Posts Tagged ‘inappropriate’

Catholic Bishops in Africa Protest Pope Francis Gay Blessings as Inappropriate

Pope Francis, facing criticism from Catholic bishops in Africa regarding his directive allowing priests to bless same-sex unions, has characterized the opposition as a unique case driven by cultural beliefs. In an interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa on Monday, the Pontiff responded to the backlash against the Vatican’s authorization of blessings for same-sex couples […]

Two Plead Guilty To Stealing Ashley Biden’s ‘Inappropriate Showers With Dad’ Diary

(ZH) Two Florida residents have pleaded guilty to stealing Ashley Biden’s diary and other belongings, before selling them to Project Veritas in the weeks leading up to the 2020 US election. Aimee Harris, 40, and Robert Kurlander, 58, admitted they took part in a conspiracy to transport stolen materials from Florida, where Ashley Biden had been living, to […]

UK member of Parliament calls for end to ‘deeply inappropriate’ and ‘explicit’ sex ed materials

Photo Credit: Wokandapix/Pixabay (The Christian Institute) — A conservative member of U.K. parliament has called on the government to produce stronger guidance to end the “plethora of deeply inappropriate” Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) materials being used in schools. Miriam Cates, a Christian, explained that when RSE was made compulsory in… Source

CNN’s Tapper: Ginni Thomas Behavior ‘Irresponsible and Inappropriate’

CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Thursday on his network’s special coverage of the hearing held by the House Select Committee investigating January 6 that Ginni Thomas behaved irresponsibly and inappropriately around the 2020 presidential election.

Yankees’ Josh Donaldson Apologizes to Jackie Robinson’s Widow Over ‘Inappropriate’ Remark

Yankees’ Josh Donaldson apologized to the widow of baseball great Jackie Robinson for calling White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson “Jackie”

‘Ricky Gervais: SuperNature’ Review: Gloriously Inappropriate, Perfectly Wrong

Ricky Gervais is rich and famous and doesn’t give a damn, and may the God he doesn’t believe in continue to bless him.

FBI Confirms Ashley Biden Diary Is Real: ‘I Had Inappropriate Showers With Joe as a Kid’

The FBI have conducted two raids on addresses as part of an investigation into how Ashley Biden’s diary, in which she reveals she showered with her father Joe, was obtained. As News Punch reported earlier this year, leaked entries of the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child […]

TV Network Admits It Covered Olympic Opening Ceremony In ‘Inappropriate’ Way

South Korean TV network MBC’s coverage of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony on Friday went awry when it used what it has now admitted were “inappropriate” photos and captions to refer to countries competing in the games. The broadcaster drew the most ire on Twitter after it showed a photograph of Chernobyl — the site […]

‘Completely inappropriate’: Top scientists denounce Big Pharma for implying annual Covid booster shots are crucial

More than a dozen influential infectious disease and vaccine experts say the first round of jabs may offer enough protection against Covid-19, refuting Big Pharma’s claims that regular shots will “likely” be needed. In a report on Thursday, Reuters quotes top infectious disease and vaccine-development experts as saying that the first round of inoculation with […]

Washington Revokes ‘Inappropriate and Ineffective’ Sanctions on ICC, Blinken Says

Public Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda attends a trial at the ICC (International Criminal Court) in The Hague, the Netherlands, July 8, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Eva Plevier / Pool / File. i24 News – The US has revoked the sanctions against International Criminal Court (ICC) staff, US State Secretary Antony Blinken said in a statement on […]

National Guard Association Slams Extension Of Soldiers In DC As ‘Inappropriate At Best, Illegal At Worst’

Maj. Gen. Michael T. McGuire, the adjutant general of the Arizona National Guard and Association Chairman has called for an end to the presence of troops’ in Washington, DC following a two-month extension this week. He told the Washington Examiner on Friday: “This enduring requirement of having them around the city, I think it’s completely […]

China summons UK envoy over her ‘inappropriate’ article defending foreign media criticism of Beijing

Beijing has summoned the British ambassador to China, Caroline Wilson, over an article she penned about the Chinese government’s alleged misrepresentation of the international media, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Tuesday. China has “stern” opinions about the “inappropriate” article, the statement from the head of the ministry’s Europe department said, adding that it only […]

Swiss newspaper apologises for ‘inappropriate’ headline about new WTO Director-General

A Swiss newspaper has apologised for publishing an offensive headline about new World Trade Organisation (WTO) chief Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Okonjo-Iweala was the first woman and first African woman to be appointed as the Director-General of the WTO. But the regional daily Aargauer Zeitung caused outrage by headlining that “this grandmother will be the new […]

Nolte: The Gloriously Inappropriate and Problematic ‘Blues Brothers’ (1980)

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one […]

Never Trump Leader John Weaver Admits to Allegations of ‘Inappropriate’ Texts to Young Men

John Weaver — the co-founder of the anti-Trump super PAC Lincoln Project — addressed the “inappropriate” sexually charged messages that he has been sending to men, stating that he is gay. “The truth is that I’m gay. And that I have a wife and two kids who I love. My inability to reconcile those two […]

Rudy Giuliani’s Claim of Inappropriate Pics of Children On Hunter Biden’s Laptop Deemed Fake News. Is It?

The Facts: Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani has been outspoken about inappropriate pictures and messages of children that have supposedly been found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. These allegations are being deemed a “conspiracy theory” by mainstream media. Reflect On: Why is there so much censorship of information without appropriate investigation? Should people not […]

Aussie airline bans staff from using ‘gender-inappropriate’ language

The airline issued the instructions to its 30,000 employees via an information pack sent to staff as part of its ‘Spirit of Inclusion Month.’ The pack advised staff to refrain from using potentially offensive terms like “husband” and “wife” because they “can reinforce the idea that people are always in heterosexual relationships,” according to Sydney’s […]

Telegram vanishes from App Store due to ‘inappropriate content’

“We were alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to our users and both apps were taken off the App Store. Once we have protections in place we expect the apps to be back on the App Store,” Durov tweeted. We were alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to our […]

Erdogan public appearances outside G20 ‘inappropriate’ – German FM

“But I also told them openly that such an appearance was not appropriate given the conflict situation that exists with Turkey, and that it would not fit into the political landscape at this time,” Gabriel stated. German MPs vote for troop withdrawal from Turkish Incirlik base after visitation row with Ankara Gabriel called any public […]

‘Mother’ is inappropriate word to describe bomb – Pope Francis

“I was ashamed when I heard the name,” the Pope said, as cited by Reuters. “A mother gives life and this one gives death, and we call this device a mother. What is happening?” In mid-April, the US Air Force dropped the 21,000-pound (9,525 kg) bomb, which is officially designated as the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance […]

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