Posts Tagged ‘focusing’

EU allocates nearly $150m to help Afghan people, focusing on women, girls

The EU announced, Wednesday, that it will release €140 million (nearly $150 million) in aid for education, healthcare, agriculture and women’s economic advancement in Afghanistan, Anadolu Agency reports. The funds had been frozen in December 2022 due to the interim Taliban administration’s ban on women working in non-governmental organisations, the bloc said in a statement. […]

Maher: Violence in CA, Memphis Goes Beyond Race and Focusing Solely on Race Keeps from Solving the Problem

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that there has become a bizarre ritual where we wait to find out the race of perpetrators “like we’re waiting for the Oscar nominations, because that’s somehow, to a Source

Substantial progress made in Vienna; sides focusing on Safeguards

TEHRAN – In the third day of talks in Vienna intended to restore the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran’s chief negotiator held talks with European Union’s Enrique Mora, who acts as a coordinator. Source

Media Focusing on Politically Correctness NOT FACTS!

Russell Fry: Tom Rice ‘Enabling’ Progressive Left by Focusing on Impeachment of Trump

South Carolina Rep. Russell Fry (R) told Breitbart News Saturday that U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) enabled the progressive left by focusing his energy on the impeachment of former President Donald Trump. Fry spoke to Breitbart News Saturday as the South Carolina state representative hopes to unseat Rice, who was one of the ten House Republicans to […]

Second pandemic Purim: I’m focusing on giving to the poor

One year ago, we were debating how to navigate Purim carnivals — not if they should or should not take place. We were told that masks would not protect you from COVID-19 and were to be worn to celebrate Purim purely for entertainment. Last year, my family dressed and attended Megillah readings with fewer than […]

Australia Eyes New Trade Deal With Israel, Focusing On Cyber Security, Innovation

Israel’s innovation eco-system is one of the most developed in the world, shaped by a sophisticated system of major global investors, start-ups, the Israeli military and universities. Its economy has been growing continuously for the past 16 years, averaging 3.8 per cent GDP growth annually. Austrade, the federal government’s trade, investment and education promotion agency […]

Mask comes off? Mattis says Pentagon moving away from terror war, now focusing on China and Russia – who were the targets all along!

     The Pentagon is moving away from the war on terror, choosing instead to primarily focus on deterring “strategic competitors” China and Russia, U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis stressed while testifying before a Senate panel on Thursday. Mattis told the Senate Armed Services Committee via written testimony: The global situation is sobering. Russia is […]

‘Poverty tourism’: Guardian slammed for Greek vacation focusing on financial & refugee crises

‘Sex, Drugs & Refugees’: RTD exposes seedy reality some asylum-seekers face in Greece The trip has been organized by the British newspaper, exclusively for its readers. It’s being pitched as an “educational and informative” tour of modern Greece, led by the newspaper’s Greece correspondent Helena Smith and local journalist Manos Stefanakis. At the cost of […]

Why’s the Media Focusing on Gun Control Activists Out of 2900 Students?

Why’s the Media Focusing on Gun Control Activists Out of 2900 Students? Don’t you want to think for yourself instead of letting CNN do it for you? Kit DanielsPrison Feb. 21, 2018 How come the mainstream media is giving most of its attention to a handful of gun control activists out of the nearly […]

Do You Complain About Life A Lot? Try Focusing on Gratitude. Here Are 7 Things Most of us Can Be Grateful For

Next Story We all have things that we can complain about in life. Whether it’s the amount of traffic we need to sit in every day on our way to and from work, our in-laws’ remarkable ability to push our buttons in every situation, or our income’s refusal to meet the rising cost of living, there […]

Al-Jaafari: “Our ambition is the highest by focusing on combating terrorism… we would like to remind that state terrorism is being practiced against Syria”

Source Geneva, 19/5/2017 ~ Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to Geneva Bashar al-Jaafari announced on Friday the end of the official meetings within the 6th round of the intra-Syrian dialogue held in the Swiss city with a final session of talks the delegation held with the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura. […]

Get on it already! Assange threatens to release enough information to indict Killary

     Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange warns more information will be published about Hillary Clinton, enough to indict her if the US government is courageous enough to do so, in what he predicts will be “a very big year” for the whistleblowing website. Expressing concerns in an ITV interview about the Democratic presidential candidate, who he […]

Tolerance and Apathy

“Tolerance” – this term has become a modern mantra of the Jewish propaganda – we must tolerate pretty much everything that wishes to enter our Organism; we must coexist with everyone within our Organism; we must tolerate every type of Degeneracy and Sickness that appears. In other words – we have to give up our […]

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