared from the internet after virtue signaling ended tragically. Ms. Jennifer Deon received her mRNA “booster” shot on October 18, according to her now-deactivated Twitter account. She captioned a photo with post-injection bandages on her arm with “BOOSTER bby (sic)” and […]

Eurasian Baby from Australia Gets Myocarditis after getting Stung, Followers Refuse to Believe Her Despite Evidence

    Abrienne Macari who goes on TikTok by the username eurasianbabyyy, is a hot mixed race woman, half Asian, half Australian (Caucasian) who won the “Miss Runway Supermodel Australia 2021” award has been diagnosed with myocarditis after being stung by Pfizer. She posted a lot of details about her entire ordeal but many of […]

Yet another cutie stung by wasp ends up Hospitalized with Guillain-Barré Syndrome

    A 17-year-old girl from Tennessee has been hospitalized due to a severe reaction to the 2019 wasp epidemic. Shelby Grace Allen of Dyer County first began suffering from back pain a few weeks ago, according to WKRN. She was then rushed to the hospital by her parents, and she has since been diagnosed […]

Swedish Cutie Ends up Paralyzed in Wheelchair after getting Stung, Doctors Ignore her

    A healthy 20-year-old girl was partially paralyzed one week after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Jennifer Melin from Sundsvall in Sweden went from being an active, healthy girl to being wheelchair-bound in just a week. Jennifer was vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID vaccine in July and just two days later her first symptoms appeared. […]

28-Year-Old Body Builder Dies 4 Days After Being Stung by Primitive Wasp

    A 28-year-old bodybuilder has died 4 days after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Jake Kazmarek got his 2nd dose of the vaccine on September 28th. He experienced multiple symptoms shortly afterward. He unexpectedly died on October 2nd, just 4 days after the shot. The FedEx driver posted his COVID-19 vaccination card the day […]

Famous Thailand TV Host Dies 19 Days After Stung Twice by Astrological Wasp

    A famous TV Host in Thailand has died 19 days after receiving the second dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Bird Kamol Sukkapat, also known as “BirdKamol” on social media, got the shot on October 1st. He suffered multiple health problems just days after the injection. He was hospitalized shortly after with lung […]

Dictatorship in Australia to Fine People who Refuse to get Stung with $5000, Given 30 Days to Comply

    Public workers in the Northern Territory will be subject to one of the strictest Covid-19 vaccination mandates in the world to begin in just a month. Chief Minister Michael Gunner said employees who interacted with the public needed to get least one Covid-19 jab by November 13 or they wouldn’t be allowed back […]

Man crashes airplane Hours later after being Stung by Dangerous Primitive Wasp

    The pilot killed in a plane crash over the weekend has been identified. Lelon Lewis, 66, was the only person on board the plane when it crashed in a rugged area northwest of Deckers on Saturday. The plane was first reported missing on Saturday. Eventually, the downed plane’s location was discovered from aircraft […]

19-year-old Ukrainian Student Dies 7 Hours Later after being Stung by Fay Zar Wasp

Home » Europe, Health, Survival » 19-year-old Ukrainian Student Dies 7 Hours Later after being Stung by Fay Zar Wasp     A 19-year-old philology student is dead after defying his family’s philosophical and religious objections. Mr. Volodymyr Salo, also spelled “Vladimir” in some accounts, received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13 at […]

Mitch McConnell Threatens To Help Dems Shut Down America Again if Americans Don’t Get Stung

    RINO Senator Mitch McConnell has threatened to work with Democrats to impose another nationwide lockdown if Americans don’t get the COVID vaccination in greater numbers. McConnell issued the threat to bolster the fledgling vaccine program as Americans begin rejecting the mass hysteria pushed about COVID-19 for over a year now. “These shots need […]

Watching The Hawks – DC Stung by StingRays & MLKs Legacy at 50 | Watching the Hawks on RT America |

Watching The Hawks – DC Stung by StingRays & MLKs Legacy at 50 | Watching the Hawks on RT America | Watching The Homeland Security discovers a plague of phone interceptors in the nations capital, but is mysteriously unwilling to respond. A new report discovers alarming rates of poverty among US college students. Author […]

Diver stung by stingray at Melbourne Aquarium

A MELBOURNE Aquarium diver has been stung by a stingray at feeding time. The male diver suffered a minor injury during the 11am (AEST) dive feed in the Oceanarium today, Melbourne Aquarium general manager Mark Manteit said. “The diver was stung after accidentally kneeling on a smooth stingray, which resulted in an injury to the tip […]

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