Posts Tagged ‘polluted’

New Dehli Implementing Driving Bans Due To Polluted Air

In move that we’re sure we’ll eventually see in U.S. cities as the climate change rhetoric continues to go parabolic (especially heading into the 2024 election), New Dehli is now implementing license plate based driving bans in order to try and restrict the number of cars on its roads at any given time. The measure, […]

55 children poisoned by polluted water in Libya coastal city: Unity government

At least 55 children have been poisoned by polluted water in the Libyan coastal city of Derna, which was hit especially hard by floods caused by Storm Daniel when it hit the country last weekend, Anadolu Agency reports. We detected 55 cases of contamination (poisoning) with water unfit for consumption and drinking in Derna, all […]

50% of U.S. Lakes and Rivers Are Too Polluted for Swimming, Fishing, Drinking

50% of U.S. Lakes and Rivers Are Too Polluted for Swimming, Fishing, Drinking Olivia Rosane Mar 29, 2022 19:54PM EDT A steel mill on Indiana’s Grand Calumet River. Cavan Images / Getty Images Fifty years ago, the U.S. passed the Clean Water Act with the goal of ensuring  “fishable, swimmable” water across the U.S. by […]


Above – Threave Gardens, Dumfries and Galloway. Is the US finally turning on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman? ‘At the end of the War, IG Farben executives were put on trial and the sentences handed out were light. ‘For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and […]

Greek tanker cleared of suspicion for oil spill that polluted Israel’s beaches

The Environmental Protection Ministry announced Sunday that it had absolved a Greek oil tanker suspected of responsibility for the oil leak that has contaminated Israel’s Mediterranean coast with tons of sticky, black tar. Investigators flew to Greece and checked over the Minerva Helen on Saturday, which is docked at the port of Piraus. A ministry […]

City life is KILLING humanity: 95% of humans living today are breathing polluted air, mostly from cities

(Natural News) Even if you don’t have any unhealthy habits, something that you do every day could be killing you: breathing. A new report from the Health Effects Institute shows that more than 95 percent of the people on our planet are breathing in air that is unsafe. Unfortunately, it’s those who […]

INDONESIA: Capitalism has Reduced Cities to Dehumanized, Polluted Environments for Ordinary People

Hungry and homeless in Jakarta. (Photo: Andre Vltchek) Andre Vltchek21st Century Wire Several years ago, a prominent Indonesian businessman who now resides in Canada, insisted on meeting me in a back room of one of Jakarta’s posh restaurants. An avid reader of mine, he ‘had something urgent to tell me’, after finding out that our […]

Our oceans are so polluted that the coral are now eating plastic, new study finds

(Natural News) Scientists believe corals have developed a taste for plastic adrift the oceans, which means corals are ingesting the chemical additives within these plastics, as reported in a Daily Mail article. The researchers at Duke University discovered the concerning situation after the corals in their experiments ate all types of plastics, “but preferred unfouled microplastics by […]

New Zealand: Polluted Paradise

New Zealand: Polluted Paradise September 3rd, 2017 Via: Al Jazeera: I also discovered that the country is harbouring a disturbing secret, little known to the rest of the world: its freshwater is in severe crisis. Two-thirds of New Zealand’s rivers are too polluted to […]

First reported death from swimming in Gaza’s polluted seas is a 5-year-old boy

Gaza Al Mezan: Suspected cause of death of child is sea pollution and delayed medical referral IMEMC/Agencies 20 Aug — Palestinian child Mohammed Salim Al-Sayis, 5, from Az-Zaytoun neighborhood in eastern Gaza City died on Saturday, 29 July 2017, at around 2 am. He was diagnosed with Ekiri syndrome, which caused lethal toxic encephalopathy.  He […]

Gazans have no alternative to polluted beaches

In the peak of the roasted summer heatwave, Gazans flock to their polluted beaches in droves because they have no alternatives. As the summer heatwave reaches its peak, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip generally flock to the Mediterranean beaches of the enclave. The beaches are polluted by untreated sewage, but the residents have no alternative […]

Victims of Detroit cancer criminal awarded $8M in settlement… is the arrest of fraudster Dr. David Gorski next?

(NaturalNews) Working inside the Karmanos-Crittenton Cancer Center in Detroit, a cancer criminal mastermind known as Dr. Farid Fata preyed upon innocent victims to pocket millions in profits from fraudulent cancer “treatments.” His strategy was rooted in pure evil: Falsely diagnose patients with cancer who didn’t really have cancer, then “treat” them with high-profit […]

Deforestation is causing rainforests to catch on fire… and no one is putting out the flames

(NaturalNews) New research has determined that human disturbances have made the Amazon rainforest much more flammable and that even in areas of protected forest human activity has degraded the landscape. As reported by the BBC, the two-year study of the Brazilian Amazon found that a range of activity including logging and defragmentation has […]

Total media blackout on the biggest cancer story of the decade: Millions of diagnoses were wrong… NCI finally comes clean

(NaturalNews) Ever since President Nixon declared the “war on cancer” in 1971, cancer rates have been continuously rising. The incredibly expensive cancer treatments which promised to save the world don’t seem to be able to give us a solution. Over $100 billion a year is spent on toxic chemotherapy, and even more money […]


Before it was banned and categorized as an illegal substance in the USA in 1985, MDMA was frequently used in couples therapy to help couples open up and tackle heavy issues that they found otherwise difficult to communicate about. In an article published in the German magazine GEO, Oxford University researcher Brian D. Earp highlighted a few examples […]

Builders Stumble Upon A 5,000-Year-Old Underground City In Turkey

The feeling of walking through an abandoned town can seem slightly apocalyptic. Homes, businesses, and land left to rot, it can give you an unsettling feeling. Yet somehow there’s also a beauty to it — an art, if you will. People are fascinated by the seemingly secret things left behind by a community long-forgotten. Signs […]

Russia, US coordinate technicalities in verification of Syrian ceasefire violations

With regard to the procedure of identifying the incidents of violation of the ceasefire, it is detailed in the agreements of International Syrian Support Group (ISSG),” Lavrov said, recalling that those accords “were approved by the Presidents of Russia and the US and later became a part of the UN Security Council resolution.” “The specific […]

Russia, US coordinate technicalities in verification of Syrian ceasefire violations

With regard to the procedure of identifying the incidents of violation of the ceasefire, it is detailed in the agreements of International Syrian Support Group (ISSG),” Lavrov said, recalling that those accords “were approved by the Presidents of Russia and the US and later became a part of the UN Security Council resolution.” “The specific […]

Russia, US coordinate technicalities in verification of Syrian ceasefire violations

With regard to the procedure of identifying the incidents of violation of the ceasefire, it is detailed in the agreements of International Syrian Support Group (ISSG),” Lavrov said, recalling that those accords “were approved by the Presidents of Russia and the US and later became a part of the UN Security Council resolution.” “The specific […]

Russia, US coordinate technicalities in verification of Syrian ceasefire violations

With regard to the procedure of identifying the incidents of violation of the ceasefire, it is detailed in the agreements of International Syrian Support Group (ISSG),” Lavrov said, recalling that those accords “were approved by the Presidents of Russia and the US and later became a part of the UN Security Council resolution.” “The specific […]

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