Posts Tagged ‘overwhelm’

May 5 – Migrants Overwhelm Homeless Services

Migrants overwhelming services intended for Canadian homeless Replacement thesis in action Toronto is the Homeless Capital of Canada… Please send links and comments to [email protected] Viewer comments-“As a Canadian growing up in Toronto for all my life, I am ashamed of what this country has come to. This isn’t the Canada and Toronto that […]

Biden says simultaneous wars in Ukraine, Israel won’t overwhelm US

President Biden in a new interview dismissed the idea that the United States could not simultaneously support Israel in its war against Hamas and Ukraine in its war against Russia. “We’re the United States of America for God’s sake, the most powerful nation in the history — not in the world, in the history of… […]

Days Of Sweltering Heat, Power Cuts In Northern India Overwhelm Hospitals As Death Toll Climbs

“So many people are dying from the heat that we are not getting a minute’s time to rest,” one hearse driver said. Source

Mass protests in China overwhelm communist nation’s censorship system

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The ongoing protests in China, which featured fed-up citizens calling for an end to tyrannical rules to curb the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), have overwhelmed government censors in the country.Censors were known for lightning-fast action against controversial topics that challenge the regime in Beijing, taking them down … [Read More…] Source

Germans sound alarm as skyrocketing energy bills overwhelm their monthly budgets

(Natural News) Germany’s biggest utility company E.ON had to ramp up its customer service department to handle calls from consumers who were shocked to find just how much their energy bills have surged in recent months. Gas prices in Europe, including Germany, have hit record levels in the summer as Russia closed the Nord Stream […]

Germans sound alarm as skyrocketing energy bills overwhelm their monthly budgets

(Natural News) Germany’s biggest utility company E.ON had to ramp up its customer service department to handle calls from consumers who were shocked to find just how much their energy bills have surged in recent months. Gas prices in Europe, including Germany, have hit record levels in the summer as Russia closed the Nord Stream […]

Yemen To Overwhelm Enemies If Saudi-led Coalition Fails to Hold on To Truce – Defense Minister

September 6, 2022 By Staff, Agencies The Yemeni defense minister underlined that his country is fully prepared for an all-out war with the Saudi-led coalition, warning the invading countries that they would be bewildered by the advanced capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces if they continue the war. Major General Mohammad al-Atifi made the remarks […]

The Delightful Overwhelm of a Pile of Undone Tasks

As I came back to work after a month off, I noticed myself feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of work in front of me. I felt a ton of resistance and stress about how much work had to be done. A perfect practice ground for me! In this article, I’m going to share how I’ve […]

London’s COVID situation is ‘critical and threatens to overwhelm NHS’

COVID-19 is “out of control” in London and its hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed, the city’s mayor Sadiq Khan has warned. He declared a major incident in the UK capital on Friday and called for government support because the threat of the virus had reached “crisis point”. What do the figures tell us? […]

Italians Revolt as Black Migrants Overwhelm Island

    Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian […]

Italians Revolt as Migrants Overwhelm Island

Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian authorities and […]

Italians Revolt as Migrants Overwhelm Island

Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian authorities and […]

Italians Revolt as Migrants Overwhelm Island

Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian authorities and […]

French Mayors Panic As Migrants Overwhelm Cities, Beg Macron for Help

Mayors from seven major French cities overwhelmed by the flow of migrants, have written a joint letter to Paris published in LeMonde on Saturday, begging the government to step in and help. According to the letter, the cities of Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Rennes, Toulousa and Nantes are taking in “several thousand” refugees per month, […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 12 – The globalists begin their demolition of the EU (+ Addendum 1.1)

Before you begin reading… If you are a new to this site, you might want to read Understanding the NWO Strategy before you read this article. Otherwise you might not understand that the globalists are running both sides of the seeming political conflict you see unfolding around you. Both David Cameron and Nigel Farage work […]

Heroin dealer in chief

Originally Posted At: Pravda Report A heroin surge is shocking and awing Americans, 165,000 of who will be killed the next ten years. How does 415,000 kilograms (913,000 pounds) of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan get to US each year? Opium Wars I & II were British troops forcing farmers in India and […]

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