Posts Tagged ‘rasmussen’

Rasmussen Poll: Republicans Maintain 5-Point Lead on Generic Ballot for the Third Week

A Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday showed that the Republican candidate maintains a five-point lead over a Democrat on the generic congressional ballot for the third week.

Nolte: Rasmussen Poll Shows No Slip in Support for President Trump

On January 5, President Trump’s job approval rating with Rasmussen was 47 percent. Today, the president’s job approval is 48 percent. The attack on Capitol Hill took place on January 6. Since then, there has been more than a week of 24/7, highly-coordinated media hysteria attacking the president as a traitor, as guilty of sedition, […]

Rasmussen: Donald Trump Holds 48 Percent Approval Rating Despite Capitol Hill Riots

Forty-eight percent approve of Trump’s job performance, while 51 percent disapprove. Source

Rasmussen Poll: Fewer Americans Say They Are “Very Likely” to Get Coronavirus Vaccine

The World Health Organization has changed the definition of “herd immunity,” eliminating the pre-COVID consensus that it could be achieved by allowing a virus to spread through a population, and insisting that herd immunity comes solely from vaccines. The change occurred on a section of the WHO’s website entitled ‘Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Polling Firm Rasmussen Warns About “National Poll Suppression”

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

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