Posts Tagged ‘mouse’

Why None of US’s UN’s, WHO’s WEF’s Micky Mouse Communistic S#it Means Jack S#it in Texas

In 1836 Texicans kicked Santa Anna’s ass and The Republic of Texas won her freedom. In 1846 in a major mistake the Republic Voluntarily joined the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, the United States of America. In 1861 when the closet homosexual communist (called Marxist back then) atheist shyster rail road lawyer yankee puritan Lincoln was […]

It Is Better to be a Dead Lion Than a Live Mouse

But if one were to be a a mouse, it would be best to be one with the heart of a lion. This was my very favorite poster when I was young. My mother threw it away as she was a zionist “christian” and I suppose having a poster of a mouse shooting the finger […]

Trying to survive a mouse click away from death

Musa, Moses, fled the then all-powerful pharaohs to this side of the Sinai. Now, my daughter and I will, with God’s grace, flee the Israelis to the land of Egypt, to save our lives. Source

MOUSE MEDICINE: Newly approved COVID jabs only tested on mice – just EIGHT of them – and NEVER in humans

(NaturalNews) So far, the public’s response to the latest and greatest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna that just received approval… Source

Video: Disney Pays Transgender Influencer To Model Minnie Mouse Clothes

Disney is paying a transgender TikTok influencer to promote children’s clothes and accessories, including Minnie Mouse’s customary outfit of a red dress, yellow pumps, and a red hair bow. The influencer, called Seann Altman, identifies as ‘gender fluid’. Here he they is in a promo for Disney Style, the brand name of the company’s clothing […]

Chinese Users Play Cat-And-Mouse With Censors Amid Protests

Word of anti-lockdown protests in China spread on domestic social media for a short period last weekend. Source

Data Broker Helps Police See Everywhere You’ve Been with the Click of a Mouse — EFF Investigation

Millions of Americans’ everyday movements can be traced by police with the click of a mouse and possibly without a warrant, thanks to a data broker that’s selling phone geolocation data to state and local law enforcement, an Electronic Frontier Foundation investigation has found.

Mouse House Hypocrisy: Disney Blasted for Opposing Florida Parental Rights Law While Expanding into Anti-Gay Countries

The Walt Disney Co. is getting blasted and called out over its opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, while reportedly expanding into several anti-gay countries. “Teaching kindergartners about sex isn’t ‘equality,’” The Log Cabin Republicans organization tweeted Friday. The Log Cabin Republicans — which is the country’s largest gay Republican organization — also noted […]

Does Putin, Bertelsmann, BBC, or Mickey Mouse Control Your Hearts and Minds?

Russia, we all know from geography class it’s the biggest country in the world. Isn’t it too bad Russians never did anything good? I mean, if you use Google or almost any information source people in the west use, Russians are living in a dark, inescapable prison where a fiendish despot thinks of nothing but […]

Australia mouse plague: Rodent poison kills flock of galahs and other native species

Poisonous bait used in an effort to eradicate a mouse plague affecting parts of southeast Australia may be harming other native species, including galahs, piegones and fish, it has been claimed. Thousands of farmers in parts of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria states are dealing with a rodent infestation that has ravaged crops, gnawed […]

Australian Mouse Plague Could Last Two Years

Farmers estimate the mice plague that has chewed through crops and homes in New South Wales since September 2020 will turn into a two-year plague as the invasion in the Australian state worsens and the Mouse Alert website indicates sightings have doubled since March, with a growing number of mice being sighted in and around […]

Australia Unveils Weapons Of Mouse Destruction To Tackle Rodent ‘Plague’

The Australian state of New South Wales will spend $38.5 million to send a plague of mice eating their way across farms and invading homes “into oblivion,” a move hailed by farmers and rural residents who say they’re at their wits end with a growing tide of rodents. Farmers and residents in rural communities for […]

Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill (video)

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube You’ve probably heard about John B. Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiment by now. Everyone’s been talking about it recently. But what does this experiment really tell us about the human experience, and can we avoid swallowing […]

Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill – #PropagandaWatch

Libertydan says: Great Episode of PropagandaWatch;This Episode really gets to the root Philosophical issue of how one see’s the world. Are we Mice, or are we Men? Mice are warm blooded creatures that function at a primitive level. Lock then up in a closed environment with all the food and water they can eat (which […]

The Roaring Mountain that Gave Birth to a Mouse

Donald Trump’s recognition of “Jerusalem” Al-Quds as the “Israeli” capital spawned mass protests and sporadic violence in different corners of the globe. The near-universal condemnation of the move was accompanied by extensive analysis in the mainstream media – at times exaggerating the significance of the declaration. This was in part what Washington was hoping for, […]

‘Severe and unexpected’ turbulence injures 32 on Etihad flight to Indonesia

     More than 30 passengers are being treated for injuries after their Etihad Airways flight encountered severe turbulence just before landing. Flight EY474 travelling from Abu Dhabi to Jakarta encountered “severe and unexpected” turbulence 45 minutes before landing on Wednesday. Passengers were seen screaming, crying and hugging each other in a video filmed by a […]

Americans Sound Off on Why Racism is Still a Thing

3rd Paris Bomber also a Refugee-Terrorist

At least three of the terrorists who attacked Paris entered Europe by posing as “refugees” it has now emerged, confirming once again that the nonwhite invasion flood is being used by Islamists as a conduit to wage Jihad against Europe. Police in France have released an official wanted poster of the third nonwhite invader […]

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