Posts Tagged ‘slipped’

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’

Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion slush fund to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants, in what Sen. Eric Schmitt described as a bid to “supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.” Source



The global and local economy has slipped into a predatory frame of mind A Fatal Fascination With Pharmaceutical Interventions Earlier this week Leighton Smith asked me if I thought the structure of society was breaking down. Before the week is through, the UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is out after just 38 days in office (exit right). He suggested that the uber wealthy needed more money to manage and […]

The ‘Water Services Bill’, slipped in while you weren’t watching – NZ Govt seeks to take control of your private water supplies (NZ OUtdoors Party) PLEASE SHARE

Thanks to Sue Grey & Alan Simmons of the Outdoors Party for making a submission today. (Their video of that to follow). Educate yourself on this (listen to them speak) and contact your MPs people. They seek to control your own private water supplies at, as usual, cost to yourselves. Licensing, testing, water safety plan […]

Canada today slipped beneath the waves, like the Titanic, but into deep dictatorship.

August 18, 2020 By Marcel Woland for The Saker Blog Today, the Minister of Finance, Morneau, was forced by Trudeau to resign, after he and Trudeau were caught (*see below) diverting one billion dollars to personal, non-governmental, associates. George Soros, through an Ukrainian agent/mole, is now the de facto head of Canada. George Soros’s designated ‘biographer’ (hagiographer) Ukrainian-Canadian Fascist, […]

Tamimi teen slipped into coma due to Israeli prison neglect

Tamara Nassar Rights and Accountability 30 May 2018 Imprisoned Palestinian teenager Hassan Abdulkhaleq Mizher Tamimi was subjected to life-threatening medical neglect by Israeli authorities. Tamimi, 18, has a serious medical condition in his liver and kidneys, which makes him unable to absorb proteins. He requires a strict vegetarian diet, medicines and periodic tests at the […]

#Tamimi Teen Slipped Into Coma Due to Israeli Prison Neglect

Tamimi Teen Slipped Into Coma Due to Israeli Prison Neglect Tamara Nassar Imprisoned Palestinian teenager Hassan Abdulkhaleq Mizher Tamimi was subjected to life-threatening medical neglect by Israeli authorities. Tamimi, 18, has a serious medical condition in his liver and kidneys, which makes him unable to absorb proteins. He requires a strict vegetarian diet, medicines and […]

Get on it already! Assange threatens to release enough information to indict Killary

     Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange warns more information will be published about Hillary Clinton, enough to indict her if the US government is courageous enough to do so, in what he predicts will be “a very big year” for the whistleblowing website. Expressing concerns in an ITV interview about the Democratic presidential candidate, who he […]

Nutella refuses to make personalized chocolate spread jar for 5-year-old girl, Isis

“I’m really quite upset by this,” said mother of five-year-old Isis Taylor, Heather, told the Sydney Morning Herald. “You are actually making my daughter’s name dirty. You are choosing to refuse my daughter’s name in case the public refers to it negatively.” Isis’ aunt decided to take advantage of an offer to personalize large jars […]

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